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【新闻】价格低廉的平民美食两餸饭为何风靡香港  In Epicurean Hong Kong, a Humble $4 Lunchbox Is Now All the Rage   2022-05-10 11:07
【新闻】俄罗斯胜利日:这一天为何如此重要?  What is Russia’s May 9 Victory Day and why is it so significant this year?   2022-05-10 10:16
【商业】调查称中国新冠政策令欧洲公司投资意愿大幅降低  China’s Covid Policies Have European Companies Wary of Investing   2022-05-10 10:13
【新闻】禽流感疫情持续扩散 法国米其林餐厅遭遇“鹅肝酱危机”  Michelin menus in turmoil as France faces foie gras crisis   2022-05-10 08:35
【新闻】独裁者之子小马科斯料将当选总统,菲律宾民主未来难料  After 36 years, a Marcos is again on the path to power.   2022-05-10 05:52
【新闻】普京的胜利日讲话传达了什么信息?  In Speech, Putin Shows Reluctance in Demanding Too Much of Russians   2022-05-10 03:58
【商业】2022年普利策奖:《纽约时报》获国际报道等多个奖项  Pulitzer Prizes Spotlight Jan. 6 Capitol Riot and Mideast Air Wars Coverage   2022-05-10 01:24
【新闻】专家:中国有望实现全年经济增长目标  China likely to meet annual growth target   2022-05-09 16:57
【新闻】李家超正式当选:北京代理人与被驯服的香港  Beijing’s Man in Hong Kong Inherits a Tamed City   2022-05-09 10:20
【新闻】美国第一夫人吉尔·拜登的秘密乌克兰之行  Jill Biden’s Secret Ukraine Trip   2022-05-09 03:35
【新闻】英国研究:严重新冠感染可使大脑老化20年,智商降低10个点  Cognitive Impact of Severe COVID Is Equivalent to 20 Years of Aging, Study Finds   2022-05-08 09:00
【经济】国家将大力帮扶中小微企业 多措并举保市场主体  Nation to support small firms, stabilize market   2022-05-07 14:37
【教育】面试题目答不上来别说“不知道”!你应该这样回答……  What to say when you don't know how to answer a job interview question   2022-05-07 08:30
【商业】城市停摆后,失去工作的数百万中国人  ‘I’m Very Anxious’: China’s Lockdowns Leave Millions Out of Work   2022-05-06 12:47
【新闻】北京的忠诚代理人:香港下任特首李家超  In a One-Man Race in Hong Kong, China Is Guaranteed to Win   2022-05-06 05:34
【新闻】俄罗斯清洗“外国代理人”,异见人士被迫流亡  Anti-Putin Russians Are Leaving, With a Push From the Kremlin   2022-05-06 03:45
【新闻】罗诉韦德案若被推翻将意味着什么?这里是几个关键问题  What Would the End of Roe Mean? Key Questions and Answers.   2022-05-06 01:24
【新闻】留抵退税政策有效为企业减负纾困  Tax, fee cuts put enterprises in stronger position   2022-05-05 15:08
【商业】俄罗斯能源出口或转向中印,仍面临多重障碍  Russia Could Sell More Energy to Asia, but Has to Slash Prices   2022-05-05 10:18
【新闻】如果罗诉韦德案真的被推翻,如何继续争取堕胎权利?  Roe Inspired Activists Worldwide, Who May Be Rethinking Strategy   2022-05-05 06:13

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