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【新闻】价格低廉的平民美食两餸饭为何风靡香港  In Epicurean Hong Kong, a Humble $4 Lunchbox Is Now All the Rage   2022-05-10 11:07
  HONG KONG — The lines begin forming before lunchtime and wind on well into the night, with customers outside craning their necks for views of the day’s selection through the window.

【新闻】俄罗斯胜利日:这一天为何如此重要?  What is Russia’s May 9 Victory Day and why is it so significant this year?   2022-05-10 10:16
  Marked by grandiose speeches, a colossal parade and a show of military might on Red Square, Russia’s Victory Day on May 9, a holiday celebrating the Soviet Union’s vanquishing of Nazi Germany, has taken on particular resonance this year with Russia mired in a war in Ukraine.

【商业】调查称中国新冠政策令欧洲公司投资意愿大幅降低  China’s Covid Policies Have European Companies Wary of Investing   2022-05-10 10:13
  A business group warned on Thursday that China’s “dynamic zero Covid” policies have left European companies considerably less willing to continue investing in the country.

【新闻】禽流感疫情持续扩散 法国米其林餐厅遭遇“鹅肝酱危机”  Michelin menus in turmoil as France faces foie gras crisis   2022-05-10 08:35
  Fois gras, the French culinary jewel that is as delicious as it is controversial, is a staple of upscale restaurants across the country. But now it's vanishing from menus during an "unprecedented" crisis that has seen some manufacturers begin to consider reducing portions.

【新闻】独裁者之子小马科斯料将当选总统,菲律宾民主未来难料  After 36 years, a Marcos is again on the path to power.   2022-05-10 05:52
  MANILA — Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the son and namesake of the former Philippines dictator, appeared sure to win the country’s presidential election on Monday, with a commanding vote margin that heralded a remarkable revival for a family once forced into exile, but that also raised profound questions about the future of Southeast Asia’s oldest democracy.

【新闻】普京的胜利日讲话传达了什么信息?  In Speech, Putin Shows Reluctance in Demanding Too Much of Russians   2022-05-10 03:58
  He made no claim of victory or “mission accomplished” and no promise that the fight in Ukraine could end soon. But as President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia spoke in Moscow’s Red Square on Monday, he also made no call for new sacrifice or mobilization, no threat of a nuclear strike, no stark pronouncement about an existential war with the West.

【商业】2022年普利策奖:《纽约时报》获国际报道等多个奖项  Pulitzer Prizes Spotlight Jan. 6 Capitol Riot and Mideast Air Wars Coverage   2022-05-10 01:24
  The Pulitzer Prizes were awarded on Monday to an array of news organizations for investigations that uncovered the tragic toll of the United States’ air war in the Middle East, exposed the dangers of a Tampa lead smelter and pieced together the full picture of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

【新闻】专家:中国有望实现全年经济增长目标  China likely to meet annual growth target   2022-05-09 16:57
  China will likely meet its annual growth target of around 5.5 percent this year with the help of the government's effective measures to control COVID-19 outbreaks and stabilize market expectations, economists and experts said.经济学家和专家表示,在政府采取有效措施控制疫情和稳定市场预期的前提下,中国今年可能实现5.5%左右的年度增长目标。
  Despite facing mounting pressure from a resurgence in domestic COVID-19 cases and a complicated and grim external environment, they believe the country has plenty of policy tools to stabilize the overall economy, while the impact of outbreaks is likely to be temporary.尽管国内疫情反复和复杂严峻的外部环境使中国面临的压力越来越大,但他们认为,中国有大量的政策工具来稳定整体经济,而疫情的影响可能是暂时的。

【新闻】李家超正式当选:北京代理人与被驯服的香港  Beijing’s Man in Hong Kong Inherits a Tamed City   2022-05-09 10:20
  HONG KONG — John Lee “will make Hong Kongers and international investors feel relaxed, at ease and full of confidence,” a pro-Beijing newspaper declared. He will help the city “start anew to achieve greater glories,” the state-run China Daily wrote, in one of a series of articles praising him.

