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【新闻】2022年《美国企业在中国》白皮书发布:中国仍是美企首选市场  China still priority for companies from US   2022-05-18 16:43
  China remains a priority market for companies of the United States, with many of them believing it is vital to stay competitive in this market in order to win globally, the American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a white paper on Tuesday.

【新闻】加州台湾教会枪击案:当局称凶手出于“政治动机”  California Church Shooting Was ‘Hate Incident,’ Sheriff Says   2022-05-18 12:58
  LAGUNA WOODS, Calif. — Gathered to celebrate a beloved former pastor, snapping photographs of their Sunday church luncheon, the members of the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church did not pay much attention, at first, to the 68-year-old stranger in their midst.

【新闻】上海宣布已控制疫情,居民质疑“复工复市”宣传  Shanghai says its Covid outbreak is under control, but many residents remain loc   2022-05-18 09:44
  Shanghai health officials said on Tuesday that the city had brought the Covid outbreak there under control, after a nearly two-month lockdown that disrupted residents’ access to food and medicine, stoked widespread public outrage and brought China’s financial center to a standstill.

【新闻】新冠死亡率仅为美国1/10,澳大利亚做对了哪些事?  How Australia Saved Thousands of Lives While Covid Killed a Million Americans   2022-05-18 08:22
  MELBOURNE, Australia — If the United States had the same Covid death rate as Australia, about 900,000 lives would have been saved. The Texas grandmother who made the perfect pumpkin pie might still be baking. The Red Sox-loving husband who ran marathons before Covid might still be cheering at Fenway Park.

【新闻】朝鲜疫情迅速扩大,金正恩称要向中国学习  North Korea Says Its Covid Outbreak Is Spreading Fast   2022-05-18 02:23
  SEOUL — North Korea reported a significant surge in suspected coronavirus infections and deaths on Saturday as it struggled to contain its first reported outbreak, which the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said could be one of the greatest crises in the country’s history.

【新闻】专家:取消对华加征关税才是拜登政府的明智之举  Lifting tariffs right choice for Biden   2022-05-17 17:19
  US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the White House could drop some of the Donald Trump-era tariffs on Chinese goods to lower consumer prices in the United States, according to CNBC. The White House is reviewing the tariffs, and could opt to lift them altogether.据美国消费者新闻与商业频道报道,美国总统拜登5月10日表示,白宫可能会取消特朗普任期对中国商品加征的部分关税,以降低美国的消费价格。白宫正在审查这些关税,并可能选择将其一并取消。
  There have been constant appeals by a large number of business leaders to reduce, if not altogether lift, the tariffs on Chinese goods, to help reduce skyrocketing inflation in the US. And senior US officials, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and more than 140 Congress members, have been discussing the issue for some time now.许多商界领袖不断呼吁取消或至少是减少对中国商品征收的关税,从而缓解美国飙升的通货膨胀率。包括财政部长珍妮特·耶伦和140多名国会议员在内的美国高官已经就该问题商讨了一段时间。

【新闻】新冠病毒的未来:全年传播,重复感染?  How Often Can You Be Infected With the Coronavirus?   2022-05-17 02:29
  A virus that shows no signs of disappearing, variants that are adept at dodging the body’s defenses, and waves of infections two, maybe three times a year — this may be the future of Covid-19, some scientists now fear.

【商业】人民币在SDR货币篮子中的权重上调意味着什么?  Weight of yuan raised as global currency   2022-05-16 13:49
  The International Monetary Fund's decision to raise the renminbi's weight in a key global reserve asset marked the steady progress of the renminbi's internationalization, reflecting the currency's growing global heft and the achievement of China's financial opening-up, industry experts said on Sunday.

【科技】科学家首次成功在月球土壤里种出植物  'Holy cow’: scientists successfully grow plants in moon soil for the first   2022-05-16 08:44
  For the first time, scientists have grown plants in soil from the moon collected by Nasa’s Apollo astronauts.

