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【新闻】25岁学霸成“双一流”高校博导,网友羡慕:我还没毕业......  Young Professor an Inspiration   2021-10-23 09:00
  Feng Lei, who holds a PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, surprised many by landing a job as a doctoral supervisor at Chongqing University at the young age of 25.冯磊拥有南洋理工大学计算机科学与工程博士学位,25岁就在重庆大学做博士生导师,这让很多人感到惊讶。
  根据重庆大学计算机学院官方网站7月发布的文章《计算机学院“95后”弘深青年学者冯磊再创新纪录》显示,冯磊撰写的论文《Pointwise Binary Classification with Pairwise Confidence Comparisons》在第38届国际机器学习会议(CCF A类)上发表。

【新闻】酒后不能开车 但是“酒后余糟”却能给车加油  Make mine a litre: How whisky waste can power your car   2021-10-22 15:10
  A Scottish biotech company has found a way of turning on its head the adage that drinking and driving should never mix – by developing a fuel for cars that uses the by-products of whisky-making.

【商业】中国官媒称恒大支付8350万美元利息  China Evergrande Makes Payment Before Deadline, State Media Says   2021-10-22 05:12
  HONG KONG — China Evergrande, the troubled property giant that is teetering on the edge of collapse, appears to have bought itself a little more time.


【新闻】病例及死亡人数激增,英国与病毒共存策略面临考验  Rise in Cases and Deaths Tests Britain’s Gamble on Few Virus Restrictions   2021-10-22 04:23
  LONDON — For the last four months, Britain has run a grand epidemiological experiment, lifting virtually all coronavirus restrictions, even in the face of a high daily rate of infections. Its leaders justified the approach on the grounds that the country’s rapid rollout of vaccines had weakened the link between infection and serious illness.

【文化】三个美丽而复杂的答案:美国孩子追寻“中国根”  ‘Found’ Review: Three Adoptees Seek Their China Roots   2021-10-21 11:23
  A nanny at an orphanage in China’s Guangdong Province speaks of the infants she cared for over the years. “My heart ached whenever I sent a baby away … What was to become of them?” Amanda Lipitz’s adoption documentary “Found,” rife with poignant moments, provides not one simple answer to that plaintive question but three beautifully complex ones — in the cousins Chloe, Sadie and Lily, who travel to China from Arizona, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
  中国广东一家孤儿院的保育员谈起她多年来照顾的婴儿。“孩子每次送走,我都会心痛……她们会怎样呢?”阿曼达·利皮茨(Amanda Lipitz)关于收养的纪录片《发现》(Found)充满了令人心酸的时刻,它为这个悲伤的问题带来的不是一个简单的答案,而是三个美丽而复杂的答案——来自表亲克洛伊、赛迪和莉莉,她们从亚利桑那州、田纳西州和俄克拉荷马州来到中国。

【商业】恒大终止出售恒大物业交易,筹资遇挫  Evergrande ends its effort to sell a $2.6 billion stake in its property manageme   2021-10-21 10:35
  China Evergrande, the struggling real estate giant, said on Wednesday it had ended its effort to sell a stake in its property services company to another developer, its latest setback following weeks of missed interest payments.

【新闻】“消失”在中国新闻里的恒大危机  As Evergrande Teeters, Chinese Media Walks a Fine Line   2021-10-21 10:20
  As China Evergrande Group teeters on the edge of collapse, videos of protesting home buyers have flooded social media. Online government message boards teem with complaints and pleas for intervention to save the huge property developer. The hashtag “What does Evergrande mean for the real estate market?” has been viewed more than 160 million times on one platform.

【新闻】猪肾脏移植人体首次成功,或将突破器官供应难题  In a First, Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Human, and It Worked   2021-10-21 04:55
  Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally, a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs for severely ill patients.

【新闻】澳剧《新金山》:澳大利亚华人不为人知的历史  Mining for Gold in Australia’s Migrant Past   2021-10-20 10:18
  On the dusty Ballarat goldfields, a group of Chinese miners find the body of a white woman dressed in Chinese clothing. Knowing what deadly consequences might result if the authorities think a Chinese person murdered a white woman, they hide the body. So begins “New Gold Mountain,” a new historical drama on SBS that has quickly become popular for its fresh take on a familiar element of Australia’s past.

