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【科技】为保护环境 德国科学家对奶牛进行如厕训练  Scientists are potty-training cows in a bid to help save the planet   2021-09-14 14:53
【科技】苹果发布紧急安全更新,修复间谍软件漏洞  Apple Issues Emergency Security Updates to Close a Spyware Flaw   2021-09-14 11:25
【新闻】棉布环保袋真的环保吗?  The Cotton Tote Crisis   2021-09-14 05:57
【新闻】英国华裔少女艾玛夺得大满贯 用东北腔感谢中国球迷  Emma Raducanu: British 18-year-old makes tennis history with US Open final win   2021-09-13 15:28
【商业】恒大之困:从房产帝国到中国经济的“债务炸弹”  Why China’s Economy Is Threatened by a Property Giant’s Debt Problems   2021-09-13 10:49
【健康】美国第一例新冠死亡病例究竟出现在什么时候?  When Was the First U.S. Covid Death? C.D.C. Investigates 4 Early Cases   2021-09-13 03:47
【新闻】午睡不要超过25分钟,也别趴桌上睡!Power nap了解一下     2021-09-12 08:00
【新闻】“情商”突然成了搞笑梗,真正高情商的人是怎样的?  Are You Emotionally Intelligent?   2021-09-11 08:00
【教育】亚马逊将为一线员工全额支付大学学费  Amazon offers to pay college fees for 750,000 US staff   2021-09-10 14:12
【新闻】中国承诺向阿富汗提供2亿元物资援助  International Flights Resume at Kabul Airport, as Taliban Say They Will Allow Am   2021-09-10 11:33
【新闻】在哪一刻,你发自内心地敬佩和感谢你的老师?  What did a teacher do that made you automatically gain respect for them?   2021-09-10 08:00
【新闻】中国涉维吾尔人DNA研究遭国际期刊撤稿  Two Scientific Journals Retract Articles Involving Chinese DNA Research   2021-09-10 01:58
【新闻】棉布手提袋真的那么环保吗?真相出乎意料  Are cotton tote bags as good for the environment as we think?   2021-09-09 15:20
【新闻】美新冠溯源报告部分解密,未就病毒起源下定论  Intelligence Review Yields No Firm Conclusion on Origins of Coronavirus   2021-09-08 03:01
【科技】从北京到硅谷:“网红”风投界迎来华裔“弄潮儿”  She’s the Investor Guru for Online Creators   2021-09-07 09:02
【科技】阿里性侵事件涉案男员工获释,争议仍存  Alibaba Manager Accused of Rape Is Released, Adding to China’s #MeToo Debate   2021-09-07 05:45
【科技】大尺度破冰、性别歧视严重:阿里企业文化引质疑  After Proudly Celebrating Women, Alibaba Faces Reckoning Over Harassment   2021-09-02 11:21
【新闻】关于全美最严厉限制堕胎法案,你应该知道的六个问题  Answers to Questions About the Texas Abortion Law   2021-09-02 05:41
【新闻】科学家称新冠溯源调查陷入停滞,呼吁中国提供关键证据  The ‘window is rapidly closing’ to gather crucial evidence on the virus’s    2021-08-26 11:33
【新闻】赴美留学人数回升至疫前水平,中国学生占比近半  International students begin to return to U.S. universities after a Covid hiatus   2021-08-25 10:21

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