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【新闻】当一名亚裔科学家被卷入新冠溯源之争  Caught in the Crossfire Over Covid’s Origins   2021-08-25 06:51
  In the early days of the pandemic, scientists reported a reassuring trait in the new coronavirus: It appeared to be very stable. The virus was not mutating very rapidly, making it an easier target for treatments and vaccines.

【科技】中年发福不是新陈代谢的锅!研究发现60岁后新陈代谢才开始变慢  Metabolism peaks at age one and tanks after 60, study finds   2021-08-17 13:04
  Middle-aged spread cannot be blamed on a waning metabolism, according to an unprecedented analysis of the body's energy use.

【新闻】外交部发言人就阿富汗局势答记者问     2021-08-17 09:22

【新闻】“仇恨病毒”肆虐 美国已报告近万起反亚裔事件  More than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents reported in US since pandemic started   2021-08-17 08:00
  More than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents have been reported across the United States since the coronavirus pandemic began, according to a report released on Thursday.8月12日发布的一份报告显示,自新冠疫情暴发以来,美国各地已报告的反亚裔事件达9000多起。
  Stop AAPI Hate, a national coalition that tracks and responds to racially motivated hate crimes towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, received 9,081 reports between 19 March 2020 and this June. A total of 4,548 hate crimes occurred in 2020 and another 4,533 occurred in 2021.“停止仇恨亚太裔(Stop AAPI Hate)”是一个追踪和应对针对亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的种族仇恨犯罪的全国联盟,该机构在2020年3月19日至今年6月期间收到了9081起反亚裔事件报告。其中,2020年总共发生了4548起仇恨犯罪,2021年4533起。

【新闻】德尔塔毒株带来的痛苦真相:“新冠病毒不会消失”  Delta Surge Drives Home Painful Truth: Covid Isn’t Going Away   2021-08-17 03:33
  CHICAGO — As alarm mounted over the coronavirus ripping through the country, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago was barraged with warnings: Lollapalooza was looking increasingly risky. The annual four-day music festival would draw hundreds of thousands of people downtown, unmasked, crowded into mosh pits, city parks, restaurants and L trains, setting up the threat of a superspreader coronavirus event in the Midwest.
  芝加哥——随着新冠病毒在全国肆虐的警报不断升级,芝加哥市长洛里·莱特福特(Lori Lightfoot)收到了铺天盖地的警告:洛拉帕罗扎音乐节(Lollapalooza)看起来越来越危险。这个一年一度、为期四天的音乐节将吸引成千上万的人来到市中心,他们不戴口罩,挤进热舞池、城市公园、餐馆和L型火车,在中西部地区形成新冠病毒超级传播事件的威胁。

【新闻】避免严格封锁和大规模检测,台湾是如何让疫情趋缓的  Here’s how Taiwan is curbing outbreaks without strict lockdowns.   2021-08-17 01:22
  The most popular YouTube shows in Taiwan are pop music videos, clips of video gamers and, in recent months, the health minister’s daily updates on the coronavirus.

【新闻】英国女王私人花园首度对公众开放 游客直呼“被宰”  Buckingham Palace Gardens branded 'rip off' in TripAdvisor reviews   2021-08-16 13:10
  Visitors to Buckingham Palace now have the opportunity to explore the Queen's private garden, as the Queen has opened up the palace gardens to the public for the very first time.

【新闻】中国奥运健儿回家!酒店隔离生活把网友看呆了……     2021-08-15 09:00
  After the curtain came down on the Tokyo Olympic Games on Sunday, the Chinese delegation boarded their flights home having served up two weeks of spine-tingling action that transcended the sporting landscape to cheer the entire nation.

【健康】感染德尔塔毒株有何特殊症状?  Are Delta Symptoms Different?   2021-08-13 11:15
  Two years ago, a sneeze or a cough wouldn’t have been cause for concern, but now even the mildest of symptoms can leave us wondering, “Do I have Covid?”

