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Alibaba Manager Accused of Rape Is Released, Adding to China’s #MeToo Debate

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-07 05:45

        The police in China released a former Alibaba manager who had been accused of rape by a co-worker after prosecutors declined to charge him, deepening debate about an episode that has shaken the Chinese technology industry and prompted a reckoning for the fledgling #MeToo movement in the country.        在检方拒绝提出指控后,中国警方释放了一名被其同事指控强奸的前阿里巴巴经理加深了有关这一事件的争议。此前该事件震惊了中国科技行业,并促使人们对该国刚刚兴起的“#我也是”(#MeToo)运动展开反思。
        In a statement issued late Monday, the authorities in the eastern Chinese city of Jinan said that the behavior of the manager — referred to by his surname Wang — did not constitute a crime and that his arrest had not been approved. He was released after 15 days of detention.        在周一晚间发布的一份声明中,中国东部城市济南的有关部门表示,这位王姓经理的行为不构成犯罪,对他的逮捕也没有得到批准。他在被拘留15天后得到释放。
        Last month, a female employee at Alibaba said that Mr. Wang had assaulted and raped her during a July business trip after what she has called a “drunken night” entertaining colleagues. When the woman, whose last name is Zhou, reported the case to Alibaba, she said she received no recourse.        上个月,阿里巴巴的一名女员工称,在7月的一次商务旅行中,王先生在招待客户和“给她灌酒”后侵犯并强奸了她。这位姓周的女子说,她向阿里巴巴举报后没有得到任何处理。
        She resorted to shouting about the assault in a company cafeteria last month. “An Ali male executive raped a female subordinate, and no one in the company has pursued this,” Ms. Zhou said, according to a video posted on the internet.
        Eventually, Ms. Zhou posted an essay about the alleged assault on the internet.         最终,周女士在网上发布了一篇关于她所称的性侵事件的文章。
        The details were widely shared on Chinese social media and became the latest in a string of #MeToo episodes in a country where the movement has struggled to gain traction.        相关细节在中国社交媒体上被广泛分享,并成为“#我也是”运动在该国一系列事件中的最新一起,这项运动一直难以在中国得到发展。
        The account raised an uproar within Alibaba, a company that has long publicly celebrated the importance of its female staff, with employees saying that it was symptomatic of deeper problems, including rampant casual sexism.        她的讲述在阿里巴巴内部引起轩然大波,这家企业长期以来一直公开强调女性员工的重要性,员工们表示,这起事件是集团更深层问题的表现,包括猖獗、随意的性别歧视。
        Responding to the memo, Alibaba’s top management fired Mr. Wang and said in a memo to employees that the company would expedite the formation of anti-sexual harassment policies and a dedicated channel for workers to report misconduct. Two senior managers resigned for failing to respond appropriately after the woman’s report.         针对这篇文章,阿里巴巴最高管理层解雇了王先生,并在给员工的一份备忘录中表示,公司将加快制定反性骚扰政策,并为员工提供举报不当行为的专用渠道。两名高级管理人员因未能在周女士举报后做出适当回应而辞职。
        “Alibaba Group has a zero-tolerance policy against sexual misconduct, and ensuring a safe workplace for all our employees is Alibaba’s top priority,” a company spokesperson wrote in a statement on Tuesday. In a separate statement on Chinese social media, it said, “We always believe in the power of justice and in good will.”        一位公司发言人在周二的一份声明中写道:“集团对不当性行为零容忍,确保全体员工拥有安全的工作环境是集团的最高优先级政策。”在另外一则发布在中国社交媒体上的声明中,该公司表示,“我们始终相信正义的力量,始终相信善意。”
        The authorities had been investigating Mr. Wang in connection with the crime of “forcible indecency,” which can include sexual assault but stops short of rape. When the prosecutor ruled that Mr. Wang’s actions did not constitute a crime, he was released after an administrative penalty for the crime of indecency.        警方一直在以“强制猥亵罪”为由调查王先生,其中可能包括性侵,但不包括强奸。检方裁定王先生的行为不构成犯罪后,他因猥亵罪受到行政处罚而后被释放。
        The police had arrested another man who was at the dinner as a client of Alibaba’s on suspicion of “forcible indecency.” He was also accused by Ms. Zhou of sexual assault.        警方还以涉嫌“强制猥亵”为由逮捕了另一名以阿里巴巴客户身份出席酒席的男子。他也被周女士指控性侵。
        While plaintiffs can file civil cases, China’s court system typically offers them little recourse when it comes to workplace sexual assault and harassment. From 2010 to 2017, about as many civil suits came from those accused of misdeeds, alleging defamation, as from accusers.        虽然原告可以提起民事诉讼,但当涉及到工作场所的性侵和性骚扰时,中国的法律系统通常很少为他们提供支持。从2010年到2017年,由原告提起的民事诉讼,和由那些被控行为不端,并称自己遭到诽谤的被告提起的数量相差不多。
