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【商业】拜登政府将暂停对太阳能行业征收新关税  Biden to Pause New Solar Tariffs as White House Aims to Encourage Adoption   2022-06-10 12:23
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration Monday announced a two-year pause on imposing any new tariffs on the solar industry, following an outcry from importers who have complained the levies are threatening broader adoption of solar energy in the United States.

【新闻】世卫最新报告称新冠起源仍存疑,需要更多中国数据  Mysteries Linger About Covid’s Origins, W.H.O. Report Says   2022-06-10 12:21
  In its first report, a team of international scientists assembled by the World Health Organization to advise on the origins of the coronavirus said on Thursday that bats likely carried an ancestor of the coronavirus that may have then spilled over into a mammal sold at a wildlife market. But the team said that more Chinese data was needed to study how the virus spread to people, including the possibility that a lab leak played a role.

【健康】专家称猴痘病毒可以通过空气传播  Monkeypox Can Be Airborne, Too   2022-06-09 12:34
  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance last week for travelers wishing to protect themselves against monkeypox. This was one of its recommendations: “Wear a mask. Wearing a mask can help protect you from many diseases, including monkeypox.”

【科技】iOS 16和Android 13将如何改变你的手机  How Updates in iOS 16 and Android 13 Will Change Your Phone   2022-06-08 03:40
  CUPERTINO, Calif. — Around this time every year, our smartphones become a reminder to always be ready for change.

【文化】约翰尼·德普诽谤案与女性所承受的恶意  The Actual Malice of the Johnny Depp Trial   2022-06-08 02:49
  The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial was, from gavel to gavel, a singularly baffling, unedifying and sad spectacle. Now that it has ended with the jury finding in favor of Depp on all questions and in favor of Heard on only one, it’s clear that the confusion was the point.

【商业】世界银行警告全球增长放缓,中国经济增速将大幅下降  Global Growth Will Be Choked Amid Inflation and War, World Bank Says   2022-06-08 01:17
  For large and small nations around the globe, the prospect of averting a recession is fading.

【商业】北京放松疫情限制,恢复堂食  Beijing relaxes Covid measures as fears of another outbreak linger.   2022-06-07 10:44
  Beijing residents eagerly indulged in a privilege that they had not enjoyed in weeks: dining inside a restaurant.

【商业】谢丽尔·桑德伯格的“向前一步”对女性意味着什么?  What Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Lean In’ Has Meant to Women   2022-06-07 04:24
  When Amy Bailey, a communications strategist, read “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, the year was 2013. The #MeToo movement hadn’t yet ballooned, spotlighting the abuses women can face in the workplace. The term #girlboss wasn’t trending. And the question of how Facebook might affect democracy was not front and center.
  传播策略师艾米·贝利读到谢丽尔·桑德伯格的《向前一步》(Lean In)是在2013年。当时,突显女性在职场可能面临虐待情况的“#我也是”(#MeToo)运动还没有兴起。“#年轻女老板”(#girlboss)这个标签并不流行。Facebook可能如何影响民主的问题也没有引起关注。

【健康】想活得更长久?也许你该每天喝咖啡  Coffee Drinking Linked to Lower Mortality Risk, New Study Finds   2022-06-06 02:54
  That morning cup of coffee may be linked to a lower risk of dying, researchers from a study published Monday in The Annals of Internal Medicine concluded. Those who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day, even with a teaspoon of sugar, were up to 30 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who didn’t drink coffee. Those who drank unsweetened coffee were 16 to 21 percent less likely to die during the study period, with those drinking about three cups per day having the lowest risk of death when compared with noncoffee drinkers.

【商业】美国将与台湾就加强贸易和技术联系展开对话  Biden Administration Begins Trade Dialogue With Taiwan   2022-06-02 10:28
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration said on Wednesday that it would pursue negotiations to strengthen trade and technology ties with Taiwan, a move that is aimed at countering China’s influence in the Asia-Pacific region and one that is likely to rankle Beijing.

【新闻】朝鲜宣布已控制疫情一天后疑似病例反弹  North Korea reports increase in cases despite its claim to have the virus under    2022-05-31 10:10
  SEOUL — North Korea reported an increase in suspected new cases of Covid-19 on Monday, a day after its government claimed to have the pandemic under control.

【商业】美国重回超级计算机排名榜首,中国未提交测试结果  U.S. Retakes Top Spot in Supercomputer Race   2022-05-31 01:59
  The United States has regained a coveted speed crown in computing with a powerful new supercomputer in Tennessee, a milestone for the technology that plays a major role in science, medicine and other fields.

【新闻】CNN污蔑中国代表团,结果闹了个大乌龙!  Chinese WEF delegation refutes CNN's false report   2022-05-28 08:00
  The Chinese delegation to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos has refuted a CNN report on Monday that quoted a US politician as saying they walked out of the room without applauding after a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

【经济】纾困帮扶小微企业、个体户,金融机构这么做  Banks, insurers up support for MSEs amid headwinds   2022-05-27 16:57
  Chinese banks and insurers have ramped up financial support for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and self-employed individuals as they have been facing a significant increase in difficulties since the beginning of this year.由于今年年初以来,我国小微企业和个体工商户受到较大冲击,银行和保险机构加大了对其金融支持力度。
  To help market entities tide over tough times, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd, the country's largest State-owned commercial lender by assets, saw its outstanding balance of inclusive loans rise 43 percent year-on-year at the end of the first quarter.为了帮助市场实体度过难关,中国工商银行一季度末普惠贷款余额同比增长43%。

【科技】中国卖家从亚马逊“撤退”?  An American Comeback on Amazon   2022-05-27 10:21
  One essential ingredient for Amazon’s success is the explosion of businesses based in China that sell products through its vast digital mall.

【新闻】对抗“恶老板”,韩国民众对职场霸凌说“不”  South Korean Workers Turn the Tables on Their Bad Bosses   2022-05-27 04:46
  SEOUL — A boss orders a worker to feed and clean up after his dog. An airline heiress makes a taxiing passenger plane return to the gate to remove a flight attendant who rubbed her the wrong way. The 10-year-old granddaughter of a newspaper tycoon hurls insults at her chauffeur, threatening to fire him for being spoiled.

【新闻】外媒:枪支暴力事件每年导致美国一个县损失7200万美元  Report reveals staggering gun violence cost in US Santa Clara County   2022-05-26 16:24
  Firearm incidents cost Santa Clara, a US county in Northern California, 72 million US dollars each year, according to a report by San Jose Spotlight on Monday.

【教育】关于读书的好处 这些著名作家的话一语中的  11 inspiring quotes about books and reading   2022-05-26 09:32
  1. “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”
  —F. Scott Fitzgerald

【科技】分裂与交汇:美国与中国的平行数字世界  Digital Threads Between the U.S. and China   2022-05-26 04:27
  As the world’s two superpowers grow further apart, the internet environments in the U.S. and China are increasingly separate digital worlds. U.S. internet companies have mostly flopped in China, and with notable exceptions, apps from China haven’t gone big outside their home country.

【健康】报告:全球疫情催生573位亿万富翁 却让2.63亿人陷入极度贫困  Oxfam calls for an end to billionaire ‘bonanza,’ says millions are falling i   2022-05-25 17:33
  A new billionaire emerged every 30 hours during the Covid-19 pandemic, and nearly a million could fall into extreme poverty at around the same rate in 2022. Those are the sobering statistics recently released by Oxfam.

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