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【商业】物美价廉的时代可能已经结束  The Era of Cheap and Plenty May Be Ending   2022-05-05 04:50
  For the past three decades, companies and consumers benefited from cross-border connections that kept a steady supply of electronics, clothes, toys and other goods so abundant it helped prices stay low.

【新闻】分离主义威胁巴基斯坦,中国公民成暴力袭击目标  Rising Violence by Separatists Adds to Pakistan’s Lethal Instability   2022-05-05 01:22
  KARACHI, Pakistan — Shari Baluch was a 30-year-old mother of two children and a schoolteacher. Late last month, on a university campus in Karachi, Pakistan’s biggest city, she detonated a suicide bomb, killing herself and four others, including three Chinese teachers.

【新闻】超神奇!从睡眠姿势竟能看出你的个性     2022-05-01 08:00
  The Fetal Position “

【新闻】5月即将上映的精彩新片前瞻  4 of the best films to watch this May   2022-04-29 16:07
  The Bob's Burgers Movie

【健康】多国出现儿童急性肝炎病例,家长应了解这些关键信息  What Do Hepatitis Symptoms Look Like in Children?   2022-04-29 12:18
  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an alert on Thursday to physicians nationwide notifying them of a cluster of severe and unexplained hepatitis cases in otherwise healthy young children.

【商业】中国将暂停对进口煤炭征收关税,俄罗斯或受益  China suspends import tariffs on coal, helping Russian exports.   2022-04-29 10:32
  BEIJING — The Chinese government will suspend its tariff on imported coal starting on Sunday, a decision that will likely benefit Russia at a time when its coal exports to Europe are being phased out over its invasion of Ukraine.

【新闻】上海外企积极复工复产 对中国市场信心不变  Multinationals express firm faith in China   2022-04-29 08:30
  Multinational corporations in Shanghai have implemented contingency plans to maintain production as the city's authorities have introduced measures to help businesses in the city return to normal operations.随着上海市政府采取措施帮助该市企业恢复正常经营,上海的跨国公司已实施应急计划维持生产。
  While supply chain challenges remain, most executives of multinationals said that their long-term confidence in China remains intact.尽管供应链挑战依然存在,但绝大多数跨国公司高管表示,他们对中国的长期信心依然保持不变。

【经济】一季度工业企业利润增长8.5% 多措并举促成稳定开局  Industrial firms' Q1 profits 8.5% higher   2022-04-28 15:31
  Profits of China's industrial firms rose 8.5 percent year-on-year in the first quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Wednesday, suggesting a steady start for the industrial economy this year.

【新闻】在中国,强制性核酸检测已成很多人生活日常  New Covid cases slow in Shanghai, but increase in Beijing.   2022-04-28 12:12
  BEIJING — Shanghai appeared on Wednesday to be making gradual progress in bringing coronavirus outbreaks under control, while Beijing continued finding more cases as it tries to test three times over five days nearly all of the capital’s 22 million residents.

【新闻】超半数美国人曾感染新冠 儿童感染率达75%  More than half of Americans have had Covid, including three of four children   2022-04-28 08:30
  More than half of Americans show signs of a previous Covid-19 infection, including three out of every four children, according to a new report released on Tuesday.

【新闻】美欧多国担忧乌克兰战争扩大化  Fears Are Mounting That Ukraine War Will Spill Across Borders   2022-04-28 04:46
  WASHINGTON — For nine weeks, President Biden and the Western allies have emphasized the need to keep the war for Ukraine inside Ukraine.

【商业】美国批评中国未履行保护知识产权承诺  China Continues to Fall Short of Promises to Protect Intellectual Property, U.S.   2022-04-28 02:06
  WASHINGTON — The Office of the United States Trade Representative criticized China, Russia and other countries on Wednesday for continuing to fall short of promises to protect intellectual property in a report that cataloged various infringements by America’s trading partners.

