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【文化】一部独生子女政策阴影下的中国“家庭录像”  ‘All About My Sisters’ Review: Family Matters   2021-10-15 01:25
  Often in “All About My Sisters,” the Chinese filmmaker Wang Qiong’s documentary portrait of her family, you might forget that what you’re watching is filtered through a camera. Over a period of seven years, Wang filmed her parents, siblings and relatives from within the emotional thicket of their lives, capturing moments of piercing, private intimacy. Her approach yields a film bristling with the kind of familial rancor that usually only emerges behind closed doors.
  中国电影制作人王琼的纪录片《家庭录像》(All About My Sisters)记录了她的家庭,在观影时,你可能会忘记自己是通过摄影机的镜头看到这些画面的。在七年的时间里,王琼记录了她的父母、姐弟,以及他们生活中关系复杂的亲戚们,捕捉了直击心灵的亲密时刻。她据此制作了一部影片,里面充斥着家庭内部通常不可外扬的怨恨。

【新闻】美中交流降温,哈佛大学中文项目将迁往台湾  Amid U.S.-China Chill, Harvard Moves a Top Language Program to Taiwan   2021-10-14 10:01
  TAIPEI, Taiwan — Harvard University will move a popular Chinese-language program to Taipei from Beijing amid a broad chill in academic and cultural exchanges between the United States and China.

【文化】《幽居有伴》:在大都会博物馆重新爱上中国山水画  Looking Close at the Fragile Beauty of Chinese Painting   2021-10-14 06:58
  It always feels like early autumn in the Chinese painting galleries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The lighting is warm but low; the décor, wheat-beige and nut-brown. Despite sparks of color, the ink-and-brush paintings are visually subdued; their images can be hard to read from even a short distance away.

【商业】电力短缺问题暴露中国战略弱点  China’s Power Problems Expose a Strategic Weakness   2021-10-14 03:50
  BEIJING — A bread company can’t get all the power it needs for its bakeries. A chemicals supplier for some of the world’s biggest paint producers announced production cuts. A port city changed electricity rationing rules for manufacturers four times in a single day.

【健康】人类与病毒之战将会走向何方  What the Future May Hold for the Coronavirus and Us   2021-10-14 01:44
  On Jan. 9, 2020, about a week after the world first learned of a mysterious cluster of pneumonia cases in central China, authorities announced that scientists had found the culprit: a novel coronavirus.

【商业】恒大危机后中国楼市降温,购房者日渐失去信心  In China, Home Buyers Who Went All In Say They Want Out   2021-10-13 11:28
  China is trying to cool its costly and dangerously debt-ridden housing market, where high prices and go-go levels of borrowing and spending are increasingly seen as a national threat.

【商业】全球经济复苏前景黯淡,贫富差距扩大  World’s Growth Cools and the Rich-Poor Divide Widens   2021-10-13 06:14
  As the world economy struggles to find its footing, the resurgence of the coronavirus and supply chain chokeholds threaten to hold back the global recovery’s momentum, a closely watched report warned on Tuesday.

【新闻】《鱿鱼游戏》为何引发共鸣:挣扎于一个极度不平等的社会  Behind the Global Appeal of ‘Squid Game,’ a Country’s Economic Unease   2021-10-12 05:44
  SEOUL — In “Squid Game,” the hit dystopian television show on Netflix, 456 people facing severe debt and financial despair play a series of deadly children’s games to win a $38 million cash prize in South Korea.
  首尔——在网飞(Netflix)热播的反乌托邦剧《鱿鱼游戏》(Squid Game)中,456位陷入严重债务和财务困境的人为了获得456亿韩元(约2.5亿人民币)的现金奖励,在韩国参与了一系列致命的儿童游戏。

【商业】“一切都不正常了”:供应链大混乱下的美国港口  ‘It’s Not Sustainable’: What America’s Port Crisis Looks Like Up Close   2021-10-12 04:58
  SAVANNAH, Ga. — Like toy blocks hurled from the heavens, nearly 80,000 shipping containers are stacked in various configurations at the Port of Savannah — 50 percent more than usual.

