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Latest Threat to Hong Kong’s National Security: Chocolates in Prison

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-16 10:49

        HONG KONG — As Hong Kong’s crackdown on dissent has intensified over the past year, the authorities have singled out myriad acts and items that they say could threaten national security. Mass protests. Informal elections. Chanting slogans.        香港——随着香港在过去一年里加大打击异见人士的力度,当局已将各种各样的行为和物品列上了他们认为能威胁国家安全的清单:大规模抗议、非正式选举、喊口号。
        Add to that list: chocolate.        巧克力也上了这个清单。
        The city’s top security official, Chris Tang, said last week that some people in Hong Kong prisons were accumulating chocolates and hair clips — items allowed in limited numbers — to “build power” and “solicit followers,” with the possible goal of undermining the government.        香港最高安全官员邓炳强上周说,香港的监狱中有些人正在囤积巧克力和发夹——这些东西监狱允许的数量有限——以“建立影响力”、“招揽追随者”,目的可能是削弱政府。
        “Many people may find it strange — they just have a few more hair clips, one more piece of chocolate, what’s the problem?” he told reporters. Then he continued, “They make other people in jail feel their influence, and from there feel even more hate for the Hong Kong and central governments, and from there endanger national security.”        “很多人可能会觉得奇怪,他/她只是多个发夹,多一粒朱古力没什么大问题,”他对记者说。然后继续补充,这些物品“令在监狱内的人受他影响,再从而更加憎恨香港政府和中央政府,从而危害国家安全”。
        Mr. Tang did not specify whom he was accusing. His comments prompted incredulity from several prisoners’ rights advocates, one of whom called them “incomprehensible.” But his remarks came amid a push by officials to cut off Hong Kong’s growing numbers of imprisoned pro-democracy activists from the groundswell of public support they have inspired.        邓炳强没有具体说明他指控的是谁。他的话令几名囚犯权利倡导者诧异,其中一位表示,这种话让人“百思不得其解”。但邓炳强发表上述言论之际,香港官员正努力切断越来越多被关押的民主活动人士与他们所激发的公众支持之间的联系。
        Since Beijing imposed a wide-ranging national security law on the Chinese territory in July 2020, more than 120 people have been arrested, many denied bail before trial. Thousands more have been arrested in connection to mass pro-democracy protests in 2019.        自从北京2020年7月对香港实施涉及范围广泛的国家安全法以来,已有120多人被逮捕,许多人在庭审前被拒绝保释。另有数千人因2019年的大规模民主抗议活动而被捕。
        In response, a network of volunteers quickly emerged to support detainees. One group, the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, provided legal services and bail funds. Another, Wallfare, offered jailed protesters pen pals and supplies.        作为回应,一个为被捕的人提供支持的志愿者网络迅速出现。其中一个组织是提供法律服务和保释金的“612人道支援基金”。另一个叫“石墙花”的组织为被监禁的抗议者配对笔友、提供用品。
        But in August, the 612 fund announced that it was disbanding, and this month, the police announced that they were investigating the organization for potential national security violations. On Tuesday, Wallfare said that it, too, was shutting down; a founder said the group “really just couldn’t go on anymore.”        但在今年8月,612基金宣布解散。香港警方本月宣布,他们正在调查该组织可能违反国家安全的行为。本周二,石墙花宣布也将解散;该组织一名创始人说他们“真的撑不住了”。
        The pressure on the jailed protesters and their supporters is emblematic of a broader, rapidly spreading chill on Hong Kong’s civil society. The government has wielded the vaguely worded security law to suggest that even expressions of sympathy for antigovernment figures may be illegal. Dozens of pro-democracy groups, including churches and the city’s largest teachers’ union, have shut down in recent months.        被监禁的抗议者和支持他们的人所承受的压力,象征着香港公民社会正在遭受一股迅速扩散的更广泛寒流。政府利用措辞模糊的国安法,暗示就连对反政府人士表示同情也可能属于非法行为。近几个月来,包括教会和香港最大的教师工会在内的数十个民主团体已经解散。
        On Wednesday, a judge sentenced 12 people, including several former lawmakers, for organizing or participating in a banned vigil last year for victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Some got suspended sentences, and others six to 10 months in prison.        周三,一名法官对12人进行了宣判,其中包括几名前立法会议员,罪名是他们去年组织或参加了一场被禁止的守夜活动,那是为1989年天安门广场大屠杀的罹难者举行的。一些人被判缓刑,其他人被判处六到10个月监禁。
        The scrutiny has extended to prisoners and their supporters. The Hong Kong authorities have also fined several people for gathering near prisoner transport vans to show support to detained activists as they are shuttled from courthouses to prisons. The crowds have been accused of violating social distancing restrictions.        严格审查已扩大到囚犯和他们的支持者。香港当局还对一些人处以罚款,原因是他们聚集在押送囚犯的车辆附近,在囚犯从法院送回监狱时向被捕的活动人士表示支持。罚款的理由是聚集者违反了保持社交距离的限令。
        The comments by Mr. Tang, Hong Kong’s top security official, came after the city’s corrections department announced this month that it had conducted a surprise search at a women’s prison. The search found that six women had “prohibited articles,” officials said. Local news media reported that one of the women was a prominent pro-democracy activist. Aspects of the report were later confirmed by Woo Ying-ming, the head of the corrections department, in an interview with The South China Morning Post.        邓炳强是香港的最高安全官员。在他发表上述言论之前,香港惩教署本月宣布对一所女子监狱进行了突击搜查。官员们说,搜查发现有六名女子“藏有违禁品”。当地新闻媒体报道说,其中一名女子是著名的民主活动人士。该报道的部分内容后来在惩教署署长胡英明接受《南华早报》采访时得到了证实。
