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After Proudly Celebrating Women, Alibaba Faces Reckoning Over Harassment

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-02 11:21

        At an employee dinner, women were told to rank the attractiveness of the men at the table. During a team-building exercise, a woman was pressured to straddle her male co-worker in front of colleagues. Top executives traded lewd comments about male virility at company events and online.        在一次员工晚宴上,女性被告知要对餐桌上男性的吸引力进行排名。在一次团建活动中,一名女性被迫在同事面前跨坐在男同事身上。在公司活动上以及在网络上,高管们交换了关于男性阳刚之气的下流评论。
        The e-commerce giant Alibaba, one of China’s most globalized internet companies, has often celebrated the number of women in its senior ranks. In 2018, the company’s billionaire co-founder, Jack Ma, told a conference in Geneva that one secret to Alibaba’s success was that 49 percent of employees were women.        电子商务巨头阿里巴巴是中国全球化程度最高的互联网公司之一,它经常颂扬其高层中的女性人数。2018年,该公司的亿万富翁联合创始人马云在日内瓦的一次会议上表示,阿里巴巴成功的秘诀之一是女性员工占比49%。
        But that message of female empowerment is now being called into question after an Alibaba employee accused her boss of raping her after an alcohol-fueled business dinner. The woman, who has been identified by the police and her lawyers only by her surname, Zhou, said bosses and human resources had shrugged off her complaints. She eventually resorted to screaming about the assault in a company cafeteria last month.        但是,这种赋予女性权力的信息现在受到了质疑。一名阿里巴巴员工指责她的领导在一次喝酒的商务饭局后强奸她。警方和她的律师称她为周女士。周女士说,领导和人力资源部门对她的投诉置之不理。在上个月,她最终诉诸于在公司食堂大声高喊这一侵犯事件。
        “An Ali male executive raped a female subordinate, and no one in the company has pursued this,” Ms. Zhou yelled, according to a video that was posted on the internet.        根据网上发布的一段视频,周女士喊道:“阿里男高管,强奸女下属,公司无人问管。”
        Ms. Zhou’s case has caused an uproar within the company and across China’s tech establishment. Alibaba fired the man accused of rape, said it would establish an anti-sexual-harassment policy and declared itself “staunchly opposed to the ugly forced drinking culture.” Yet former Alibaba employees say the problems run much deeper than the company has acknowledged.        周女士的案件在公司内部和中国科技企业中引起轩然大波。阿里巴巴解雇了这名被控强奸的男子,表示将制定反性骚扰政策,并宣称自己“旗帜鲜明地反对丑陋的酒桌文化”。然而,前阿里巴巴员工表示,问题比该公司承认的要严重得多。
        Interviews with nine former employees suggest that casual sexism is common at Alibaba. They describe a work environment in which women are made to feel embarrassed and belittled during team-building and other activities that the company has incorporated in its culture, a striking departure from the image of inclusion Alibaba has tried to project.        对九名前员工的采访表明,随意的性别歧视在阿里巴巴很常见。在他们描述的工作环境中,公司将团建和其他活动融入其文化,在这些活动中,女性感到尴尬和被贬低,这与阿里巴巴试图塑造的包容性形象大相径庭。
        The police investigation into Ms. Zhou’s case is continuing. Alibaba appears to be trying to keep a lid on discussions of the matter. The company recently fired 10 employees for leaking information about the episode, according to two people familiar with the matter. Most former employees who spoke with The New York Times asked to remain anonymous because they feared retaliation.        警方对周女士案件的调查仍在继续。阿里巴巴似乎试图限制对此事的讨论。据两名知情人士透露,该公司最近解雇了10名员工,因为他们泄露了有关该事件的信息。大多数与《纽约时报》交谈的前雇员都要求匿名,因为他们担心遭到报复。
        In a statement to The Times, Alibaba said fostering a safe and supportive workplace was its top priority.        在给《纽约时报》的一份声明中,阿里巴巴表示,营造一个安全和支持性的工作场所是其首要任务。
        “When we have fallen short, we believe in taking responsibility and holding ourselves accountable,” the statement said.        声明说:“当我们没有做到时,我们会承担责任并追责。”
