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【新闻】中国生物技术、癌症早筛领域前景广阔  Nation sees big biz in biotech, early cancer detection   2022-06-20 17:17
  If you ask anyone how to reduce the mortality rate of cancer patients, the answer may vary from person to person. Yet early detection and intervention probably will occur in most people's answers to that question.如何降低癌症患者的死亡率,对此人们的回答可能有所不同。然而,大多数人的答案可能都包括早期发现和干预。
  New financing events for domestic early cancer screening startups have hit news headlines since the start of the year, despite slides in share prices of many listed biotech companies at home and abroad.尽管国内外许多生物技术上市公司股价下跌,但自今年年初以来,针对国内早癌筛查初创公司的新融资活动占据了新闻头条。

【新闻】中国“天眼”真的发现疑似地外文明信号了吗?  A Chinese Telescope Did Not Find an Alien Signal. The Search Continues.   2022-06-20 11:51
  It was a project that launched a thousand interstellar dreams.

【经济】晒晒太阳就能续航,全球首款太阳能电动车量产在即  World's first production-ready solar car to take the road later this year   2022-06-20 08:00
  A Dutch company is starting deliveries of the world’s first production-ready solar car to customers later this year, promising months of charge-less driving in summer conditions. 2016年成立于荷兰的Lightyear公司将于今年晚些时候向客户交付全球首款可量产的太阳能汽车。该公司承诺这款太阳能汽车在夏季可驾驶数月而无需充电。
  Lightyear, founded in the Netherlands in 2016, is making 949 of the models featuring curved solar panels across the car’s hood and roof. Power derived from the sun will add as much as 70 kilometers of driving range per day from the sun.Lightyear公司将生产949台太阳能汽车,这些汽车的引擎盖和车顶都安装了曲面太阳能电池板,每天最多可提供70公里的行驶里程。

【新闻】通过这部电影,她想象一个让老人安乐死的日本社会  A Filmmaker Imagines a Japan Where the Elderly Volunteer to Die   2022-06-20 05:49
  TOKYO — The Japanese film director Chie Hayakawa was germinating the idea for a screenplay when she decided to test out her premise on elderly friends of her mother and other acquaintances. Her question: If the government sponsored a euthanasia program for people 75 and over, would you consent to it?

【商业】通胀走向顽固,数百万美国人面临经济“悬崖”  This Is Going to Hurt   2022-06-20 03:46
  Kat Johnston didn’t expect the pandemic to make her less stressed about her finances. After all, she temporarily lost her job at the library where she worked full time. But, like many Americans, she found an unexpected reprieve from money worries: Months at home limited her spending, and she received expanded unemployment insurance and two one-time checks from the government.

【新闻】吃素一个月,身体会发生什么变化?  What Happens to Your Body If You Go Vegan for a Month?   2022-06-19 08:00
  Whether for philosophical or health reasons, some people are opting to stop consuming animals and are adopting a vegan diet. This approach to eating eschews all animal products, including meat, fish, milk, eggs and even honey.

【新闻】上海:总投资5658亿元的322个重大产业项目签约  $84b deals shine spotlight on Shanghai   2022-06-17 15:37
  Shanghai witnessed deals worth 565.8 billion yuan ($84.4 billion) for 322 major industrial projects on Thursday.

【新闻】“如今形势更糟”:陈果仁案40年后,亚裔仍未摆脱恐惧  Decades After Infamous Beating Death, Recent Attacks Haunt Asian Americans   2022-06-17 01:45
  MADISON HEIGHTS, Mich. — When Vincent Chin, a Chinese American man who lived near Detroit, was beaten to death with a baseball bat after being pursued by two white autoworkers in 1982, it horrified and mobilized Asian Americans across ethnic and linguistic lines.

【新闻】在气候变化最前线,南亚国家挑战和困境加剧  On Climate Change’s Front Lines, Hard Lives Grow Even Harder   2022-06-16 06:28
  FATEHGARH-SAHIB, India — When the unseasonably heavy rains flooded the fields, and then the equally unseasonable heat shriveled the seeds, it didn’t just slash Ranjit Singh’s wheat harvest by nearly half.