【健康】德尔塔变异株威胁儿童群体,致重症可能性引担忧  The Delta Variant Is Sending More Children to the Hospital. Are They Sicker, Too   2021-08-13 10:22
  Pilar Villarraga had spent much of the summer counting down the days until her daughter Sophia’s birthday. In early August, Sophia would turn 12 — and become officially eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine. “I didn’t want her to start school without the vaccine,” said Ms. Villarraga, who lives in Doral, Fla.
  皮拉尔·维拉尔拉加(Pilar Villarraga)在夏天的大部分时间里一直在为女儿索菲娅(Sophia)即将到来的生日倒计时。索菲娅将在8月初满12岁,那时她将有资格接种新冠疫苗。“我不想让女儿在没打疫苗的情况下去上学,”家住佛罗里达州多拉尔的维拉尔拉加说。

【文化】上世纪50年代的女性恋爱指南竟是这样的     2021-08-13 09:00
  The publisher asked 16 people to brainstorm strategies lonely women could use to get men to pay attention to them.

【新闻】为什么我在这家性用品商店“不受欢迎”?  Why Won’t Anyone Help Me in This Sex Shop?   2021-08-13 04:03
  I didn’t see what the problem was. I’m a perfectly respectable woman who knows what she wants and has the ability to pay for it. At 83, I may be a little older than most, and legally blind, but generally speaking, people are pleased to welcome me into their shops and boutiques and promptly move forward to offer assistance.

【健康】20岁以后新陈代谢放缓?新研究颠覆传统观点  What We Think We Know About Metabolism May Be Wrong   2021-08-13 02:38
  Everyone knows conventional wisdom about metabolism: People put pounds on year after year from their 20s onward because their metabolisms slow down, especially around middle age. Women have slower metabolisms than men. That’s why they have a harder time controlling their weight. Menopause only makes things worse, slowing women’s metabolisms even more.

【商业】阿里性侵丑闻再揭中国科技业阴暗面  Alibaba Rape Allegation Reveals China Tech’s Seamy Side   2021-08-13 02:37
  For years, as Alibaba turned from a scrappy Chinese start-up into an e-commerce behemoth, some of its business units welcomed new employees with an ice-breaking ceremony that alarmed many of those who endured it.

【新闻】关于突破性感染和德尔塔变种,你需要了解的五件事  What to Know About Breakthrough Infections and the Delta Variant   2021-08-12 11:47
  Citing new evidence that vaccinated Americans with so-called breakthrough infections can carry as much coronavirus as unvaccinated people do, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month urged residents of high-transmission areas to wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of their vaccination status.
  美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)上个月敦促高传播地区的民众在室内公共场所戴口罩,无论疫苗的接种情况如何。疾控中心援引新证据表明,发生所谓突破性感染的已接种疫苗者携带的新冠病毒数量不亚于未接种者。

【新闻】希腊山火染红天空,数千人紧急撤离!亲历者:宛若恐怖电影     2021-08-12 09:30
  Smoke and ash from Evia, a rugged island of forests and coves close to the Greek mainland, blocked out the sun and turned the sky orange. The fire, which began August 3, is the most severe of hundreds in the past week across Greece, gobbling up pristine pine forests as well as homes and businesses and forcing hundreds to quickly evacuate by sea to save their lives.

【健康】当工作让你身心疲惫,不妨请一天“悲伤假”  When Work Weighs You Down, Take a ‘Sad Day’   2021-08-12 05:45
  Have you ever felt nervous or afraid to take time off from work to look after your mental health?

【科技】并不高冷!研究显示:你的猫咪可能比你想象的更爱你  Cats see their humans as parents — maybe even more so than dogs, according to    2021-08-11 16:49
  Cats have a rotten reputation as a cold and distant domesticated animal — at least compared to their main competitor, known as “man’s best friend(dogs).”作为一种冷漠而疏离的家养动物,猫咪的名声并不太好,至少与它们的主要竞争对手,“人类最好的朋友(狗狗)”相比是这样。
  But felines do feel affection towards their humans, they simply express it differently — and it’s not just cat people saying it! Now there’s science to prove it, too.但猫科动物确实是喜欢人类的,只是它们的表达方式不同——而且不仅仅是养猫人士这么说!现在也有科学证明了这一点。

【新闻】苹果将检查iCloud照片,查看有无虐待儿童内容  Apple says photos in iCloud will be checked by child abuse detection system   2021-08-10 15:37

【新闻】中国加强奥运场馆防疫设计,力保冬奥会顺利举办  Tokyo’s Olympic Bubble? Wait Till You See Beijing’s.   2021-08-10 11:27
  BEIJING — Guards in biohazard suits, ready to stop anyone from leaving. Athletes giving interviews from behind plastic walls, speaking through microphones. All-day armpit thermometers, with tiny transmitters to sound the alarm should someone develop a fever.

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