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【新闻】在日本,为什么越来越多人和虚拟人物相爱?  This Man Married a Fictional Character. He’d Like You to Hear Him Out.   2022-04-26 11:25
  TOKYO — In almost every way, Akihiko Kondo is an ordinary Japanese man. He’s pleasant and easy to talk to. He has friends and a steady job and wears a suit and tie to work.

【新闻】揭秘:蔬菜放冰箱如何才能保鲜更久?  How to keep vegetables fresh in the fridge   2022-04-26 08:30
  1. Keep vegetables in the fridge for 7 to 12 days.

【新闻】美国防部长呼吁“削弱”俄罗斯,暗示转向更直接对抗  Behind Austin’s Call for a ‘Weakened’ Russia, Hints of a Shift   2022-04-26 05:30
  WASHINGTON — When Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III declared Monday at the end of a stealth visit to Ukraine that America’s goal is to see Russia so “weakened” that it would no longer have the power to invade a neighboring state, he was acknowledging a transformation of the conflict, from a battle over control of Ukraine to one that pits Washington more directly against Moscow.

【新闻】泽连斯基是如何领导乌克兰政坛摒弃内斗、共同抗俄的?  How Zelensky Tamed Ukraine’s Fractious Politics and Stood Up to Putin   2022-04-26 04:23
  KYIV, Ukraine — Russian tanks were rolling over the border and Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, was in the grips of fear and panic. Street fighting broke out and a Russian armored column, barreling into the city, advanced to within two miles of the office of President Volodymyr Zelensky.

【新闻】美国的犹疑是如何一步步导致俄乌战争发生的  America’s Road to the Ukraine War   2022-04-26 02:49
  Smoke hung over the gray streets that day in Kyiv, where protesters had piled tires, furniture and barbed wire to barricade themselves from security forces. Torn blue and yellow Ukrainian flags whipped in the wind, and candles left on sidewalks marked where people had been gunned down. A drawing of a reviled president depicted as a pig was tacked to a lamp post.

【新闻】外媒:通胀恐慌加剧 美国民众对经济前景越发悲观  Consumers Remain Pessimistic Thanks To Inflation & Rising Interest Rates   2022-04-25 16:55
  After a brief flirtation with good cheer, US consumer confidence is on the back foot again.在短暂乐观情绪之后,美国消费者信心再次受到打击。
  The latest Forbes Advisor-Ipsos Consumer Confidence Biweekly Tracker dropped 4% from two weeks ago to 53.1. That’s a solid 7 points below its pre-pandemic level.最新的福布斯益普索消费者信心双周追踪调查显示,消费者信心指数较两周前下降4%至53.1,较疫情前水平下降了7个百分点。

【新闻】新冷战时代,亚非拉国家拒绝“站队”  With Us or With Them? In a New Cold War, How About Neither.   2022-04-25 10:18
  BANGKOK — As the bonds of traditional alliances fray across the globe, the Royal Thai Army, the United States’ oldest treaty partner in Asia, has cast a wide net.

【新闻】面对威胁和挑战,纽约唐人街华人社团能否复兴?  Chinatown’s Civic Groups Have Held Developers at Bay. Can They Survive?   2022-04-25 01:16
  For decades, the Lee Family Association, one of the oldest civic groups in Manhattan’s Chinatown, has helped countless Chinese immigrants, working from its six-story building on Mott Street.

【经济】商务部:择优择地开展内外贸一体化试点  China to pilot domestic, foreign trade integration in selected regions   2022-04-24 10:48
  China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Thursday said that it will work with related agencies to carry out pilot programs for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade in selected regions.

【科技】研究:气候变化和农耕导致昆虫数量剧减  Climate change and farming driving insect decline   2022-04-24 08:30
  Insect numbers have plunged by half in some parts of the world due to climate change and intensive agriculture, a study has found.

【新闻】火遍全网的MBTI人格测试,真的可以定义我们吗?     2022-04-23 09:00
  Chances are you’ve taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or will. Roughly 2 million people a year do. 你很有可能已经做过MBTI测试了,或正要做。每年约有200万人进行这一测试。

【新闻】高盛:未来两年美国经济衰退几率为35%  Goldman Sachs sees some risk the U.S. economy will stumble and fall into recessi   2022-04-22 17:05
  There is a real chance that the US economy is going to suffer a recession or “hard landing” in the next two years, according to the economic team at Goldman Sachs.美国高盛集团经济团队表示,未来两年,美国经济很有可能陷入衰退或“硬着陆”。
  The bank’s economists see the odds of a recession at about 15% in the next 12 months, with the odds rising to 35% over the next 24 months.该投资银行经济学家认为,未来一年美国经济衰退的可能性约为15%,而在未来两年美国经济衰退的可能性将上升至35%。

【健康】专家:接吻可以保护牙齿,有益口腔健康  Kissing is as good for teeth as BRUSHING, dentist claims   2022-04-22 09:00
  Smooching boosts saliva production and clears the mouth of the bad bacteria and acids that cause decay.接吻可以促进唾液的分泌,清除口腔中腐蚀牙齿的有害细菌和酸。
  Orthodontist Dr Khaled Kasem said people should kiss for four minutes a day on top of brushing and flossing.正畸医生卡里德·卡西姆称,在刷牙和使用牙线的同时,可以每天接吻四分钟。

【文化】《艳粉街》:被中国经济奇迹抛弃和伤害的沈阳人  Left Behind by China’s Economic Miracle   2022-04-22 05:04
  ROUGE STREET Three Novellas By Shuang Xuetao Translated by Jeremy Tiang

【新闻】“莫斯科号”沉没考验俄罗斯的战争宣传  With sunken warship, Russian disinformation faces a test.   2022-04-22 03:53
  Families whose sons were listed as missing after the Russian flagship in the Black Sea sank a week ago are demanding answers in increasing numbers as the Ministry of Defense and top government officials stay silent about the fate of the crew.

【新闻】如果极右翼候选人勒庞当选法国总统将意味着什么  U.S. Braces for Potential French Election Shockwave   2022-04-22 01:53
  WASHINGTON — U.S. officials are anxiously watching the French presidential election, aware that the outcome of the vote on Sunday could scramble President Biden’s relations with Europe and reveal dangerous fissures in Western democracy.

【新闻】中国西部一季度工业增长强劲 高科技产业注入新动能  China's west gets impetus from high-tech   2022-04-21 15:46
  The industrial economy in China's western regions has registered speedy growth in the first quarter, with high-tech and emerging industries injecting fresh impetus into regional economic development amid uncertainties both at home and abroad, industry experts said.

【新闻】“太臭了,睡不着”:在上海方舱隔离的13天  ‘Too smelly to sleep’: Thirteen days in a Shanghai isolation facility.   2022-04-21 10:47
  After Leona Cheng tested positive for the coronavirus late last month, she was told to pack her bags for a hospital stay. When the ambulance came to her apartment in central Shanghai to pick her up two days later, no one said otherwise.

【新闻】东航空难初步调查报告发布,未能解开坠机谜团  Mystery Persists After Initial Report Into China Eastern Jet Crash   2022-04-21 10:44
  BEIJING — The pilots had met China’s standards for flying a commercial jet. No problems were found with the aircraft before it took off. No dangerous cargo had been loaded aboard. Communications with the plane appeared normal until its deadly plunge.

【新闻】被暴力碾碎的美国梦:在纽约街头遇袭惨死的华人女性  A Daring Dream and a Lifelong Love, Dashed in a Moment of Violence   2022-04-21 08:36
  Their plans were bold, with no room for devastation.

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