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【科技】研究:“金鸡独立”可测试你的寿命  Wobbly on one leg? Ability to balance is linked to a longer life, study finds   2022-06-24 08:30
  An inability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds in later life is linked to nearly double the risk of death from any cause within the next decade, according to a new study.

【新闻】控枪问题再成争议焦点,美国参议院和最高法院走向分裂  In One Day, Washington Goes in Two Directions on Guns   2022-06-24 05:49
  WASHINGTON — The nation’s capital, so often a backdrop for inaction, had seldom witnessed anything quite like it — two branches of government splintering in opposite directions on guns, one of the country’s most divisive issues, in the space of two hours on a single day.

【新闻】俄罗斯低价卖油突破制裁,中国印度成其“大金主”  In Russia’s War, China and India Emerge as Financiers   2022-06-24 05:20
  As Russia tries to break the stranglehold of sanctions, China and India are emerging as Moscow’s pivotal financiers by purchasing large amounts of Russian crude, putting themselves in the middle of the messy war with Ukraine and a geopolitical standoff with the West.

【新闻】《瞬息全宇宙》背后的“疯狂”亚裔造型师  The Costume Designer at the Center of the Universes   2022-06-24 02:42
  Shirley Kurata wore a pink long-sleeve T-shirt designed by her husband, Charlie Staunton; a vintage pink floral Comme des Garçons skirt; and yellow and purple Melissa x Opening Ceremony sneaker jellies, one of at least two pairs she owns. The large round L.A. Eyeworks glasses are exclusive to her, in a marbled pattern and tobacco color called “bronzino.”
  雪莉·仓田(音)穿着一件由丈夫查理·斯坦顿设计的粉色长袖T恤;一条经典Comme des Garçons粉色印花短裙;黄紫两色的Melissa x Opening Ceremony果冻运动鞋,这鞋她至少有两双。巨大的L.A. Eyeworks圆形眼镜是她的专属,使用了一种大理石图案和被称为“布龙齐诺色”的烟草色。

【新闻】阿里性侵案涉事男客户被判猥亵罪,获刑18个月  Chinese Businessman Tied to Alibaba Rape Case Is Sentenced to Prison   2022-06-23 10:36
  When a young female employee at Alibaba, one of China’s biggest technology firms, accused her manager and a company client of sexually assaulting her after an alcohol-fueled work dinner last summer, it seemed like a turning point for the country’s fledgling #MeToo movement.

【健康】最新健康指南:服用维生素基本是浪费钱  Are you wasting your money on supplements? Most likely, experts say   2022-06-23 08:30
  Vitamin, mineral and multivitamin supplements aren't likely to protect you from cancer, heart disease or overall mortality, the US Preventive Services Task Force said in updated guidelines released Tuesday in the journal JAMA.

【新闻】为什么他们将金正恩告上法庭?  ‘Not in This for the Money’: Why Some Families Sue North Korea   2022-06-23 04:07
  SEOUL — A grieving couple in Ohio, a retired preschool teacher in South Korea and a woman who left Japan 62 years ago have one thing in common: They are among a small number of people who have sued North Korea.

【新闻】美国涉新疆强迫劳动禁令生效,全球供应链或将“大换血”  Companies Brace for Impact of New Forced Labor Law   2022-06-23 02:38
  WASHINGTON — A sweeping new law aimed at cracking down on Chinese forced labor could have significant — and unanticipated — ramifications for American companies and consumers.

【新闻】珍宝海鲜舫在南海沉没,曾承载香港一个时代的记忆  Hong Kong’s Floating Restaurant Sinks at Sea, Laden With Memories   2022-06-22 10:02
  When tugboats towed Jumbo Floating Restaurant away from Hong Kong last week, the giant vessel’s owner sent the public its “best wishes for a brighter future.”

【新闻】发光冰淇淋、昆虫冰淇淋……现在的冰淇淋也太卷了吧  Awesome 5 weird ice cream flavors   2022-06-22 08:00
  This flavor is no longer available, but when it was, boiled cicadas (a type of insect) were covered in milk chocolate and dipped in brown sugar. They were then mixed into a brown-sugar-and-butter-flavored ice cream.

【新闻】中国新研究显示奥密克戎重症率低,重启清零必要性争论  Chinese Omicron Study Renews Debate Over ‘Zero Covid’ Policy   2022-06-22 03:04
  A new Chinese study about the relatively low risks associated with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus has reignited discussion about whether the country’s aggressive response to Covid-19 cases is necessary.

【文化】疫情、中国与事实:任璧莲笔下的中美世界  How Covid Got Gish Jen Thinking About China   2022-06-22 02:37
  Gish Jen’s fans can take some solace when they finish one of her books: The characters might reappear in the next one they read.

【经济】央企“十四五”加大投资新基建 推动转型和发展  SOEs to invest $1.49 trillion in 'new infra'   2022-06-21 17:03
  China's State-owned enterprises plan to invest over 10 trillion yuan ($1.49 trillion) in more than 1,300 "new infrastructure"-related projects across the country during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), injecting new impetus into efforts to sustain economic growth, said senior State-asset regulators on Friday.

【文化】《花香园的女儿们》:1949年夏,难以跨越的海峡  Sisters Divided by China’s Divisions   2022-06-21 11:46
  DAUGHTERS OF THE FLOWER FRAGRANT GARDEN: Two Sisters Separated by China’s Civil War, by Zhuqing Li

【商业】中国楼市转冷,刺激措施能否重新唤起购房热情?  China’s Once-Sizzling Property Market Has Started to Cool   2022-06-21 11:36
  A year ago, business was humming for Liang Jiawei, a property salesman in Zhanjiang, a coastal city in southern China.

【新闻】日本公司发明便携式口袋马桶 使用后在室内放置一周也不会臭  Japanese company makes the world's smallest portable toilet   2022-06-21 08:30
  Kokenawa Inc., a startup based in Nagoya, Japan, produces the Pocketoilet, the world’s smallest portable toilet and a real life-saver when nature calls.

【旅游】米其林美食与新的消费殿堂:一个等待游人的巴黎  In Paris, Grand Openings and Gourmet Meals Await   2022-06-21 06:00
  The future is looking bright for the award-winning chef Thibault Sombardier.

【新闻】“吊死迈克·彭斯”:国会大厦骚乱中前副总统的惊魂一日  Jan. 6 Was More Harrowing Than Mike Pence Ever Imagined   2022-06-21 04:14
  WASHINGTON — He started the day with a prayer.

【旅游】杀死一条狮子鱼  Behold the Lionfish, as Transfixing as It Is Destructive   2022-06-21 04:12
  The silence underwater is overwhelming. Time passes quickly. Having spotted my target, I focus on it intensely, knowing that if I miss, and the animal gets away, it may learn from the encounter and be harder to hunt in the future.

【新闻】唐山打人事件:中国女性说“不”要承担多少风险?  Brutal Beating of Women in China Highlights Risk of Saying ‘No’   2022-06-21 03:48
  BEIJING — The man walked into a barbecue restaurant in northern China and approached a table of three women. He put his hand on the back of one, who shook him off. In response, he slapped her — then, with several other men, savagely beat her and the other women, hitting them with chairs, kicking them and dragging them outdoors.

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