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【科技】研究:“金鸡独立”可测试你的寿命  Wobbly on one leg? Ability to balance is linked to a longer life, study finds   2022-06-24 08:30
【新闻】控枪问题再成争议焦点,美国参议院和最高法院走向分裂  In One Day, Washington Goes in Two Directions on Guns   2022-06-24 05:49
【新闻】俄罗斯低价卖油突破制裁,中国印度成其“大金主”  In Russia’s War, China and India Emerge as Financiers   2022-06-24 05:20
【新闻】《瞬息全宇宙》背后的“疯狂”亚裔造型师  The Costume Designer at the Center of the Universes   2022-06-24 02:42
【新闻】阿里性侵案涉事男客户被判猥亵罪,获刑18个月  Chinese Businessman Tied to Alibaba Rape Case Is Sentenced to Prison   2022-06-23 10:36
【健康】最新健康指南:服用维生素基本是浪费钱  Are you wasting your money on supplements? Most likely, experts say   2022-06-23 08:30
【新闻】为什么他们将金正恩告上法庭?  ‘Not in This for the Money’: Why Some Families Sue North Korea   2022-06-23 04:07
【新闻】美国涉新疆强迫劳动禁令生效,全球供应链或将“大换血”  Companies Brace for Impact of New Forced Labor Law   2022-06-23 02:38
【新闻】珍宝海鲜舫在南海沉没,曾承载香港一个时代的记忆  Hong Kong’s Floating Restaurant Sinks at Sea, Laden With Memories   2022-06-22 10:02
【新闻】发光冰淇淋、昆虫冰淇淋……现在的冰淇淋也太卷了吧  Awesome 5 weird ice cream flavors   2022-06-22 08:00
【新闻】中国新研究显示奥密克戎重症率低,重启清零必要性争论  Chinese Omicron Study Renews Debate Over ‘Zero Covid’ Policy   2022-06-22 03:04
【文化】疫情、中国与事实:任璧莲笔下的中美世界  How Covid Got Gish Jen Thinking About China   2022-06-22 02:37
【经济】央企“十四五”加大投资新基建 推动转型和发展  SOEs to invest $1.49 trillion in 'new infra'   2022-06-21 17:03
【文化】《花香园的女儿们》:1949年夏,难以跨越的海峡  Sisters Divided by China’s Divisions   2022-06-21 11:46
【商业】中国楼市转冷,刺激措施能否重新唤起购房热情?  China’s Once-Sizzling Property Market Has Started to Cool   2022-06-21 11:36
【新闻】日本公司发明便携式口袋马桶 使用后在室内放置一周也不会臭  Japanese company makes the world's smallest portable toilet   2022-06-21 08:30
【旅游】米其林美食与新的消费殿堂:一个等待游人的巴黎  In Paris, Grand Openings and Gourmet Meals Await   2022-06-21 06:00
【新闻】“吊死迈克·彭斯”:国会大厦骚乱中前副总统的惊魂一日  Jan. 6 Was More Harrowing Than Mike Pence Ever Imagined   2022-06-21 04:14
【旅游】杀死一条狮子鱼  Behold the Lionfish, as Transfixing as It Is Destructive   2022-06-21 04:12
【新闻】唐山打人事件:中国女性说“不”要承担多少风险?  Brutal Beating of Women in China Highlights Risk of Saying ‘No’   2022-06-21 03:48

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