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【商业】“最后一代”和“润学”:中国年轻人的绝望与幻灭  ‘The Last Generation’: The Disillusionment of Young Chinese   2022-05-25 10:31
【新闻】拜登涉台言论令美国盟友陷入尴尬境地  Biden’s Words on Taiwan Leave Allies in an Awkward Spot   2022-05-25 04:50
【新闻】得州小学枪击案致至少21人遇害,包括19名儿童  19 Children and 2 Adults Killed in Massacre at Texas Elementary School   2022-05-25 03:36
【商业】爱彼迎将关闭中国境内业务  Airbnb shuts down its local business in China.   2022-05-24 10:04
【新闻】调查:“差钱”让美国人感到前所未有的精神压力  Americans are more stressed about money than ever, and it's hurting our ment   2022-05-24 08:00
【生活】外国人为什么也开始说“马马虎虎”?  Forget About Perfection. Embrace ‘Mamahuhu.’   2022-05-24 05:37
【商业】中国社媒强制披露用户IP,海外地址成众矢之的  China’s Internet Censors Try a New Trick: Revealing Users’ Locations   2022-05-24 05:31
【新闻】拜登称将在军事上保护台湾是口误吗?  Biden Veers Off Script on Taiwan. Enter the Cleanup Brigade.   2022-05-24 02:33
【新闻】美媒:美国“奶粉荒”持续,贸易保护反噬自身  Why America’s baby formula crisis is an entirely self-inflicted problem   2022-05-23 16:54
【新闻】中国疫情封控催生“移民热”  As China Doubles Down on Lockdowns, Some Chinese Seek an Exit   2022-05-23 10:33
【新闻】拜登亚洲行启动印太经济框架,抗衡中国影响力  Biden to Begin New Asia-Pacific Economic Bloc With a Dozen Allies   2022-05-23 04:28
【健康】关于猴痘,你应该知道的几个关键问题  What Is Monkeypox?   2022-05-23 01:40
【科技】研究:每天一包薯片,一年后体重将增加约6.4公斤……  Daily bag of crisps could leave you a stone heavier   2022-05-21 08:00
【新闻】美联储不顾世界加息,美国做事一向是强盗逻辑 | 小象漫评  Raising interest rates is only one of US’ tools for pillaging world   2022-05-20 11:01
【科技】研究:气候变化将让印度和巴基斯坦超级热浪发生率增加100倍  Climate change swells odds of record India, Pakistan heatwaves   2022-05-20 08:00
【新闻】在德国,西方制裁搅乱俄罗斯寡头“隐居”生活  At a German Hideaway, Oligarch Villas Challenge a ‘Silent Contract’   2022-05-20 06:29
【健康】日行1万步真的能让你健康长寿吗?  Do We Really Need to Take 10,000 Steps a Day for Our Health?   2022-05-20 03:53
【新闻】拜登任内首访亚洲,政策重心重新聚焦中国  Biden Begins Trip to Asia Meant to Reassure Allies of Focus on China   2022-05-20 03:50
【新闻】金正恩欲学“中国模式”,专家警告恐加剧疫情危机  North Korea Wants to Follow China’s Covid ‘Success.’ Its Plan May Backfire   2022-05-19 10:00
【新闻】中国科学家研发新型隐形眼镜,可实时监测眼压辅助治疗青光眼  Contact lens that can release drug could be used to treat glaucoma   2022-05-19 08:00

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