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【科技】不再“匿名”的互联网?年龄核查意味着什么  Anonymity No More? Age Checks Come to the Web.   2021-10-28 06:12
  Richard Errington clicked to stream a science-fiction film from his home in Britain last month when YouTube carded him.
  理查德·厄尔林顿(Richard Errington)上月在英国家中通过流媒体点了一部科幻片,结果遭到YouTube的盘查。

【新闻】在“什么都不买”的自由世界里拒绝“买买买”  Inside the World of Buy Nothing, Where Dryer Lint Is a Hot Commodity   2021-10-28 03:55
  David Stahl did not need leftover pickle juice because, really, no one needs someone else’s used brine. But a few months ago, he decided to ask for some just to see if it was possible, posting a request to an Upper West Side chapter of Buy Nothing, a hyperlocal Facebook group.
  大卫·斯塔尔(David Stahl)不需要别人用剩下的泡菜汁,因为,说实话,谁会想要别人用过的盐水呢?但几个月前,他决定去问一问,看看有没有可能得到一些,于是便在Facebook的本地邻里群“什么都不买”(Buy Nothing)上西区分部发了帖子。

【新闻】澳大利亚偏远小镇“免费”送地皮,你会去住吗?  A Hot, Dusty Town in the Middle of Nowhere? We’ll Take It.   2021-10-28 01:58
  MELBOURNE, Australia — From the air, the tiny outback town of Quilpie, Queensland, appears to be in the middle of nowhere. It lies on dusty land the color of rust. About 20 kangaroos sometimes take up residence on the school lawn. Summer temperatures can reach 113 degrees Fahrenheit. The nearest city is a 10-hour drive away.

【科技】北京2022年冬奥会奖牌“同心”发布!背后隐藏这些设计细节  Winter Olympic medals make highly anticipated debut   2021-10-27 15:14

【新闻】公众质疑声中,日本真子公主低调成婚  At Last, a Royal Wedding. But No Trumpets, Just a News Conference.   2021-10-27 12:03
  TOKYO — The last time the sister of a future emperor of Japan got married, thousands of well-wishers lined the streets as the bride, Princess Sayako, left the palace to attend the ceremony and reception at one of Tokyo’s premier hotels.

【新闻】昂山素季接受非公开审判,最高可被判102年监禁  Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Herself During ‘Show Trial’ in Myanmar   2021-10-27 10:53
  More than eight months after she was detained by the military in a coup, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Myanmar’s ousted civilian government, and her lawyers mounted her defense for the first time on Tuesday in a closed-door hearing.

【新闻】韩国前总统卢泰愚去世,经历独裁到民主的过渡  Roh Tae-woo, 88, South Korean Leader in Move Toward Democracy, Dies   2021-10-27 04:08
  SEOUL — Roh Tae-woo, South Korea’s last military-backed president who forged ties with Communist foes and tolerated the country’s rambunctious transition from dictatorship to democracy, but who ended up in jail for mutiny and corruption, died here on Tuesday. He was 88.
  首尔——韩国前总统卢泰愚(Roh Tae-woo)周二去世,享年88岁。他是最后一位军方支持的总统,与共产主义敌人建立了联系,并熬过了该国从独裁到民主的粗暴过渡,但最终因军事叛乱和腐败入狱。

【新闻】兰州疫情小规模反弹,当局下令所有小区封闭式管理  China locks down a northwestern city to subdue a small outbreak.   2021-10-27 02:04
  The Chinese government ordered the northwestern city of Lanzhou locked down on Tuesday as officials carried out widespread testing to quash a small Covid-19 outbreak.

【科技】社交媒体让人情绪低落?科学家告诉你如何变开心  How to make your social media happier, according to scientists   2021-10-26 16:08
  Picture this: you're between Zoom meetings, and scrolling through your social media newsfeed. Headlines like "Death toll continues to rise", "COVID-19 may cause long-term health implications" and "Health-care systems overwhelmed" flash across your screen. Your mood takes a dive, but you can't stop scrolling.

