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【商业】近三分之一人口被封控,中国经济为“清零”付出高昂代价  China’s economy pays a price as lockdowns restrict nearly a third of its popul   2022-04-15 03:50
  Nearly 400 million people are estimated to be under some form of lockdown in China as officials try to stop a fast-moving Omicron outbreak that is beginning to weigh on the world’s second-largest economy.

【经济】国常会部署系列促消费举措 助力稳定经济基本盘  New policies in pipeline to ensure stability   2022-04-14 17:14
  China will adopt policy measures to boost consumption as part of efforts to keep economic fundamentals stable to ensure and improve people's livelihoods, according to a decision made at the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.国务院总理李克强4月13日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署促进消费的政策举措,助力稳定经济基本盘和保障改善民生。
  The meeting also decided on greater policy support such as export rebates to promote the steady growth of foreign trade.会议决定进一步加大出口退税等政策支持力度,促进外贸平稳发展。

【科技】研究:新冠感染明显增加血栓风险,轻症病例也不例外  Risk of serious blood clot events spike in the months after COVID-19   2022-04-14 09:47
  New observational research out of Sweden has tracked more than one million COVID-19 cases for months after their acute illness in order to determine how the disease influences subsequent risk of blood clots. The findings indicate COVID-19 significantly increases a person’s risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in the months after infection.瑞典一项观察研究对100多万新冠病例进行了数月追踪,以确定新冠是如何影响感染者随后出现血栓的风险的。研究结果表明,人们在感染新冠后几个月内深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞的风险明显增加。
  The large study, published in The BMJ, looked at health data from 1,057,174 positive COVID-19 cases. This covers every single positive recorded case in Sweden from the beginning of the pandemic up to May 2021. A control group of four million age- and sex-matched subjects not positive with COVID was generated to quantify the increase in risk for blood clots caused by infection.这项研究样本庞大,对1057174新冠病毒阳性感染者的健康数据进行了分析,涵盖了瑞典从疫情暴发以来到2021年5月的所有阳性感染者。研究设置了一个对照组,从而量化感染新冠导致的血栓风险增加程度,对照组由400万年龄和性别相仿的受试者组成,这些受试者的新冠病毒检测结果未呈阳性。该研究发表在《英国医学杂志》上。

【新闻】“偷听敌台”的俄罗斯人:美乌团体戳破普京宣传泡沫  U.S. and Ukrainian Groups Pierce Putin’s Propaganda Bubble   2022-04-14 04:16
  WASHINGTON — Using a mix of high-tech and Cold War tactics, Ukrainian activists and Western institutions have begun to pierce the propaganda bubble in Russia, circulating information about the Ukraine war among Russian citizens to sow doubt about the Kremlin’s accounts.

【新闻】华尔街预计美国经济将于2023年出现衰退  Wall Street is predicting a 2023 recession. Here are the red flags you should kn   2022-04-13 14:49
  The US economy added nearly half a million jobs in March. The Dow Jones industrial average is within 6% of its record high. And US households accumulated roughly $2.5 trillion in excess savings throughout the pandemic.

【新闻】三个月的“魔幻”隔离:一名华人律师的回国探亲之旅  From the U.S. to China: A 3-Month Quarantine Horror Story   2022-04-13 11:55
  Before boarding his flight from Los Angeles to the Chinese city of Guangzhou, Xue Liangquan, a California-based lawyer, knew he was in for a bit of a headache.

【新闻】盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录  5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records   2022-04-13 08:30
  1. The most toilet seats broken by someone's head in one minute.

【新闻】面对中俄朝威胁,日本和平主义立场发生转变  With Threats All Around, Japan Moves to Shed Its Pacifist Constraints   2022-04-13 05:03
  TOKYO — Late in February, just days after the Russian invasion, Ukraine asked Japan to ship an assortment of military equipment, from antitank weapons and ammunition to electronic radar and bulletproof vests.