  在尘土飞扬的巴拉腊特金矿,一群华人矿工发现了一具身穿中式服装的白人女尸。他们知道,如果当局认为是华人杀死了这名白人女子的话,那将会有怎样的致命后果,所以他们把尸体藏了起来。这是《新金山》(New Gold Mountain)的开篇,这部由SBS推出的历史剧播出后迅速走红,因为它将人们熟悉的澳大利亚历史用新方式展现出来。

【新闻】巴西总统或被控“危害人类罪”,被指故意让新冠病毒扩散  Brazilian Leader Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Pandemic Response   2021-10-20 05:54
  BRASÍLIA, Brazil — A Brazilian congressional panel is set to recommend that President Jair Bolsonaro be charged with “crimes against humanity,” asserting that he intentionally let the coronavirus rip through the country and kill hundreds of thousands in a failed bid to achieve herd immunity and revive Latin America’s largest economy.
  巴西巴西利亚——一个巴西国会小组将建议对总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)提出“危害人类罪”指控,声称他故意让新冠病毒席卷全国并导致数十万人死亡,为了实现群体免疫和重振拉丁美洲最大的经济体做出了失败的尝试。

【新闻】中国试射高超音速导弹?我们对相关报道进行了解析  If China Tested a New Orbital Weapon, It’s Not Much of a Surprise   2021-10-20 03:47
  The news report that emerged over the weekend sounded alarming: China, a rising military power, had unexpectedly fired a novel space weapon two months ago. It circled the planet and then re-entered Earth’s atmosphere, gliding at velocities far faster than the speed of sound toward a destination on Chinese territory.

【文化】《鱿鱼游戏》主演李政宰:如果你不喜欢这部剧,请再看一遍  Lee Jung-jae Thinks ‘Squid Game’ Critics Should Watch It Again   2021-10-20 03:12
  This interview contains spoilers.

【健康】疫苗突破性感染后死亡引担忧,科学家怎么说?  What Scientists Know About the Risk of Breakthrough Covid Deaths   2021-10-20 01:29
  The death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday from complications of Covid-19 has provided fuel for vaccine skeptics and opponents, who immediately seized on the news that Mr. Powell had been vaccinated to stoke doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccines.
  美国前国务卿科林·鲍威尔(Colin Powell)周一因新冠并发症去世,这为疫苗怀疑论者和反对者提供了燃料,他们立即抓住鲍威尔曾接种疫苗的消息,煽动对疫苗有效性的怀疑。

【新闻】马拉维捣毁中国公民偷猎网络,头目被判14年监禁  A Taste for Pangolin Meat and the Fall of an African Wildlife Cartel   2021-10-19 05:02
  Hundreds of poachers are arrested each year for killing elephants, rhinos, pangolins and other animals in Africa. Yet the problem persists, because there is always a ready supply of desperate men to take the place of those put behind bars. Higher-level criminals, on the other hand — those who really drive the international illegal wildlife trade — almost always evade justice.

【新闻】前国务卿鲍威尔因新冠并发症去世,曾重塑美国国安政策  Colin Powell, Who Shaped U.S. National Security, Dies at 84   2021-10-19 04:08
  Colin L. Powell, who in four decades of public life served as the nation’s top soldier, diplomat and national security adviser, and whose speech at the United Nations in 2003 helped pave the way for the United States to go to war in Iraq, died on Monday. He was 84.
  在40年的供职生涯中担任过美国最高级别军人、外交官和国家安全顾问,以2003年在联合国的演讲为美国出兵伊拉克铺平道路的科林·L·鲍威尔(Colin L. Powell)于周一去世,享年84岁。

【文化】播放涂黑脸版《奥赛罗》,华裔音乐教授遭抵制  A Blackface ‘Othello’ Shocks, and a Professor Steps Back From Class   2021-10-18 10:47
  It was supposed to be an opportunity for music students at the University of Michigan to learn about the process of adapting a classic literary text into an opera from one of the music school’s most celebrated professors, the composer Bright Sheng.
  对密歇根大学(University of Michigan)学习音乐的学生来说,听该校音乐学院最著名的教授之一、作曲家盛宗亮讲授将经典文学剧本改编成歌剧的过程,原本是一次难得的机会。

【商业】楼市和能源问题拖累经济,中国三季度GDP增速放缓  China’s Economy Continues to Slow, Rattled by Real Estate and Energy   2021-10-18 07:07
  BEIJING — Steel mills have faced power cuts. Computer chip shortages have slowed car production. Troubled property companies have purchased less construction material. Floods have disrupted business in north-central China.

【旅游】巴塔哥尼亚,壮丽之秋  Patagonia, Adorned in Autumn   2021-10-18 03:46
  I was awakened in the predawn hours by a raging downpour. Cold, howling winds were coming off the lake, and the screen door to our half-domed shelter was flapping violently. Huddled with a few other hikers, I quickly realized the value of our lodging’s design: It’s one of the few structures that can withstand the extreme weather conditions that are a common occurrence in Patagonia. Thankfully, all of us — along with my camera gear — were safe and dry.

【健康】我为什么决定戒掉健怡可乐  I Was Powerless Over Diet Coke   2021-10-18 03:32
  After I discovered Diet Coke in 1982, I drank at least three to four 12-ounce cans nearly every day for the next four decades, no matter where in the world I was.

【文化】还没看过《鱿鱼游戏》?你并没有错过太多  Haven’t Watched ‘Squid Game’? Here’s What You’re Not Missing.   2021-10-15 02:55
  This notebook contains spoilers.

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