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【经济】新能源汽车产业开年势头盛 消费动能强劲  NEV sales revel in revved-up beginning to year   2022-04-07 15:25
  Leading Chinese electric vehicle startups have seen strong car deliveries in March despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, showcasing the consumption momentum in new energy vehicles (NEVs)-including EVs-and local consumers' enthusiasm for environmentally friendly vehicles.

【文化】关于宠物 古人居然有这么多“独到”见解!     2022-04-07 08:30
  1. Feed your dog bread soaked in dirty water to keep it small.

【商业】全球供应链崩溃之中,一个集装箱的漂泊旅程  This Is What Happens When Globalization Breaks Down   2022-04-07 05:55
  Hagan Walker contemplated the geography of the planet and felt pangs of agitation. The vastness of the Pacific Ocean seemed to be stretching wider.


【新闻】在韩国,乌克兰战争再次引发拥核呼声  In South Korea, Ukraine War Revives the Nuclear Question   2022-04-07 05:13
  SEOUL — When Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in the 1990s, experts debated whether the decision would make the country safer or more vulnerable to an invasion from Moscow, its nuclear-armed neighbor.

【新闻】为何许多香港居民不欢迎内地医疗援助  In Hong Kong, China’s Covid Aid Gets the Cold Shoulder   2022-04-07 04:47
  HONG KONG — Soon after Omicron overwhelmed Hong Kong’s health care system in a deadly outbreak, Beijing rushed to help. Contractors from mainland China built vast isolation facilities. The central government sent more than 1,000 medical workers to staff treatment and testing centers, as well as butchers to help stabilize the local meat supply.

【新闻】为什么追查普京的个人财产如此困难  Why Tracking Putin’s Wealth Is So Difficult   2022-04-07 04:00
  Buried in a 421-page legal filing in an obscure court case is a single sentence, offered almost as an afterthought, about a meeting at a Geneva restaurant where two businessmen chatted about “a yacht which had been presented to Mr. Putin.”

【新闻】上海老年护理医院疫情凸显医疗危机和防疫挑战  Outbreak at Shanghai Hospital Exposes Covid’s Risks to China’s Seniors   2022-04-07 03:21
  A coronavirus outbreak is ravaging a hospital in Shanghai for older adults, underscoring the difficulties officials have had in containing infections even as the city imposed a 10-day staggered lockdown.

【新闻】动荡、压力与忠诚:林郑月娥在争议中走向卸任  With Each New Crisis in Hong Kong, Pressure Built on a Beijing Loyalist   2022-04-06 05:06
  HONG KONG — Under the watch of Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, huge citywide protests deepened political divisions. A national security law silenced a once-vibrant civil society. And restrictive pandemic policies threatened Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s world city.

【新闻】影像披露俄军在乌战争暴行,引发全球公愤  Up-Close Ukraine Atrocity Photographs Touch a Global Nerve   2022-04-06 01:05
  Perhaps it was the way the lifeless bodies, bloodied by bullets, and some with hands bound, had been left strewn about or shoveled into makeshift mass graves. Or the reality of seeing them up close in widely circulated photographs and videos.

【经济】奢侈品专业委员会成立 为二手奢侈品交易保驾护航  Market players move to formulate standard for luxury industry   2022-04-02 14:39
  With prices of luxury products rising and the popularity of livestreaming e-commerce blossoming in the country, secondhand luxury products are seeing strong growth in China.

【新闻】四月最值得期待的4部新片  4 of the best films to watch this April   2022-04-02 08:30
  Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

【新闻】上海官员罕见认错,承认对疫情“准备不够充分”  In a rare move, Shanghai’s government acknowledges it was not ‘sufficiently    2022-04-01 11:59
  A top Shanghai official on Thursday acknowledged shortcomings in the local government’s handling of a surge of coronavirus cases, a rare admission of mistakes in China’s economic and financial powerhouse.

【新闻】朝鲜最新洲际导弹试射被指作假,但仍值得关注  North Korean ICBM Launch May Have Been Fake. It’s Still Important.   2022-04-01 04:21
  SEOUL — When North Korea conducted its most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile test to date​ last week​, it said it launched the Hwasong-17, its newest and biggest ICBM. In a propaganda blitz, the country’s state media released a Hollywood-style video of its leader, Kim Jong-un, personally guiding the test launch in a sleek leather jacket and sunglasses at Pyongyang International Airport.

【体育】央视恢复转播NBA比赛,中国发出何种信号?  After a Boycott, Chinese Television Is Again Airing N.B.A. Games   2022-04-01 01:57
  China Central Television, China’s state-run TV network, has begun to broadcast N.B.A. games again, signaling that the rift between the league and the authoritarian government that has persisted since 2019 appears to be coming to an end.

【新闻】被控泄露中国国家机密,澳籍记者成蕾接受闭门审理  Australian Journalist Who Worked for Chinese Media Stands Trial in Beijing   2022-04-01 01:05
  Almost 20 months after she was detained in Beijing, an Australian journalist who worked for China’s global television network stood trial behind closed doors on Thursday, accused of sending state secrets abroad.

【新闻】种种迹象表明:美国经济衰退即将来临  All signs point to a coming recession   2022-03-31 15:38
  The US economy seems headed for a recession later this year or early next year. A recession would make clear that the new monetary policy strategy the Federal Reserve announced in August 2020 has been a failure.

【新闻】香港终审法院两名英籍法官辞职,称港府背离自由价值观  Two U.K. Judges Quit Hong Kong Court, Citing Lost Freedoms   2022-03-31 10:03
  The president of Britain’s Supreme Court said Wednesday that he and a colleague were stepping down from their roles on Hong Kong’s highest court because the administration of the Chinese territory had “departed from values of political freedom and freedom of expression.”

【新闻】为争取民主,他们从都市走向丛林  Driven From City Life to Jungle Insurgency   2022-03-31 05:47
  On jungle crests about a mile from the front lines in eastern Myanmar, a former hotel banquet coordinator slipped his index finger onto the trigger of an assault rifle. A dentist recalled picking larvae from a young fighter’s infected bullet wound. A marketing manager described the adapted commercial drones she is directing to foil the enemy.

【新闻】面对俄乌战争与中国扩张主义,印度外交之路将走向何方  Putin’s War Is Complicating India’s Middle Path Among Powers   2022-03-31 03:21
  NEW DELHI — As international outrage over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine boiled over, foreign ministers and envoys filed in to New Delhi, hoping to pull India off the fence and into clearer condemnation of Russia, its longtime ally.


【文化】奥斯卡主办方发声谴责,威尔·史密斯向克里斯·洛克道歉  Will Smith Apologizes to Chris Rock After Academy Condemns His Slap   2022-03-31 02:02
  LOS ANGELES — Will Smith apologized to the comedian Chris Rock on Monday evening for slapping him during Sunday night’s Oscars telecast after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which administers the awards, denounced his actions and opened an inquiry into the incident.

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