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【新闻】乌克兰战争的根源:一场危机是如何酿成的  The Roots of the Ukraine War: How the Crisis Developed   2022-04-21 05:44
  It felt like a scene from the Cold War, a perilous episode from a bygone era. An unpredictable Russian leader was amassing troops and tanks on a neighbor’s border. There was fear of a bloody East-West conflagration.

【商业】疫情封锁影响经济,中国一季度GDP仅增4.8%  China’s Economic Data Hints at Cost of Zero Covid Strategy   2022-04-21 03:52
  BEIJING — Faced with its worst Covid-19 outbreak yet, China has been enforcing an expanding number of mass quarantines, strict lockdowns and border controls. The measures may yet work, but official data released on Monday show they are exacting a grim toll on the world’s second-largest economy.

【商业】周看:从驻华记者到《纽约时报》主编  A Quiet Intensity, Matched With Big Ambitions   2022-04-20 12:00
  Joseph F. Kahn’s first job out of college in 1987 was covering Plano, Texas, for The Dallas Morning News, and he was impatient at the prospect of a slow career path.
  周看(Joseph F. Kahn)1987年大学毕业后的第一份工作是为《达拉斯晨报》报道得克萨斯州普莱诺市的新闻,他对缓慢的职业发展前景没有耐心。

【新闻】日本研发可“增强咸味”的电子筷  Japan researchers develop electric chopsticks to enhance salty taste   2022-04-20 08:00
  Japanese researchers have developed computerized chopsticks that enhance salty tastes, potentially helping those who need to reduce sodium in their diets.日本研究人员研发了一种可以增强咸味的电子筷子,有可能帮助到那些需要低钠饮食的人。
  Co-developed by Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita and beverage maker Kirin Holdings Co., the chopsticks enhance tastes using electrical stimulation and a mini-computer worn on a wristband.这种电子筷由明治大学教授宫下和美(音译)和饮品制造商麒麟控股有限公司共同开发,通过电流刺激和佩戴在腕带上的微型计算机来增强味道。

【新闻】“香港的象征”天星小轮142年历史或将告终  Star Ferry, ‘Emblem of Hong Kong,’ May Sail Into History After 142 Years   2022-04-20 01:17
  HONG KONG — On a damp Monday morning in Hong Kong, Freeman Ng looked out from the upper deck of the Star Ferry as it approached land. A sailor tossed a heavy rope to a colleague on the pier, who looped it around a bollard as the swoosh of the waves crashed against the green and white vessel pulling in from Victoria Harbor.

【新闻】国会砍掉预算 美国无医保者将需自费检测和治疗新冠  Uninsured face surprise medical bills for Covid testing, hospital treatment afte   2022-04-19 14:22
  People who don’t have health insurance are now being charged $100 or more for Covid testing by some labs and may face bills for hospital treatment, and free vaccines may not be as easy for everyone to get since emergency federal aid for some pandemic programs has run out and hasn’t been renewed by Congress.

【新闻】从车臣到乌克兰,为何俄罗斯军队犯下累累暴行?  Atrocities in Ukraine War Have Deep Roots in Russian Military   2022-04-19 11:11
  In a photograph from the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, Ukraine, a woman stands in the yard of a house, her hand covering her mouth in horror, the bodies of three dead civilians scattered before her. When Aset Chad saw that picture, she started shaking and hurtled 22 years back in time.

【新闻】乘务员告诉你:坐飞机这么花钱最亏!  Things you should never buy on planes, according to flight attendant   2022-04-19 08:30
  If you fly business class, you can usually save by waiting to upgrade at the airport

【商业】普京称制裁未破坏俄罗斯经济,该国高官发出悲观信号  Bleak assessments of the Russian economy clash with Putin’s rosy claims.   2022-04-19 04:36
  Russia’s central bank chief warned on Monday that the consequences of Western sanctions were only beginning to be felt, and Moscow’s mayor said that 200,000 jobs were at risk in the Russian capital alone, stark acknowledgments that undermined President Vladimir V. Putin’s contention that sanctions had failed to destabilize the Russian economy.

【新闻】不受限制的信息平台:俄乌战争中的Telegram  Where Russians Turn for Uncensored News on Ukraine   2022-04-19 03:53
  Before Russia invaded Ukraine, the Russian journalist Farida Rustamova used the Telegram chat app for one purpose: messaging friends.

【新闻】上海着手复工复产,被封在办公室和厂区的人仍难回家  Shanghai says some people may have to sleep at work even after its lockdown ends   2022-04-19 03:27
  As China tries to balance its “zero Covid” pandemic policy with a need to restart its economy, Shanghai has said some residents may have to live at their places of work even after it lifts a citywide lockdown.

【新闻】金正恩向朝鲜著名主播李春姬赠送豪宅  Kim Jong-un Gives North Korea’s Most Famous TV Anchor a Luxury Home   2022-04-18 12:15
  SEOUL — When a brand-new luxury residential district opened in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, this week, the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said it would be reserved for his most elite supporters, those he called “true patriots.”

【新闻】台湾政治人士彭明敏去世,主张台湾独立  Peng Ming-min, Fighter for Democracy in Taiwan, Dies at 98   2022-04-18 10:20
  TAIPEI, Taiwan — Peng Ming-min, a victim of World War II who endured Japanese imperial rule, brutal Chinese martial law and decades of exile to become a leading fighter for democracy and self-determination for his native Taiwan, died here, the nation’s capital, on April 8. He was 98.

【新闻】“谢谢你没有杀死我们”  ‘Thank You for Not Killing Us’   2022-04-18 05:35
  BORODIANKA, Ukraine — The first sign of trouble was when a squad of Chechen soldiers burst through the gate.

【新闻】中国古代的“点茶”技艺,可以甩咖啡拉花几条街     2022-04-17 08:00
  It's common to see a barista create coffee art, but it's a whole different ballgame doing same thing with tea. Han Zheming has managed to perfect the skill, creating tea art in cups, or dian cha in Chinese, which used to be a ritual during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

【新闻】央行将运用降准等货币政策工具 加大对实体经济的支持  PBOC to deploy tools to support real economy   2022-04-15 13:59
  The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said on Thursday it will use multiple monetary tools to step up support for the real economy and reduce corporate financing costs.

【新闻】上海民生危机令北京居民开始预防性“囤粮”  Shanghai’s food crisis prompts residents in Beijing to stockpile supplies.   2022-04-15 11:03
  Some Beijing residents have started stockpiling food in their homes in case the city imposes a lockdown, after seeing reports of food shortages and even street fights over food during a lockdown in Shanghai.

【科技】集体减龄:韩国拟统一年龄计算方式 以后都按周岁算  South Korea's population may become one year 'younger' as its presid   2022-04-15 08:30
  South Korea's population may become a year younger on paper if the country's president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol succeeds in abolishing the concept of the "Korean age."

【科技】如果马斯克买下Twitter,世界会怎样?  Elon Musk Is a Digital Citizen Kane   2022-04-15 04:59
  What if one of the world’s important tools for information was owned by a mercurial billionaire who could do whatever he wanted with it?

【新闻】“好像陷入某种疯狂”:俄罗斯民众在普京鼓励下互相举报  Spurred by Putin, Russians Turn on One Another Over the War   2022-04-15 04:36
  Marina Dubrova, an English teacher on the Russian island of Sakhalin in the Pacific, showed an uplifting YouTube video to her eighth-grade class last month in which children, in Russian and Ukrainian, sing about a “world without war.”

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