【新闻】德意志银行警告:美国经济严重衰退即将到来  A major recession is coming, Deutsche Bank warns   2022-04-27 17:34
  Deutsche Bank raised eyebrows earlier this month by becoming the first major bank to forecast a US recession, albeit a "mild" one.本月初,德意志银行成为第一家预测美国经济衰退的大型银行,该银行预测衰退的幅度“比较温和”。
  Now, it's warning of a deeper downturn caused by the Federal Reserve's quest to knock down stubbornly high inflation.但现在,德意志银行警告称,美联储寻求遏制居高不下的通胀,将导致经济进一步下滑。

【商业】马斯克,一名不典型的Twitter典型用户  Elon Musk Is a Typical Twitter User, Except for One Thing   2022-04-27 06:49
  In many ways, Elon Musk uses Twitter like the rest of us. He likes to joke around, but isn’t as funny as he thinks he is; he overshares and loves memes; he occasionally goes too far, and gets himself in trouble; he seems to think the platform is unfairly suppressing the views of people with whom he identifies. Thanks to the flattening effects of Twitter, the only real difference between the site’s median user and Musk is about $257 billion and 85.4 million followers. He has more followers than Narendra Modi, the prime minister of the largest democracy on Earth, and fewer than Taylor Swift. No one in the history of the modern world has ever been as wealthy as he is. He also thinks the number 420 is so funny that he seems to have determined the final value of his offer ($54.20 per share) to accommodate its inclusion.

【文化】《不可磨灭的香港》:个人视角下香港的过去、现在和未来  A Deeply Personal Look at the Past, Present and Future of Hong Kong   2022-04-27 05:43
  INDELIBLE CITYDispossession and Defiance in Hong KongBy Louisa Lim294 pages. Riverhead Books. $28.

【新闻】港剧《金宵大厦2》演员“涂棕脸”扮菲佣引发争议  A Hong Kong Actress Wears Brownface. Cue Outrage and Shrugs.   2022-04-27 03:49
  HONG KONG — The Hong Kong supernatural anthology TV series has an eye-catching name, “Barrack O’Karma 1968,” and an eyebrow-raising plot.
  香港——香港奇幻单元剧《金宵大厦2》(Barrack O’Karma 1968)的名字引人注目,情节更是令人咋舌。

【新闻】北京进行大规模核酸检测,试图避免上海式封城  Beijing Starts Testing 20 Million to Try to Avoid a Lockdown Like Shanghai’s   2022-04-27 03:01
  BEIJING — Faced with a growing number of coronavirus infections across Beijing, city officials are trying to test most of the capital’s 22 million residents in the hope of avoiding the pain of imposing a citywide lockdown like in Shanghai.

【经济】RCEP协定助力成员国跨境电商发展 带动世界经济复苏  RCEP trade to benefit recovery of world economy   2022-04-26 14:34
  Almost four months after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership came into action, China-stationed foreign diplomats said the forms of intraregional trade will be further diversified and facilitated, enriching the Asia-Pacific region's economic vitality through inclusive and sustainable economic recovery amid the pandemic.

【新闻】日本与新西兰讨论“无缝”共享情报协议,对抗中国影响力  New Zealand Deal May Put Japan Closer to ‘Five Eyes’ Intelligence Alliance   2022-04-26 11:49
  WELLINGTON, New Zealand — As China moves to expand its influence in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan and New Zealand have opened talks on an agreement for “seamless” sharing of classified information, a step that could strengthen Tokyo’s case to eventually join the “Five Eyes” intelligence partnership among English-speaking powers.

【商业】北京封城可能性引发供应链混乱担忧  The prospect of lockdowns in Beijing fuels more concerns about supply chain disr   2022-04-26 11:43
  The prospect of further lockdowns in China prompted a fresh wave of economic anxiety on Monday as investors and companies whose supply chains run through China contemplated the impact of 70 new virus cases that the Beijing government said it had detected over the weekend.

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