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Two Scientific Journals Retract Articles Involving Chinese DNA Research

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-10 01:58

        Two respected scientific journals have retracted two articles that relied on the DNA samples of Uyghurs in western China after questions were raised about whether the subjects had provided their full consent.        两家有极高声誉的科学期刊撤回了两篇基于中国西部维吾尔人DNA样本的论文,此前外界对被试者是否表示过充分的知情同意提出疑问。
        The two studies were published in 2019 by the International Journal of Legal Medicine and Human Genetics, both owned by the academic publisher Springer Nature. They listed numerous authors, including Li Caixia, chief forensic scientist at China’s Ministry of Public Security. The International Journal of Legal Medicine issued its retraction on Tuesday, and Human Genetics released its statement on Aug. 30.        这两项研究于2019年由学术出版商施普林格·自然出版集团(Springer Nature)旗下的《国际法律医学》(International Journal of Legal Medicine)和《人类遗传学》(Human Genetics)发表。这些研究的作者名单上有许多人,包括中国公安部首席司法鉴定科学家李彩霞。《国际法律医学杂志》周二发表了撤回声明,《人类遗传学》(Human Genetics)杂志于8月30日发表了声明。
        Both studies were at the center of a 2019 article by The New York Times that described how Chinese researchers had analyzed DNA samples from hundreds of Uyghurs for a process called DNA phenotyping, which attempts to recreate a person’s features, including face and height, by relying solely on DNA samples.        这两项研究都是《纽约时报》2019年一篇文章的核心,这篇文章描述了中国研究人员如何对数以百计的维吾尔人DNA样本进行分析,以进行所谓DNA表型分析的过程,该过程试图仅使用DNA样本来再现一个人的面貌特征,包括面部和身高。
        Retractions are rare in the academic world. Scientists say the withdrawal of the articles points to broader failures in consent procedures and the need for extra scrutiny involving vulnerable groups such as oppressed minorities. The Uyghurs, a mostly Muslim minority who live in the Xinjiang region, have been subject to mass incarceration in internment camps and live under heavy surveillance.        撤稿在学术界是罕见的。科学家们表示,文章的撤回表明知情同意程序存在更广泛的失败,需要对弱势群体被试者——如受压迫的少数民族——的知情同意进行额外审查。维吾尔人是居住在新疆地区的穆斯林少数民族,他们在拘禁营中遭到大规模监禁,并受到严密监视。
        For years, several scientists have argued that it would be impossible to verify that members of the minority group had willingly given blood samples for research, especially when officials from the Chinese police were involved. Many Uyghurs told The Times that they had been called up en masse to give blood samples to the government under the guise of a free health check. They said they had no choice but to comply.        多年来,有多名科学家一直认为,少数民族成员是否愿意提供血液样本用于研究这一点是无法证实的,尤其是当中国公安官员参与其中时。许多维吾尔人告诉《纽约时报》,他们被集体召集以健康检查的名义向政府提供血液样本。他们说自己别无选择,只能依从。
        Both the International Journal of Legal Medicine and Human Genetics said there had been concerns over “ethics and consent procedures” after the articles were published.        《国际法律医学》和《人类遗传学》都表示,文章发表后,人们对“伦理和知情同意程序”表示担忧。
        In similarly worded language, the journals said they had “requested supporting documentation from the authors, including the application form submitted to the ethics committee and evidence of ethics approval.”        这些期刊用类似的措辞表示他们“要求作者提供支持文件,包括提交给伦理委员会的申请表和伦理批准的证据”。
        “The documents supplied by the authors contain insufficient information related to the scope of the study for us to remain confident that the protocols complied with our editorial policies or are in line with international ethical standards,” the journals wrote.        期刊写道:“作者提供的文件包含的与研究范围相关的信息不足,我们无法确信这些程序符合我们的编辑政策或符合国际伦理标准。”
        The notes published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine and Human Genetics said Dr. Li, the scientist at China’s Ministry of Public Security, disputed the retractions on behalf of the other authors. None of the authors responded to The Times for comment.        发表在《国际法律医学》与《人类遗传学》上的说明称,中国公安部的科学家李彩霞代表其他作者对撤稿提出异议。没有作者回复《纽约时报》的置评请求。
        Yves Moreau, a professor of engineering at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium who has spearheaded a yearslong campaign for the retraction of articles relying on Uyghur DNA, said he had contacted five academic journals to have such papers withdrawn. Four of them have been retracted so far, which Professor Moreau described as “just scratching the surface.”        几年来,比利时鲁汶天主教大学(Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium)工程学教授伊夫·莫罗(Yves Moreau)领导了撤回基于维吾尔人DNA的论文的运动,他说他已联系五家学术期刊撤回此类论文。到目前为止,其中四篇已被撤回,莫罗称这“只是冰山一角”。
        He previously analyzed 529 studies from China that involved genetic research and found that, among those published between 2011 and 2018, about half had a co-author who was from the police, military or judiciary.        他此前分析了来自中国的529项涉及基因的研究,发现在2011年至2018年期间发表的研究中,约有一半的论文的合著者来自公安、军队或司法机构。
        “These lines are very clear,” Professor Moreau said. “You can’t say: ‘I didn’t know, I didn’t realize and I have no influence.’”        “这些边界非常清晰,”莫罗说。“你不能说:‘我不知道,我没有意识到,我没有左右他们。’”
        In 2018, Dr. Li told Nature, the scientific journal, that the studies had been approved by the Institute of Forensic Science and that “all individuals provided written informed consent.”        2018年,李彩霞告诉科学杂志《自然》,这些研究已获得公安部物证鉴定中心的批准,并且“所有个人都提供了书面知情同意书”。
        “We are ordinary forensic scientists who carry out forensic research following the scientific research ethics norms,” she wrote.        她写道:“我们是普通的司法鉴定科学家,遵循科学研究伦理规范开展司法鉴定研究。”
        In May 2020, the U.S. government put Dr. Li’s Institute of Forensic Science on a blacklist that restricts its access to U.S. technology. The United States said the institute was “complicit in human rights violations and abuses committed in China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, forced labor and high-technology surveillance” against Muslim minorities in Xinjiang.        2020年5月,美国政府将李彩霞的物证鉴定中心列入黑名单,限制其获取美国技术。美国表示,该研究机构是“中国在对新疆穆斯林少数民族的镇压、大规模任意拘留、强迫劳动和高科技监视活动中侵犯和践踏人权的同谋”。
        Springer Nature previously retracted a 2019 article that looked at the DNA samples of China’s male ethnic minorities, including Uyghurs. Three of the authors belonged to the criminal department of the police in Karamay, a city in Xinjiang. In 2019, the U.S. government had put the Karamay police, along with other police departments, on a blacklist for rights abuses in the region.        施普林格·自然此前撤回了2019年一篇关于中国男性少数民族DNA样本的文章,其中包括维吾尔人。其中三名作者隶属于新疆克拉玛依市公安局刑事部门。2019年,美国政府将克拉玛依公安局和其他警察部门列入该地区侵犯人权的黑名单。
        According to that note, also published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine, the article had been retracted by one of the authors over ethics concerns. “The corresponding author informed the publisher that contrary to the ethics statement in the article, the study was undertaken without the approval of their institutional ethics committee,” it said.        根据同样发表在《国际法律医学》上的说明,该文章已被其中一位作者因伦理问题撤回。说明写道:“通讯作者告知出版商,与文章中的伦理声明相反,该研究是在未经其机构伦理委员会批准的情况下进行的。”

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