【新闻】拜登政府万亿美元经济刺激计划导致美国陷入高通胀  Biden’s big-spending policies helped fuel inflation, says Federal Reserve Bank   2022-04-12 17:32
  Washington’s multitrillion-dollar spending habit has driven inflation across the US higher than in most other Western countries, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.据旧金山联邦储备银行称,拜登政府的万亿美元财政刺激政策导致美国的通胀率高于其他西方国家。
  A report released by the bank said the US inflation rate spiked higher than other countries in March 2021, shortly after Congress passed President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.该机构发布报告称,2021年3月,美国国会通过拜登总统的1.9万亿美元(约合12.1万亿元人民币)新冠纾困计划不久之后,美国的通货膨胀率飙升,超过其他国家。

【新闻】卫生官员肯定上海封控策略:“躺平”不是中国的选择  ‘We cannot let our guard down,’ a top Chinese health official tells Shanghai   2022-04-12 12:54
  To Shanghai residents who have reached the limit of their patience with a lockdown that has kept them stuck at home for two weeks, a top health official has a message: “We cannot let our guard down.”

【新闻】乌克兰布查:笼罩在恐怖中的一个月  Bucha’s Month of Terror   2022-04-12 06:18
  The following images depict graphic violence.

【健康】疫情下的求变与创新:航空公司推出“行李到家”服务  Airlines bank on upgraded services to boost revenue   2022-04-11 14:10
  Domestic airlines are taking the brunt of financial pressures caused by the latest resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and they have launched additional innovative services to stay afloat. Yet, analysts remain cautious about the extent to which the service can help carriers increase revenues.

【商业】卡车司机短缺、工厂停工:中国疫情封锁进一步破坏供应链  Lockdowns in China Block Truck Shipments and Close Factories   2022-04-11 10:27
  BEIJING — China’s mounting Covid-19 restrictions are creating further disruptions to global supply chains for consumer electronics, car parts and other goods.

【科技】科学家首次在活人肺部深处发现微塑料  Microplastics found deep in lungs of living people for first time   2022-04-11 08:30
  Microplastic pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of living people for the first time. The particles were found in almost all the samples analysed.

【新闻】“一切都没了”:俄罗斯炮火下,一场全球粮食危机正在逼近  ‘Everything Was Destroyed’: War Hits Ukraine’s Farms   2022-04-11 05:04
  The farmer was working in his field on a recent morning when a neighbor called to tell him that his warehouses had been shelled. He rushed back and found them on fire and one of his workers lying on the ground with shrapnel lodged in his head.

【新闻】上海封锁进入第二周,民众不满情绪难消  Shanghai residents bristle as a lockdown enters a second week with more testing.   2022-04-11 01:39
  Residents have swarmed the police officers who enter their neighborhoods wearing white protective suits. They have shouted out their windows, demanding to be given supplies. Others have banged pots and pans in protest.

【新闻】不自由但也很快乐?乌克兰战争打破俄罗斯人幻想  Putin’s War in Ukraine Shatters an Illusion in Russia   2022-04-11 01:33
  The last time I was in Russia, the summer of 2015, I came face to face with a contradiction. What if a place was unfree, but also happy? How long could it stay that way?

【健康】专家:奥密克戎危害性远高于流感  Omicron fatality rate is still much higher than flu: experts   2022-04-09 08:00

【新闻】美国迎来首位黑人女性大法官,这意味着什么?  A Transformative Justice Whose Impact May Be Limited   2022-04-08 05:38
  WASHINGTON — Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court, will in one sense transform it. Once she replaces Justice Stephen G. Breyer, one of the 108 white men who preceded her, the court will look a lot more like the nation it serves.

【科技】当人脸识别功能走进战场  Facial Recognition Goes to War   2022-04-08 04:01
  In the weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine and images of the devastation wrought there flooded the news, Hoan Ton-That, the chief executive of the facial recognition company Clearview AI, began thinking about how he could get involved.
  俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后几周内,新闻报道中随处可见乌克兰遭受摧残的画面,面部识别公司Clearview AI的首席执行官尊室欢(音)开始考虑如何参与其中。

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