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【商业】“最后一代”和“润学”:中国年轻人的绝望与幻灭  ‘The Last Generation’: The Disillusionment of Young Chinese   2022-05-25 10:31
  Four years ago, many young Chinese liked to use the hashtag #Amazing China.

【新闻】拜登涉台言论令美国盟友陷入尴尬境地  Biden’s Words on Taiwan Leave Allies in an Awkward Spot   2022-05-25 04:50
  TOKYO — Even before President Biden traveled to Tokyo this week to strengthen a partnership with Australia, India and Japan, the alliance was struggling to present a united front, as India refrained from condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

【新闻】得州小学枪击案致至少21人遇害,包括19名儿童  19 Children and 2 Adults Killed in Massacre at Texas Elementary School   2022-05-25 03:36
  UVALDE, Texas — A gunman killed at least 19 children and two adults on Tuesday in a rural Texas elementary school, a state police official said, in the deadliest American school shooting since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary a decade ago.

【商业】爱彼迎将关闭中国境内业务  Airbnb shuts down its local business in China.   2022-05-24 10:04
  Airbnb, a home rental company, plans to shut down its domestic business in China, in a further sign of the internet decoupling between China and much of the rest of the world.

【新闻】调查:“差钱”让美国人感到前所未有的精神压力  Americans are more stressed about money than ever, and it's hurting our ment   2022-05-24 08:00
  Americans are more stressed about money than they've ever been, according to the American Psychological Association's latest Stress In America Survey.

【生活】外国人为什么也开始说“马马虎虎”?  Forget About Perfection. Embrace ‘Mamahuhu.’   2022-05-24 05:37
  As a kid, I spoke English to my Chinese immigrant parents, who replied to me and my siblings mostly in kind. My grandmother, who lived with us, was different. She could communicate to us only in Mandarin; what we couldn’t understand in words, we’d figure out through pantomime. A few phrases in Mandarin are particularly vivid to me — the ones my parents used when they grumbled about something: hulihutu, or “muddle-headed”; fa feng, or “to go crazy”; and most striking of all, mamahuhu, which means “so-so” or “mediocre” (and also “careless”).

【商业】中国社媒强制披露用户IP,海外地址成众矢之的  China’s Internet Censors Try a New Trick: Revealing Users’ Locations   2022-05-24 05:31
  For years China’s censors have relied on a trusted tool kit to control the country’s internet. They have deleted posts, suspended accounts, blocked keywords, and arrested the most outspoken.

【新闻】拜登称将在军事上保护台湾是口误吗?  Biden Veers Off Script on Taiwan. Enter the Cleanup Brigade.   2022-05-24 02:33
  SEOUL — Maybe President Biden isn’t speaking off script after all. Maybe he just doesn’t think much of the script.

【新闻】美媒:美国“奶粉荒”持续,贸易保护反噬自身  Why America’s baby formula crisis is an entirely self-inflicted problem   2022-05-23 16:54
  In the two years since COVID first arrived in the US, Americans have had to get used to things being out of stock. Refrigerators, stoves, washers—at various points, global supply-chain issues have meant that each of these has been tough to come by. But while those stock-outs may have been annoying, Americans today are dealing with a shortage that’s actually serious: a dearth of infant formula. In the first week of May, the national out-of-stock rate for infant formula was 43%, and there’s no sign that things have improved since. And this supply-chain problem is different from those earlier ones in two ways. First, formula is not a product you can afford to wait for. (Babies need to be fed!) Second, this problem is largely self-inflicted.自美国首次发现新冠病毒的两年间,美国人不得不习惯缺货。冰箱、炉灶、洗衣机都出现过缺货,全球供应链问题意味着这些产品都很难到货。尽管这些商品缺货可能令人恼火,但今天的美国人正在应对一个很严重的短缺问题:婴儿配方奶粉缺货。在5月的第一周,婴儿配方奶粉的全美缺货率为43%,此后没有任何有所改善的迹象。婴儿奶粉供应问题与之前的供应链问题有两个区别。首先,配方奶粉是等不了的产品。(婴儿需要喂奶!)其次,这个问题主要是美国“咎由自取”。
  The proximate cause of the shortage was the shutdown of Abbott Laboratories’s formula factory in Sturgis, Michigan, and the company’s voluntary recall of powder-formula products made there, after FDA inspectors found a bacteria called Cronobacter inside the plant. (Months earlier, four infants who consumed formula from the factory had become ill with Cronobacter infections, and two had died, though Abbott says that the illnesses were not caused by consuming its products.) But the reason that shutdown was so consequential is that we’ve created a system in which almost all the formula consumed in the US is made by a small number of companies in a small number of factories; taking just one of them offline has massive ripple effects across the economy. Parents in Canada and Europe aren’t having any trouble finding baby formula. It’s only American parents who have been left scrambling.短缺的直接原因是雅培公司关闭了在密歇根州斯特吉斯的配方奶粉工厂,该公司在其工厂内发现阪崎肠杆菌后,主动召回该工厂生产的配方奶粉产品。(几个月前,四名食用该工厂配方奶粉的婴儿感染了阪崎肠杆菌,两名婴儿死亡,不过雅培表示,这些疾病并非由食用其产品引起的。)但停产的影响之所以如此之大,是因为美国消费的几乎所有配方奶粉都是由少数几家公司在少数几家工厂生产的;仅仅让其中一个关闭就对整个经济造成大规模连锁反应。加拿大和欧洲的父母都没有遇到婴儿配方奶粉缺货的问题。只有美国的父母在苦苦挣扎。