【新闻】美国通胀持续攀升,超三分之二民众成月光族  Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck as inflation continues to clim   2022-05-13 16:46
  Inflation is showing no signs of slowing down, making it harder for workers to make ends meet.美国的高通胀没有缓和迹象,这使得工薪阶层艰难维持生计。
  The Consumer Price Index increased 8.3% from a year ago, higher than the 8.1% estimate, according to the US Bureau of Statistics.美国劳工统计局的数据显示,美国消费者价格指数(CPI)同比上涨8.3%,高于8.1%的预期。

【文化】一部小说想象中的全球下一波难民:美国人  A Novel Imagines the Next Wave of Refugees: Americans   2022-05-13 10:15
  2 A.M. IN LITTLE AMERICA By Ken Kalfus
  《小美国凌晨2点》,肯·卡尔弗斯 著

【新闻】不写完不许走!这家专治拖延症的写作咖啡馆火了  Unique Tokyo Café Only Serves Struggling Writers Working on Tight Deadlines   2022-05-13 08:00

【新闻】以假乱真的日本“美食”盛宴  Faux Feast   2022-05-13 05:59
  A perfect replica requires imperfection. Take a grilled fish: Uniform all over, flawless in color and texture, it tells you nothing. But let’s say its silvery skin is marked with bubbles of assorted sizes, delicate crinkles and slightly uneven washes of carbonization. Let’s say the fish’s eyes are clouded over from the heat. And its markings, when you look closer, suggest it was flipped over the charcoal, showing you, under the gloss of its own rendered fat, a hot spot, where the heat on this nonexistent grill was more intense. Then, yes, maybe you want to buy that fish. Well, not that fish, which is made of plastic, but the fish it represents — the fish on the menu inside this particular restaurant.

【科技】一周内蒸发逾3000亿美元,加密货币暴跌引发不安  Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a ‘Perfect Storm’ of Fear and Panic   2022-05-13 04:36
  SAN FRANCISCO — The price of Bitcoin plunged to its lowest point since 2020. Coinbase, the large cryptocurrency exchange, tanked in value. A cryptocurrency that promoted itself as a stable means of exchange collapsed. And more than $300 billion was wiped out by a crash in cryptocurrency prices since Monday.

【经济】专家:今年通胀水平总体温和可控  Mild, controllable inflation expected   2022-05-12 13:07
  China's inflation is expected to remain mild and controllable this year, leaving room for macro policy fine-tuning and adjustment, experts and analysts said on Wednesday.

【新闻】缺货率高达40%!美国婴幼儿奶粉危机引发恐慌  US faces baby formula 'crisis' as shortage worsens   2022-05-12 08:30
  Major US pharmacies have restricted sales of baby formula in response to a worsening shortage of the special milk.

【新闻】朝鲜首次报告新冠病例,金正恩下令全国封锁  North Korea reports its first cases of Covid.   2022-05-12 04:31
  SEOUL — North Korea on Thursday reported its first outbreak of the coronavirus, declaring a “maximum emergency” and ordering all cities and counties in the nation of 25 million to lock down to fight the spread.

【健康】刘畊宏女孩必看:健身后为什么一定要拉伸,你的拉伸做对了吗?  Ugly Side Effects of Not Stretching After Exercise, Says Science   2022-05-11 09:00

【商业】日元贬值、物价上涨,日本经济在大流行中步履维艰  Japan Has Long Sought More Inflation and a Weak Yen. But Not Like This.   2022-05-11 05:33
  TOKYO — For years, as Japan tried to boost its chronically weak economic growth, it pursued what its central bank saw as a magic formula: stronger inflation and a weaker yen.

【文化】评论:提高家庭可支配收入对经济复苏至关重要  Raising household disposable incomes key to recovery   2022-05-10 14:00
  After several major shock waves of COVID-19 outbreaks since 2020, China's economy has gradually recovered from the impact brought by the contagion, though recovery in household consumption has been relatively slow. There is still a certain gap between current household consumption levels and originally expected levels, or the trendline level for the sector. The gap is mainly attributable to some nonessential consumption sectors including education, entertainment, transportation and healthcare.

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