        Alibaba made immediate changes to the way it handles workplace culture and misconduct matters after Ms. Zhou’s case came to light, the statement said. Upon examining its policies and reporting processes, the company found “certain areas that did not meet our standards,” the statement said.        声明称,在周女士的案件曝光后,阿里巴巴立即改变了处理职场文化和不当行为问题的方式。声明称,在对公司政策和报告流程进行审查后,公司发现“某些领域不符合我们的标准”。
        The statement did not address any of the specific allegations made by the former employees who spoke to The Times.        该声明并未提及与《纽约时报》交谈的前雇员提出的任何具体指控。
        Many Alibaba departments use games and other ice-breaking activities to make co-workers feel at ease with one another. Kiki Qian joined the company in 2017. Her team welcomed her with a game of charades. When she lost, she said, she was punished by being made to “fly the plane,” as her co-workers called it. The stunt involved straddling a male colleague as he sat in an office chair. The colleague then lay back in the chair, causing Ms. Qian to fall on top of him, face first.        阿里巴巴的许多部门都通过游戏等破冰活动让同事们彼此熟悉。琪琪·钱(Kiki Qian,音)于2017年加入公司。她的团队欢迎她的方式是进行一个猜谜游戏。她说,当她输了比赛时,她会受到惩罚,即同事口中的“开飞机”。这个动作要求她跨坐在办公椅上的一位男同事身上。然后,同事往后躺在椅子上,导致钱女士倒在他身上,脸最先触碰到对方。
        “I realized while carrying out the punishment that it could be a little perverted,” Ms. Qian, 28, said in a telephone interview.        28岁的钱女士在接受电话采访时说:“做这个惩罚我才知道就有点变态。”
        On a separate occasion, Ms. Qian said, she saw a woman burst into tears after being pressured to jump into the arms of a male colleague during a team game.        钱女士说,还有一次,她看到一名女性在团建游戏中被迫跳入一名男同事的怀抱后眼泪夺眶而出。
        Other former Alibaba employees said ice-breaking rituals included uncomfortable questions about their sexual histories. One former employee said she and other women at a team dinner had been asked to rank their male colleagues by attractiveness. Another said she had felt humiliated during a game in which employees were required to touch each other on the shoulders, back and thighs.        阿里巴巴其他前员工说,破冰仪式包括就他们的性生活史问一些尴尬的问题。一位前员工说,在团队晚宴上,她和其他女性被要求按魅力程度给男同事排名。另一位员工说,在一场比赛中,员工们被要求互相触摸肩膀、后背和大腿,她觉得受到了羞辱。
        After Ms. Qian told her boss that she would no longer participate in such activities, it became clear to her that she would never advance at Alibaba, she said. In 2018, she quit.        琪琪·钱说,在告诉老板她不会再参加此类活动后,她意识到自己今后在阿里巴巴永远不会获得晋升。2018年,她辞职了。
        None of the women who spoke to The Times thought of complaining to human resources about their ice-breaking experiences. They said they were skeptical that their complaints would be taken seriously.        接受《纽约时报》采访的女性当中,没有人想过向人力资源部门抱怨自己的破冰经历。她们说,她们怀疑自己的投诉是否会被认真对待。
        “There was no way you could complain about this; this was a tradition at Ali,” Ms. Qian said. “If you complain, people will think you’re the one with the problem.”        “这没有办法投诉的,因为这是阿里的传统,”琪琪·钱说。“你投诉人家只会觉得是你的问题。”
        Ever since its early years as a small start-up, Alibaba has tried to cultivate a work environment of genial familiarity. Employees refer to one another using company nicknames. Managers show concern for workers’ personal and family lives.        阿里巴巴从小型创业公司起家,从那时起就一直在努力营造一种家庭般亲切的工作环境。员工之间用公司里的昵称互相称呼。管理者关心员工的个人和家庭生活。
        But as the company has grown into a behemoth with more than a quarter-million employees, customs that might once have seemed playful seem less innocent now. In striving for closeness and camaraderie, Alibaba has allowed crude, sexualized talk to crop up in professional and sometimes highly visible settings.        但随着公司发展成为一个拥有逾25万名员工的庞然大物,曾经看似好玩的惯例现在似乎不那么单纯了。为了追求亲密和友情,阿里巴巴允许在专业的、有时甚至是非常瞩目的场合出现粗俗的、带有性意味的话。
