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Biden expresses confidence in Milley amid questions about his calls to China.

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-16 11:29

        WASHINGTON — The senior-most U.S. military officer did not bypass his civilian leaders when he called his Chinese counterpart in October and January, his office said on Wednesday after the release of excerpts from a new book that alleges that the conversations centered on concerns about President Donald J. Trump.
        华盛顿——美国最高级别军官的办公室周三表示,他在去年10月和今年1月致电中方时并没有绕开他的非军方领导层。此前,一本新书发布的摘录声称,这些通话的中心是对唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)总统的担忧。
        “Peril,” by the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, says that Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, secretly called China twice to offer reassurances that Mr. Trump had no plans to start a war with the country as part of an effort to remain in power.
        《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)记者鲍勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)和罗伯特·科斯塔(Robert Costa)合著的《危险》(Peril)一书中写道,参谋长联席会议主席马克·A·米利(Mark A. Milley)上将两次秘密致电中国,向他们保证特朗普没有为了继续掌权而与该国开战的计划。
        General Milley’s spokesman, Col. Dave Butler, said in a statement that “all calls from the chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency,” a reference to the government’s national security bureaucracy.
        米利的发言人戴夫·巴特勒(Dave Butler)上校在一份声明中说:“主席给对方的所有电话,包括那些被报道的,都配备了工作人员,并与国防部和跨部门机构进行了协调、沟通。”跨部门机构是指政府的国家安全体系。
        “General Milley continues to act and advise within his authority in the lawful tradition of civilian control of the military and his oath to the Constitution,” the statement said.
        The general’s “calls with the Chinese and others in October and January,” Colonel Butler said, “were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability.”
        The colonel did not address the specifics of the conversations, which, according to the book, also included assurances that the United States was not collapsing.
        “Things may look unsteady,” he told Gen. Li Zuocheng of China on Jan. 8, two days after Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of his election loss, in the second of two calls. “But that’s the nature of democracy, General Li. We are 100 percent steady. Everything’s fine. But democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”
        Despite those assurances, the book asserts that General Milley was so concerned about Mr. Trump that he convened a meeting with top commanders later that day to remind them of the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon and that he needed to be involved in such decisions.
        The Pentagon press secretary, John F. Kirby, said on Wednesday that there was nothing wrong with the request, saying it was “completely appropriate for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as the senior military adviser to the president, to want to see the protocols reviewed.” He added that “I see nothing in what I’ve read that would cause any concern.”
        五角大楼新闻秘书约翰·F·柯比(John F. Kirby)周三表示,这一要求没有任何问题,他说,“作为总统高级军事顾问的参谋长联席会议主席,他希望看到协议得到审查,这完全没有问题。”他还表示:“在我所读到的内容中,我没有看到任何会引起担忧的东西。”
        President Biden said on Wednesday that he had “great confidence in General Milley.”
        “The president has complete confidence in his leadership, his patriotism and his fidelity to our Constitution,” Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said during a briefing on Wednesday.
        白宫新闻秘书珍·萨基(Jen Psaki)在周三的简报会上说:“总统对他的领导能力、他的爱国精神以及他对宪法的忠诚完全有信心。”
        But some Republicans took to Twitter to express their anger.
        “I will be declining this invite to dine with Attempted Coup Leader & Renowned Critical Race Theorist Mark Milley,” Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida wrote, posting an image of an invitation from the National Defense University to a reception next month where the general is the featured speaker. The general is unlikely to have personally extended the invite; he took Mr. Gaetz to task during a congressional hearing in June, after the lawmaker criticized military institutions for teaching about systemic racism.
        佛罗里达州众议员马特·盖茨(Matt Gaetz)写道:“我将拒绝与‘政变未遂的领袖’、‘著名的批判种族理论家’马克·米利共进晚餐的邀请。”并贴出一张来自国防大学(National Defense University)下月的招待会邀请函,将军是特邀演讲者。这一邀请不太可能是由将军亲自发出;盖茨曾批评军事机构教授系统性种族主义,此后,米利在6月的国会听证会上批评了这位国会议员。
        Instead of demurring, as military leaders often do during congressional hearings, General Milley retorted that he had read Mao, Marx and Lenin and that “doesn’t make me a communist.”
        During the tumultuous last months of his presidency, Mr. Trump made clear in a series of meetings that he was not averse to using the military to help him remain in power, officials said. But even then, the Pentagon sought to avoid the impression that military leaders would go around their civilian counterparts.
        Similar to other news reports and books released since Mr. Trump left office, “Peril” describes how his presidency essentially collapsed in its final months, particularly after his election loss and the start of his campaign to deny its results. Top aides — including General Milley, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Attorney General William P. Barr — became convinced that they needed to take drastic measures to stop Mr. Trump from trampling on democracy or setting off an international conflict. General Milley thought that the president had declined mentally after the election, according to the book.
        与其他在特朗普卸任后发表的新闻报道和书籍类似,《危险》描述了他的总统任期在最后几个月基本崩溃的过程,尤其是在他败选、开始拒绝接受选举结果的宣传之后。包括米利、国防部长马克·T·埃斯珀(Mark T. Esper)和司法部长威廉·P·巴尔(William P. Barr)在内的高级助手确信,他们需要采取严厉措施来阻止特朗普践踏民主或引发国际冲突。根据这本书,米利认为总统在选举后精神状态有所下降。
        A senior Pentagon official said that Mr. Esper, in the weeks before he was unceremoniously fired by Mr. Trump, also made calls of reassurance to foreign counterparts worried about the president.

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