        Prison officials had “received intelligence in recent days” that some people there had “attempted to build up forces and incited others to participate,” according to a department news release. It did not release further information.        据惩教署发的新闻稿,监狱官员“近日接获情报显示,个别还押在囚人士企图在院所内建立势力,并积极联络其他还押在囚人士参与”。该署未公布更多的信息。
        Mr. Tang later mentioned the hair clips and chocolates. At an unrelated news conference, he said those items were part of the tactics some prisoners and their allies were using to undermine national security. Others, he said, included the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund’s practice of sending letters to detained protesters, urging them to “continue fighting.” Still others, he added, used their identities — as clergy or local politicians, for example — as excuses to visit prisoners and then help them disseminate information.        邓炳强之后提到了发夹和巧克力。在一个与此事无关的记者会上,邓炳强说,这些物品是一些囚犯及其盟友破坏国家安全做法的一部分。他说,其他做法包括,612人道支援基金给被拘留的抗议者写信,鼓励他们“继续战斗”。他还说,还有一些人利用自己的身份——比如牧师或地方政客——为借口去探望囚犯,然后帮助囚犯传递信息。
        His comments have since been echoed by other officials.        其他官员后来重复了他的这些说法。
        In his interview with The South China Morning Post, Mr. Woo said guards had been given the task of producing daily reports on certain “influential figures” within the prison system. “This is how groups begin, like terrorist groups recruiting followers,” Mr. Woo said of the support some of the detainees have, adding that the influence was “subliminal.”        胡英明在接受《南华早报》采访时说,狱警有对监狱系统内某些“有影响力的人物”做每日汇报的任务。“组织工作就是这样开始的,与恐怖组织招募追随者一样,”胡英明在谈到一些被拘留者得到的支持时说。他还说,这种影响是“潜意识的”。
        Shiu Ka-chun, a former opposition lawmaker and Wallfare’s founder, called Mr. Tang’s comments “incomprehensible,” saying that his group was performing “humanitarian work.” But in a sign of the pressures facing civil society, the comments also quickly inspired wariness. Mr. Shiu, in an interview with local news media, also said the group would immediately discuss how to prevent any misunderstandings with the authorities.        前反对派议员、石墙花创始人邵家臻说,邓炳强的言论让人“百思不得其解”,他说,他的组织做的是“人道工作”。但作为公民社会面临压力的一个迹象,邓炳强的话很快也引起了人们的警惕。邵家臻在接受当地新闻媒体采访时还说,石墙花很快会讨论如何防止与当局发生误会的问题。
        By Tuesday, Wallfare had announced its disbanding.        到周二,石墙花宣布解散。
        After the announcement, some Hong Kong residents pledged to continue the group’s work, albeit on a smaller scale.        这一消息宣布后,一些香港居民承诺继续该组织的工作,尽管规模会较小。
        Kenneth Cheung, a pro-democracy district councilor — a low-level elected official who oversees neighborhood work — said he had visited detained protesters several times a month. He said he would continue to do so, adding that after he posted about Wallfare’s closure on Facebook, several constituents had reached out about donating crackers or beef jerky for him to take to prison.        支持民主的区议会议员张锦雄说,他每月数次探视被拘留的抗议者。他说他将继续这样做,他还表示他在Facebook上发布了石墙花解散的消息后,几位选民已与他联系捐赠饼干或牛肉干让他带去监狱。
        But he acknowledged that he would most likely be limited to taking small gifts to individuals, while Wallfare had been able to use its platform to advocate better conditions for prisoner. He emphasized that he had no plans to start a replacement organization of any kind.        但他承认自己能做的恐怕相当有限,只是把小物品送给一些个人而已,石墙花曾经能够利用其平台来倡导改善囚犯的条件。张锦雄强调,他没有成立任何形式的替代组织的计划。
        “Of course having an organization and a platform is the best,” he said. “But right now, we all know, under the government’s pressure, they have no way to keep going.”        “当然有组织,有一个平台是最好的,”他说。“但是现在都理解,在这个政府各种的打压下面……他们都没办法运作下去了。”
        At a news conference about Wallfare’s decision, Mr. Shiu said that he had not been personally contacted by government officials, but that “something had happened” on Sunday that led the group to vote unanimously to shut down.        在有关石墙花决定的记者会上,邵家臻说,政府官员没有与他本人联系过,但周日“有些事发生了”,导致该组织员工一致投票决定结束。
        “Under comprehensive governance, every group in civil society will bear a lot of different pressures,” Mr. Shiu said, referring to the central government’s term for its rule over Hong Kong. “Even existing may be a crime. Maybe standing here today is a crime.”        “在香港全面管治下,公民社会每一个团体都会承受很多不同压力,”邵家臻说。他指的是中央政府对香港的统治。“可能它的存在已经是一个罪名,可能今天仍站在这里已经是一个罪名。”
        When asked how those detained would get support in the future, he paused, then choked up. “Tears are really our most universal language,” he said.        当被问及这些被拘留者今后将如何获得支持时,他停顿片刻,然后落下了眼泪。“眼泪真的是我们的最大共同语言,”他说。

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