        The decision by the prosecutors generated mixed reactions online. “This man can start a training course: how to implement a noncriminal forcible indecency,” wrote one user sarcastically in a widely shared response.        检方的决定在网上引起了不同的反应。“这男的可以开培训班了:如何实施一次不犯罪的强制猥亵,”一名用户在一条被热转的回复中讽刺地写道。
        A supporter of Mr. Wang’s argued back: “It’s good to act in accordance with the law, please don’t judge the case by public opinion.”        支持王先生的一位网民反驳道:“依法办事挺好的,求求大家别舆论断案了。”
        Mr. Wang’s wife said on her verified account on the social media platform Weibo that he was released Tuesday morning. She thanked the courts for their “fair handling of the case” and the “majority of enthusiastic netizens for their understanding, encouragement and support.”        王先生的妻子在社交媒体平台微博的认证帐号上说,他于周二上午获释。她感谢法院对案件的“公正处理”以及“广大热心网友的理解、鼓励和支持”。
        While the #MeToo movement has lodged some small victories since it first emerged in China in 2018, women say the odds are still stacked against them in a country that tightly limits dissent and activism, and in which the top echelon of political leaders are almost exclusively male. Women say it can be almost impossible to file police complaints because they lack video evidence, which the authorities often require.        虽然“#我也是”运动自2018年在中国首次出现以来取得了一些小胜利,但很多女性表示,在一个严格限制异议和行动主义、政治领导人最高层几乎都是男性的国家,女性的胜算仍然很小。女性们表示,向警方投诉几乎是不可能的,因为她们没有当局经常要求的视频作为证据。
        The Alibaba episode has fueled an increasingly vocal campaign against abuse and sexism in China. This summer, the police detained the popular Canadian Chinese singer Kris Wu on suspicion of rape after an 18-year-old university student in Beijing accused him of pressuring young women into having sex. Mr. Wu, who has been the most prominent figure to face #MeToo allegations, has denied the allegations.        阿里巴巴事件促进了一场在中国越来越公开的反虐待和性别歧视运动。今年夏天,在北京一名18岁大学生指控歌手吴亦凡逼迫年轻女性和他发生关系后,警方以涉嫌强奸罪拘留了他。吴亦凡是面临“#我也是”指控的人物中最知名的一个,他对这些指控表示否认。
        The episode at Alibaba has also brought more attention to questions of equity in the male-dominated Chinese tech industry, which many female employees say has long objectified women and blamed victims. Three years ago, when a student at the University of Minnesota alleged that the billionaire founder of JD.com, Richard Liu, raped her after an alcohol-fueled dinner, many in the tech industry took his side, calling her a gold digger, among other misogynistic slurs. Mr. Liu denied her accusation, and the police in Minnesota dropped their investigation.        阿里巴巴事件也让人们更加关注由男性主导的中国科技行业中的公平问题,许多女性员工表示,该行业长期以来一直物化女性,并归罪于受害者。三年前,当明尼苏达大学的一名学生指控京东亿万富翁创始人刘强东在一次酒席后强奸了她时,科技行业的许多人站在了刘强东的一边,称她为拜金女,并对她使用了其它厌女的诋毁。刘强东否认了她的指控,而明尼苏达州警方已经放弃对该案的调查。
        Within Alibaba, large numbers of employees have rallied around the accusations to push back against what they say is a sexist workplace culture. In a letter to management last month signed by more than 6,000 Alibaba workers, employees urged the company to forbid sexual remarks and games in orientation events.        在阿里巴巴内部,大量员工因该指控凝聚起来,反击他们所说的带性别歧视的职场文化。上个月,在由6000多名阿里员工签名的一封致管理层的信中,员工们敦促该集团禁止在破冰活动中出现带性意味的言论和游戏。
        Yet, Alibaba’s internal response has not always been so supportive. On internal company message boards, some employees cast doubts on Ms. Zhou’s account after the police declined to investigate her rape accusations. Alibaba also recently fired 10 employees for leaking information about the episode, according to two people familiar with the matter.        但阿里巴巴内部回应并非一直如此支持。在内部公司留言板上,在警方拒绝调查其强奸指控后,一些员工对周女士的说法表示质疑。据两名知情人士,阿里巴巴近期还因对外泄露关于该事件的信息解雇了10名员工。
        When Ms. Zhou asked three days after she reported the assault why her boss had not been fired, she was told it was out of consideration for her reputation.        周女士举报性侵事件三天后,当她询问为何上司没有遭到解雇时,她被告知是为了她的名声考虑。
        “This ridiculous logic,” she wrote. “Just who are they protecting?”        “这样啼笑皆非的逻辑背后,”她写道,“到底是为了保护谁?”

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