【新闻】中国疫情封控催生“移民热”  As China Doubles Down on Lockdowns, Some Chinese Seek an Exit   2022-05-23 10:33
  Clara Xie had long wondered whether she might leave China one day. She chafed at the country’s censorship regime, and as a lesbian, she wanted to live in a country more accepting of same-sex relationships. Still, the idea felt distant — she was young, and didn’t even know which country she would choose.

【新闻】拜登亚洲行启动印太经济框架,抗衡中国影响力  Biden to Begin New Asia-Pacific Economic Bloc With a Dozen Allies   2022-05-23 04:28
  SEOUL — President Biden has enlisted a dozen Asia-Pacific nations to join a new loosely defined economic bloc meant to counter China’s dominance and reassert American influence in the region five years after his predecessor withdrew the United States from a sweeping trade accord that it had negotiated itself.

【健康】关于猴痘,你应该知道的几个关键问题  What Is Monkeypox?   2022-05-23 01:40
  The rare monkeypox virus, usually confined mostly to Central and West Africa, has spread in unusual ways this year, and among populations that have not been vulnerable in the past.

【科技】研究:每天一包薯片,一年后体重将增加约6.4公斤……  Daily bag of crisps could leave you a stone heavier   2022-05-21 08:00
  People drastically underestimate the number of calories in their snacks, with experts warning that eating a bag of crisps every day could lead to a stone of weight gain in a year.

【新闻】美联储不顾世界加息,美国做事一向是强盗逻辑 | 小象漫评  Raising interest rates is only one of US’ tools for pillaging world   2022-05-20 11:01
  In the past year, the US inflation rate stayed as high as 6 percent, three times the expectations.

【科技】研究:气候变化将让印度和巴基斯坦超级热浪发生率增加100倍  Climate change swells odds of record India, Pakistan heatwaves   2022-05-20 08:00
  Climate change makes record-breaking heatwaves in northwest India and Pakistan 100 times more likely, a Met Office study finds.

【新闻】在德国,西方制裁搅乱俄罗斯寡头“隐居”生活  At a German Hideaway, Oligarch Villas Challenge a ‘Silent Contract’   2022-05-20 06:29
  ROTTACH-EGERN, Germany — Nestled among snow-capped mountains an hour’s drive south of Munich, the villages around the Alpine lake of Tegernsee have been a playground of the superrich for centuries — whether Bavarian kings, Russian czars, Nazi elites or pop stars.

【健康】日行1万步真的能让你健康长寿吗?  Do We Really Need to Take 10,000 Steps a Day for Our Health?   2022-05-20 03:53
  Fitness tracking devices often recommend we take 10,000 steps a day. But the goal of taking 10,000 steps, which many of us believe is rooted in science, in fact rests on coincidence and sticky history rather than research.

【新闻】拜登任内首访亚洲,政策重心重新聚焦中国  Biden Begins Trip to Asia Meant to Reassure Allies of Focus on China   2022-05-20 03:50
  SEOUL — President Biden embarked Thursday on his first diplomatic mission to Asia since taking office, hoping to demonstrate that the United States remained focused on countering China, even as his administration stage-managed a war against Russia in Europe.

【新闻】金正恩欲学“中国模式”,专家警告恐加剧疫情危机  North Korea Wants to Follow China’s Covid ‘Success.’ Its Plan May Backfire   2022-05-19 10:00
  SEOUL — When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, acknowledged an outbreak of Covid-19 last week, he ordered his government to learn from ​China’s “success” fighting the virus​.​ ​What he did not say is that an attempt to follow China’s pandemic response could send his impoverished country toward catastrophe.

【新闻】中国科学家研发新型隐形眼镜,可实时监测眼压辅助治疗青光眼  Contact lens that can release drug could be used to treat glaucoma   2022-05-19 08:00
  A contact lens that can release a drug if it detects high pressure within the eye has been created by scientists who say it could help treat glaucoma.科学家发明了一种隐形眼镜,当它检测到眼压升高时,就会释放药物。科学家宣称这种隐性眼镜可辅助治疗青光眼。
  Glaucoma is an eye disease that involves damage to the optic nerve, and can lead to blindness if not treated.青光眼是一种损害视神经的眼病,如不治疗可能导致失明。

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