【新闻】前调查记者罗昌平因批评《长津湖》遭刑拘  Chinese Journalist Detained After Criticizing Government-Sponsored Blockbuster   2021-10-11 12:00
  Luo Changping built a reputation as a muckraking journalist in China, a place where few dare pursue the calling, until he was forced out of the industry in 2014. Now a businessman, he has run afoul of the authorities again, this time over a critique spurred by a blockbuster movie about the Korean War.

【新闻】北京冬奥会公布防疫政策,将实施闭环管理  China Plans ‘Closed-Loop’ Bubble for Winter Olympics   2021-09-30 12:37
  The International Olympic Committee on Wednesday released a preliminary set of health protocols for the upcoming Winter Games in Beijing that suggested that the next Olympics, set to start on Feb. 4, could be the most extraordinarily restricted large-scale sporting event since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

【新闻】25分钟短片删减14处:香港如何进行电影审查  14 Cuts in 25 Minutes: How Hong Kong Censors Movies   2021-09-29 10:33
  HONG KONG — The director of “Far From Home,” a short, intimate film about a family caught in the tumult of the 2019 antigovernment protests in Hong Kong, had hoped to show off her work at a local film festival in June.

【商业】中国推行“自力更生”战略,美欧企业看法现分歧  Business groups are divided as China seeks self-reliance.   2021-09-24 11:43
  China’s push for self-sufficiency in a wide range of industries is dividing foreign companies, with some welcoming it as another chance to invest there while others worry that it will cause risks to the country’s trading partners and its own economy.

【新闻】拜登回应“秘密电话门”:对米利表示信任  Biden expresses confidence in Milley amid questions about his calls to China.   2021-09-16 11:29
  WASHINGTON — The senior-most U.S. military officer did not bypass his civilian leaders when he called his Chinese counterpart in October and January, his office said on Wednesday after the release of excerpts from a new book that alleges that the conversations centered on concerns about President Donald J. Trump.
  华盛顿——美国最高级别军官的办公室周三表示,他在去年10月和今年1月致电中方时并没有绕开他的非军方领导层。此前,一本新书发布的摘录声称,这些通话的中心是对唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)总统的担忧。

【新闻】香港国家安全的“新威胁”:监狱里的巧克力  Latest Threat to Hong Kong’s National Security: Chocolates in Prison   2021-09-16 10:49
  HONG KONG — As Hong Kong’s crackdown on dissent has intensified over the past year, the authorities have singled out myriad acts and items that they say could threaten national security. Mass protests. Informal elections. Chanting slogans.

【新闻】霍格沃茨"开网课",入学第一天就能学黑魔法?伏地魔:这盛世如我所  Harry Potter game becomes hit in Chinese market, but not all users are happy   2021-09-16 08:00

【新闻】Met Gala回归:红毯“激进派”的时尚宣言  Red Carpet Radicals: The Met Gala Really Wanted to Make a Statement   2021-09-16 06:33
  On the second Monday in September, upper Fifth Avenue lit up with a blitz of flashbulbs not seen in over two years.

【新闻】队医连环性虐案:美国体操队员批FBI处理不当  Biles and Her Teammates Rip the F.B.I. for Botching Nassar Abuse Case   2021-09-16 06:05
  WASHINGTON — Sitting at a witness table alongside three of her former gymnastics teammates, Simone Biles broke down in tears while explaining to a Senate committee that she doesn’t want any more young people to experience the kind of suffering she endured at the hands of Lawrence G. Nassar, the former national team doctor.
  华盛顿——与她的三位前体操队友一起坐在证人席上,西蒙·拜尔斯(Simone Biles)泪流满面地对参议院委员会说,她不希望再有任何年轻人经历她在前国家队队医劳伦斯·G·纳萨尔(Lawrence G. Nassar)那里所遭受的痛苦。

【新闻】丹麦宣布取消所有防疫措施:新冠不再构成严重威胁  Denmark lifts all Covid restrictions   2021-09-15 14:35
  Denmark has become one of the first European Union countries to relax all of the internal limitations imposed to combat the spread of Covid-19.

【商业】恒大承认面临“巨大”财务压力  A Chinese Property Giant Warns of ‘Tremendous’ Financial Pressure   2021-09-15 10:30
  China Evergrande, the troubled property giant that has become a symbol of debt and excess in the world’s second-largest economy, said on Tuesday that it faced “tremendous” financial pressure and had hired restructuring experts to “explore all feasible solutions” for its future.

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