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【科技】为保护环境 德国科学家对奶牛进行如厕训练  Scientists are potty-training cows in a bid to help save the planet   2021-09-14 14:53
  If you can potty-train a child, you can potty-train a cow. At least, that was the theory a group of researchers in Germany decided to test, in a bid to find a solution to the environmental damage caused by livestock waste.

【科技】苹果发布紧急安全更新,修复间谍软件漏洞  Apple Issues Emergency Security Updates to Close a Spyware Flaw   2021-09-14 11:25
  Apple on Monday issued emergency software updates for a critical vulnerability in its products after security researchers uncovered a flaw that allows highly invasive spyware from Israel’s NSO Group to infect anyone’s iPhone, iWatch or Mac computer without so much as a click.
  在安全研究人员发现苹果公司产品中的一个关键漏洞后,苹果周一发布了紧急软件更新,该漏洞允许以色列NSO集团(NSO Group)的高侵入性间谍软件无需点击即可感染任何人的iPhone、iWatch或Mac电脑。

【新闻】棉布环保袋真的环保吗?  The Cotton Tote Crisis   2021-09-14 05:57
  Recently, Venetia Berry, an artist in London, counted up the free cotton tote bags that she had accumulated in her closet. There were at least 25.

  近日,伦敦的艺术家维妮蒂亚·贝瑞(Venetia Berry)数了数她堆积在衣橱里的免费棉布环保袋。至少有25个。

【新闻】英国华裔少女艾玛夺得大满贯 用东北腔感谢中国球迷  Emma Raducanu: British 18-year-old makes tennis history with US Open final win   2021-09-13 15:28
  It has taken a mere handful of tennis matches for Emma Raducanu to transform herself from complete unknown to global superstar. This is just Raducanu’s second grand slam main draw appearance and no woman in the Open era had ever won in so few attempts. At 18, she is the youngest grand slam champion since Maria Sharapova in 2004.

【商业】恒大之困:从房产帝国到中国经济的“债务炸弹”  Why China’s Economy Is Threatened by a Property Giant’s Debt Problems   2021-09-13 10:49
  Every once in a while a company grows so big and messy that governments fear what would happen to the broader economy if it were to fail. In China, Evergrande, a sprawling real estate developer, is that company.

【健康】美国第一例新冠死亡病例究竟出现在什么时候?  When Was the First U.S. Covid Death? C.D.C. Investigates 4 Early Cases   2021-09-13 03:47
  Late last year, the federal government’s chief statistician on death received word about a tantalizing discovery: Someone had died from Covid-19 in January 2020, a death certificate said, a revelation that would have sped up the timeline of the virus’s spread in the United States by several weeks.

【新闻】午睡不要超过25分钟,也别趴桌上睡!Power nap了解一下     2021-09-12 08:00
  The ideal nap length, according to scientists, is 20 to 25 minutes. Any longer and you’ll fall into a deeper sleep cycle, which lasts for about 90 minutes. This means when you wake up you will experience “sleep inertia”, or grogginess.

【新闻】“情商”突然成了搞笑梗,真正高情商的人是怎样的?  Are You Emotionally Intelligent?   2021-09-11 08:00

【教育】亚马逊将为一线员工全额支付大学学费  Amazon offers to pay college fees for 750,000 US staff   2021-09-10 14:12
  Amazon has offered to cover the cost of college tuition of all 750,000 of its frontline workers in the US. It comes as the online shopping giant struggles to attract and retain staff amid an industry wide labour shortage.

【新闻】中国承诺向阿富汗提供2亿元物资援助  International Flights Resume at Kabul Airport, as Taliban Say They Will Allow Am   2021-09-10 11:33
  While the West has treated the Taliban government warily, China made cautious overtures to a potentially dangerous neighbor that Beijing is eager to influence.