【新闻】美国第一夫人吉尔·拜登的秘密乌克兰之行  Jill Biden’s Secret Ukraine Trip   2022-05-09 03:35
  UZHHOROD, Ukraine — Jill Biden, the first lady, traveled to western Ukraine in an unannounced trip on Sunday, the latest show of support from the United States, which in recent weeks has significantly increased military aid for Ukraine and sent others close to President Biden into the country.

【新闻】英国研究:严重新冠感染可使大脑老化20年,智商降低10个点  Cognitive Impact of Severe COVID Is Equivalent to 20 Years of Aging, Study Finds   2022-05-08 09:00
  In a study comparing 46 severe COVID-19 patients with 460 matched controls, researchers found the mental impacts of severe COVID-19 six months later can be the equivalent to aging 20 years – going from 50 to 70 years old – or losing 10 IQ points.在一项将46名新冠肺炎重症患者与460人的匹配对照组进行比较的研究中,研究人员发现,这些患者在感染新冠病毒6个月后受到的认知影响相当于衰老20年(从50岁到70岁),或智商降低10个点。
  The specific mental changes were also distinct to those seen in early dementia or general aging.这种特殊的认知变化与早期痴呆症或常规衰老明显不同。

【经济】国家将大力帮扶中小微企业 多措并举保市场主体  Nation to support small firms, stabilize market   2022-05-07 14:37
  China will provide greater support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and self-employed households, to promote employment stability by keeping the operations of market entities stable, according to the decision made at the State Council's Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday.

【教育】面试题目答不上来别说“不知道”!你应该这样回答……  What to say when you don't know how to answer a job interview question   2022-05-07 08:30
  1. Whatever you do, don’t lie.

【商业】城市停摆后,失去工作的数百万中国人  ‘I’m Very Anxious’: China’s Lockdowns Leave Millions Out of Work   2022-05-06 12:47
  After over a month in lockdown, Zeng Jialin could finally return to the Shanghai auto parts factory where he had worked. He was about to be released from a quarantine facility, having recovered from Covid, and was desperate to make up for the many days of wages he had missed.

【新闻】北京的忠诚代理人:香港下任特首李家超  In a One-Man Race in Hong Kong, China Is Guaranteed to Win   2022-05-06 05:34
  HONG KONG — When hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents took to the streets in 2019 to protest a proposed extradition bill, John Lee, the security secretary at the time, went before the city’s Legislative Council to defend the government’s position.

【新闻】俄罗斯清洗“外国代理人”,异见人士被迫流亡  Anti-Putin Russians Are Leaving, With a Push From the Kremlin   2022-05-06 03:45
  When Karen Shainyan opened his Facebook page one recent day, it was overflowing with messages reading “Congratulations!”, as if it were his birthday. There were also expressions of sympathy.

【新闻】罗诉韦德案若被推翻将意味着什么?这里是几个关键问题  What Would the End of Roe Mean? Key Questions and Answers.   2022-05-06 01:24
  A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade describes a United States not seen in half a century, in which the legal status of abortion is entirely up to the states. If the draft, from February and published Monday night by Politico, ends up being similar to the court’s final opinion, expected next month, reproductive rights will be rewritten almost immediately.

【新闻】留抵退税政策有效为企业减负纾困  Tax, fee cuts put enterprises in stronger position   2022-05-05 15:08
  China's continued tax and fee cuts and the recent move of refunding value-added tax credits to businesses are helping market players withstand economic headwinds and are critical in supporting growth this year, an official said.

【商业】俄罗斯能源出口或转向中印,仍面临多重障碍  Russia Could Sell More Energy to Asia, but Has to Slash Prices   2022-05-05 10:18
  BEIJING — Last year, the Grand Aniva, a Russian tanker with four spherical tanks for holding ultracold liquefied natural gas, sailed back and forth between a gas field in eastern Russia and depots in Japan and Taiwan. But two days after Russia invaded Ukraine, the ship switched routes, sailing to China instead.

【新闻】如果罗诉韦德案真的被推翻,如何继续争取堕胎权利?  Roe Inspired Activists Worldwide, Who May Be Rethinking Strategy   2022-05-05 06:13
  The draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade that leaked Monday night is not yet final. But when the dust settles, American women may conclude that they had lost the right to abortion the same way that an Ernest Hemingway character said he had gone bankrupt: gradually, and then suddenly.

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