        Mr. Ma, the co-founder, has set the tone. Every year on May 10, dozens of Alibaba employees and their spouses or partners participate in a mock group wedding ceremony at the company’s “Ali Day” celebration. At the 2018 event, Mr. Ma joked onstage about how Alibaba’s grueling work hours affected employees’ sex lives.        公司联合创始人马云以身示范。每年5月10日,阿里巴巴的数十名员工及其配偶或伴侣都会在公司的“阿里日”庆典上参加模拟集体婚礼。在2018年的活动中,马云在台上开玩笑说,阿里巴巴繁重的工作时间影响了员工们的性生活。
        “I heard it was seven times a day for some people before joining Alibaba, but not even once in seven days after,” he said. “This is a big problem.”        “我听说,加入阿里巴巴之前一天七次,回来以后七天一次都没有。”他说。“这个问题就大了。”
        Mr. Ma went further with the riff at the next year’s ceremony.        在第二年的颁奖典礼上,马云更进一步。
        “At work, we emphasize the 996 spirit,” he said, referring to the practice, common at Chinese internet companies, of working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week.        “工作上我们强调‘996’的精神,”他说。“996”指的是中国互联网公司普遍存在的一种做法,即每周工作六天,从早9点工作到晚9点。
        “In life, we need 669,” Mr. Ma said. “Six days, six times.” The Mandarin word for “nine” sounds the same as the word for “long-lasting.” The crowd hooted and clapped.        “生活上我们要‘669’,”马先生说。“六天,六次。关键要久。”——中文里“九”的发音和“持久”的发音相同。人群欢呼鼓掌。
        Alibaba shared the remarks, with a winking emoji, on its official account on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform. Wang Shuai, the company’s public relations chief, wrote on Weibo that Mr. Ma’s comments had reminded him of how good it was to be young. His post included vulgar references to his anatomy.        阿里巴巴在其中国社交媒体平台微博的官方帐号上分享了这句话,还配上了一个挤眼的表情。该公司市场公关委员会主席王帅在微博上写道,马云的评论提醒他年轻有多好。他的帖子里粗俗地提到了自己的身体。
        Alibaba also gives employees a handbook of morale-boosting “Alibaba slang.” Several entries are laced with sexual innuendo. One urges employees to be “fierce and able to last a long time.”        阿里巴巴还向员工发放了一本鼓舞士气的“阿里巴巴用语”手册。有几个词条含有性暗示。其中一条鼓励员工要“又猛又持久”。
        Feng Yuan, a prominent feminist in China, said the kind of behavior described at Alibaba could create the conditions under which bullying and harassment were quietly tolerated and promoted.        中国知名女权主义者冯媛表示,被描述发生在阿里巴巴的这些行为,可能会创造一种条件,让霸凌和骚扰得到默许和推广。
        “In companies where men dominate, hierarchical power structures and toxic masculinity become strengthened over time,” Ms. Feng said. “They become hotbeds for sexual harassment and violence.”        “当男性占主导地位的企业里面,久而久之,就是造成等级,强化等级权力结构,有毒的男性气质,”冯媛说。“(它们就)成为暴力和骚扰的温床。”
        Last month, Ms. Zhou shared her rape accusation on Alibaba’s internal website. According to her account of the events, her boss told a male client who was also at the alcohol-fueled business dinner, “Look how good I am to you; I brought you a beauty,” referring to Ms. Zhou.        上个月,周女士在阿里巴巴的内部网站上分享了她对强奸的指控。根据她的描述,她的上司对一位男性客户说,“你看我多好,给你们‘送’了一个美女来!”他指的是周女士。
        Boozy meals have long been widespread in corporate China, where it can be seen as offensive to refuse to drink with a superior. Three days after Ms. Zhou reported the assault to Alibaba, her boss still had not been fired, she wrote in her account. She was told that this was out of consideration for her reputation.        酒宴在中国企业界一直很普遍,拒绝与上级喝酒会被视为冒犯。周女士在自己的帐号中写道,在向公司投诉侵犯事件三天后,她的上司仍然没有被解雇。她被告知,这么做是考虑到她的名声。
        “This ridiculous logic,” she wrote. “Just who are they protecting?”        “这样啼笑皆非的逻辑背后,”她写道,“到底是为了保护谁?”

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