【新闻】在哪一刻,你发自内心地敬佩和感谢你的老师?  What did a teacher do that made you automatically gain respect for them?   2021-09-10 08:00
  I went to a small charter school for middle school. Our English/literature teacher was brand new to teaching, if I remember correctly she was only 22 which seemed odd at the time. She always did her best to be so cheerful and make learning fun. But the thing that truly solidified her spot as my favorite teacher was that for every student’s birthday she would give you a personalized mini notebook. 我中学在一所小型特许学校读书。我们的英文文学老师是新来的,如果我没记错的话,她当时只有22岁,这在那时是不常见的。她总是很阳光,也尽力让学习变得有趣。但真正让她成为我最喜欢的老师的原因是,在每个学生的生日那天,她都会送给那个学生一个专属的小笔记本。
  It was just a simple small composition notebook but she had filled the first couple pages telling me how much she loved having me as a student, how far she knew I would go, and other affirmations. It seems small but as a 13 year old who had a crappy home life it made all the difference in how I acted the rest of the year.这只是一个简简单单的笔记本,但她在前面几页写满了字,表达她对我的喜欢,告诉我她知道我会走多远,以及其他一些肯定的话。这个本子很小,但对于一个生活在糟糕家庭的13岁孩子来说,它影响了我这一年剩下的时间里的表现。

【新闻】中国涉维吾尔人DNA研究遭国际期刊撤稿  Two Scientific Journals Retract Articles Involving Chinese DNA Research   2021-09-10 01:58
  Two respected scientific journals have retracted two articles that relied on the DNA samples of Uyghurs in western China after questions were raised about whether the subjects had provided their full consent.

【新闻】棉布手提袋真的那么环保吗?真相出乎意料  Are cotton tote bags as good for the environment as we think?   2021-09-09 15:20
  Cotton bags have become a means for brands, retailers and supermarkets to telegraph a planet-friendly mindset – or, at least, to show that the companies are aware of the overuse of plastic in packaging.

【新闻】美新冠溯源报告部分解密,未就病毒起源下定论  Intelligence Review Yields No Firm Conclusion on Origins of Coronavirus   2021-09-08 03:01
  WASHINGTON — American intelligence agencies have not been able to determine if the coronavirus pandemic was the result of an accidental leak from a lab or if it emerged more naturally, according to declassified portions of a report to the White House that were released on Friday.

【科技】从北京到硅谷:“网红”风投界迎来华裔“弄潮儿”  She’s the Investor Guru for Online Creators   2021-09-07 09:02
  Cody Ko, a YouTube star with 5.7 million subscribers, found himself in a pickle in May. Two different start-ups wanted to give him stock, and he was concerned that they were potentially competitive deals.
  5月,拥有570万订阅者的YouTube红人科迪·科(Cody Ko)面临两难选择。两家初创公司都想分股票给他,他担心这两笔交易存在潜在的竞争性。

【科技】阿里性侵事件涉案男员工获释,争议仍存  Alibaba Manager Accused of Rape Is Released, Adding to China’s #MeToo Debate   2021-09-07 05:45
  The police in China released a former Alibaba manager who had been accused of rape by a co-worker after prosecutors declined to charge him, deepening debate about an episode that has shaken the Chinese technology industry and prompted a reckoning for the fledgling #MeToo movement in the country.

【科技】大尺度破冰、性别歧视严重:阿里企业文化引质疑  After Proudly Celebrating Women, Alibaba Faces Reckoning Over Harassment   2021-09-02 11:21
  At an employee dinner, women were told to rank the attractiveness of the men at the table. During a team-building exercise, a woman was pressured to straddle her male co-worker in front of colleagues. Top executives traded lewd comments about male virility at company events and online.

【新闻】关于全美最严厉限制堕胎法案,你应该知道的六个问题  Answers to Questions About the Texas Abortion Law   2021-09-02 05:41
  A Texas law banning most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect on Wednesday, despite the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a constitutional right to the procedure, making the state the most restrictive in the nation in terms of access to abortion services.

【新闻】科学家称新冠溯源调查陷入停滞,呼吁中国提供关键证据  The ‘window is rapidly closing’ to gather crucial evidence on the virus’s    2021-08-26 11:33
  Experts studying the origins of the coronavirus for the World Health Organization warned on Wednesday that the inquiry had “stalled” and that further delays could make it impossible to recover crucial evidence about the beginning of the pandemic.
  为世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)研究新冠病毒起源的专家周三警告,相关调查已经“停滞”,进一步拖延可能会导致无法恢复有关疫情暴发的关键证据。

【新闻】赴美留学人数回升至疫前水平,中国学生占比近半  International students begin to return to U.S. universities after a Covid hiatus   2021-08-25 10:21
  After a precipitous drop in international student enrollment in 2020, the number of American student visas granted to international students has recovered to levels preceding the coronavirus pandemic.

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