【科技】数百起车祸背后,特斯拉等先进驾驶系统汽车安全性引担忧  Tesla Autopilot and Other Driver-Assist Systems Linked to Hundreds of Crashes   2022-06-16 04:05
  Nearly 400 crashes in the United States in 10 months involved cars using advanced driver-assistance technologies, the federal government’s top auto-safety regulator disclosed Wednesday.

【商业】中美之间建设性沟通的难度正在加大  Constructive Communication Between the U.S. and China Gets Harder   2022-06-16 01:30
  At the outset of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidency, many people hoped that relations between the United States and China, after four years of battering, would slowly start to improve. That hasn’t been the case.

【新闻】2020年美国大选之夜白宫内发生了什么?  The Fractious Night That Began Trump’s Bid to Overturn the Election   2022-06-15 12:29
  WASHINGTON — Rudy Giuliani seemed drunk, and he was making a beeline for the president.

【科技】谷歌工程师称AI“有意识、有灵魂”,遭公司停职  Google Sidelines Engineer Who Claims Its A.I. Is Sentient   2022-06-15 11:51
  SAN FRANCISCO — Google placed an engineer on paid leave recently after dismissing his claim that its artificial intelligence is sentient, surfacing yet another fracas about the company’s most advanced technology.

【新闻】彭博社中国员工范若伊被拘一年后取保候审  Bloomberg News Employee Detained by China Has Been Released on Bail   2022-06-15 10:45
  A Chinese employee at Bloomberg News, Haze Fan, was released on bail in January, according to the Chinese embassy in Washington, more than a year after plainclothes security officials detained her.

【新闻】那些被遗弃的尸体:在乌克兰战场上凝视死亡  The Corpse of a Russian Soldier, and the Cold but Human Urge to Look   2022-06-15 04:43
  HUSARIVKA, Ukraine — There’s a dead guy in there.

【商业】拜登考虑削减对华关税,以缓解通货膨胀  Biden Weighs Tariff Rollback to Ease Inflation, Even a Little Bit   2022-06-15 03:33
  WASHINGTON — President Biden is weighing whether to roll back some of the tariffs that former President Donald J. Trump imposed on Chinese goods, in hopes of mitigating the most rapid price gains in 40 years, according to senior administration officials.

【新闻】访华之行受批评后,联合国人权高官称不寻求连任  U.N. Human Rights Chief Decides Not to Seek a Second Term   2022-06-14 09:56
  GENEVA — The United Nations’ top human rights official announced Monday that she was stepping down when her term expires at the end of August, less than a month after a visit to China that drew fierce criticism from human rights groups.

【新闻】从中国走向纽约:不锈钢栅栏成中产家装新风尚  Not Just a Fence: The Story of a Stainless Steel Status Symbol   2022-06-14 04:57
  On the residential streets of Flushing, Queens, and Sunset Park, Brooklyn, steel fences line almost every other house. They’re silver, sometimes embellished with gold, and they’re in striking contrast to the modest brick and vinyl-clad houses that they encircle, like a diamond necklace worn atop an old white T-shirt.

【商业】标普500指数进入熊市,全球经济形势引发严重担忧  Bear Market Sends Grim Signal of Economic Fears   2022-06-14 04:40
  Three weeks ago, Wall Street narrowly escaped a bear market, with stocks rebounding at the last minute from a brutal drop that had brought the S&P 500 down 20 percent from a record high in January. The next few weeks offered a glimmer of hope that the worst of the losses might be over.

【健康】新冠免疫力能持续多久?再次感染会更严重吗?  How Long Does Covid Immunity Last? Will a Second Illness Be Worse? How Can I Pre   2022-06-13 05:59
  If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have already had Covid-19, you may be wondering how long you will have immunity from the coronavirus. Earlier in the pandemic, most people assumed that getting infected had at least one upside: that you would be protected against future encounters with the virus. But as the latest wave heads toward the Western region of the country and the virus shows no signs of easing up, reinfections seem to have become common. Already, many people are reporting second or even third infections with newer variants.

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