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International students begin to return to U.S. universities after a Covid hiatus.

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-25 10:21

        After a precipitous drop in international student enrollment in 2020, the number of American student visas granted to international students has recovered to levels preceding the coronavirus pandemic.        经历了2020年国际学生入学人数急剧下降,现在美国向国际学生发放的学生签证数量已经恢复到新冠大流行之前的水平。
        This year, American consulates approved almost 117,000 F-1 student visas in May and June, about 90 percent of figures in 2019, according to U.S. State Department data. Among them, 57,000 Chinese students, who make up a large proportion of the international cohort, received F-1 student visas in May and June, a slight increase from 2019.        根据美国国务院的数据,今年5月和6月,美国领事馆批准了近11.7万份F-1学生签证,约为2019年数字的90%。其中,5月和6月获得F-1学生签证的中国学生有5.7万名,占国际学生的很大比例,较2019年略有增加。
        Last year, the number of international students in the United States on F-1 and M-1 visas fell by 20 percent to 1.25 million, while the number of new students dropped by 72 percent. Some students had opted to take classes remotely while others deferred their education in the United States because of coronavirus restrictions, including the suspension of in-person lessons.        去年,美国持有F-1和M-1签证的国际学生人数下降了20%至125万人,而新生人数下降了72%。一些学生选择远程上课,而另一些学生由于新冠疫情限制(包括暂停当面授课)推迟来美念书。
        The issue of visas for Chinese students has emerged as a point of contention in already strained ties between China and the United States. Travel between the countries has been largely frozen by visa controls imposed because of Covid-19 as well as geopolitical tensions.        中国学生的签证问题成为本就紧张的中美关系中的争论焦点。由于新冠疫情和地缘政治紧张局势而实施的签证控制,两国之间的旅行也基本上被冻结。
        About 500 Chinese postgraduates with offers to study STEM subjects were denied student visas this year, China Daily, a state news outlet, reported in July. Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing, condemned the visa rejections and called on President Biden to end restrictions imposed by the Trump administration on researchers and scholars suspected of having Chinese military ties.        据中国官方媒体《中国日报》7月报道,今年约有500名申请学习STEM学科的中国研究生被拒签。中国外交部发言人赵立坚谴责了美国的拒签行为,并呼吁拜登总统结束特朗普政府对涉嫌与中国军方有关的研究人员和学者施加的限制。
        Campus closures last year stranded about 400,000 Chinese students studying in the United States, including 26,000 in primary and secondary schools. Many desperately tried to secure a passage home when almost all flights to and from the country were canceled.        去年,校园关闭导致约40万名中国学生滞留美国,其中包括2.6万名中小学学生。几乎所有往返中国的航班都被取消,许多人拼命寻找回家的办法。
        It remains unclear how the Delta variant will affect international student enrollment. Data of visa approvals in July, one of the busiest months ahead of the fall semester, has yet to be released.        目前尚不清楚德尔塔变种对国际学生入学有何影响。今年7月的签证批准数据尚未公布,这是秋季学期前最繁忙的月份之一。

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