【新闻】被公众批判、遭严苛对待:日本皇室女性不能承受之重  Heavy Is the Burden on Japan’s Royal Women   2021-10-26 12:08
  TOKYO — One of the toughest places to be a woman in Japan is within its royal family.

【新闻】香港国安法第二案:男子因喊独立口号被判“煽动分裂”  With New Conviction, Hong Kong Uses Security Law to Clamp Down on Speech   2021-10-26 10:06
  HONG KONG — A Hong Kong court on Monday convicted an activist of inciting secession for shouting pro-independence slogans at a series of protests, underlining the power of a sweeping national security law to punish speech.

【新闻】日本酒店推出“灯笼聚餐”,降低新冠病毒传播风险  Tokyo restaurant’s bright idea: Lantern pods for you to sit in while you eat   2021-10-26 08:00

【新闻】盘点美国影视剧片场致命事故  Recent Accidents on TV and Movie Sets   2021-10-26 02:40
  Behind the magic of movies and television are actors and props, crew members, stunt performers and a sometimes dangerous set of circumstances for the people filming scenes.

【新闻】史诗大片《沙丘》首周开画创佳绩 线下比线上吸引力更大  Despite hybrid release, 'Dune' draws well on the big screen   2021-10-25 15:18
  Denis Villeneuve's “Dune” debuted with $40.1m in ticket sales in its opening weekend in North America, drawing a large number of moviegoers to see the thundering sci-fi epic on the big screen despite it also being available to stream in homes.

【新闻】拜登承诺保护台湾,白宫称美国对台政策未改变  Biden Said the U.S. Would Protect Taiwan. But It’s Not That Clear-Cut.   2021-10-25 10:46
  WASHINGTON — American presidents have spent decades trying to sidestep the question of how forcefully the United States would come to the aid of Taiwan if China invaded it or, more likely, tried to slowly strangle the island in an effort to force it back under the control of the mainland.

【新闻】旅行社推出睡眠巴士,专治失眠……为什么人一坐车就犯困?  5-Hour Bus Tour Of Hong Kong Caters To Sleep-Deprived   2021-10-25 08:00
  “When we were brainstorming new tours, I saw a social media post from my friend saying that he was stressed out by his work, he couldn’t sleep at night,” said Kenneth Kong, the marketing and business development manager of ulu travel, the organizer of the bus tours.睡眠巴士的组织者、ulu travel旅行社市场和业务发展经理肯尼思·顾表示:“我们一起讨论新的旅游项目时,我看到我朋友在社交媒体上发布的帖子,说他工作压力太大,晚上睡不着觉。”
  “But when he was traveling on the bus, he was able to sleep well. His post inspired us to create this tour that lets passengers just sleep on the bus.”“但在乘坐巴士时他就睡得很好。他的帖子给了我们灵感开设这个专门让乘客在车上睡觉的旅行项目。”

【新闻】美国就中国收集全球基因数据发出警告  U.S. Warns of Efforts by China to Collect Genetic Data   2021-10-25 05:47
  BETHESDA, Md. — Chinese firms are collecting genetic data from around the world, part of an effort by the Chinese government and companies to develop the world’s largest bio-database, American intelligence officials reported on Friday.

【新闻】关于鲍德温片场枪杀事件,目前我们所知道的  What We Know About the Fatal Shooting on Alec Baldwin’s New Mexico Movie Set   2021-10-25 05:08
  The authorities in Santa Fe County, N.M., are investigating what happened on the set of “Rust” when the actor Alec Baldwin killed the film’s cinematographer and wounded its director by firing a gun that was being used as a prop.
  新墨西哥州圣达菲县当局正在调查《锈烂》(Rust)拍摄现场发生的事——演员亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)用道具枪射杀了该片摄影师并伤及导演。

【新闻】数十个组织相继解散,香港公民社会走向“终结”?  As Hong Kong’s Civil Society Buckles, One Group Tries to Hold On   2021-10-25 03:58
  HONG KONG — Unions have folded. Political parties have shut down. Independent media outlets and civil rights groups have disappeared. The Hong Kong government, its authority backed fully by Beijing, is shutting down the city’s civil society, once the most vibrant in Asia, one organization at a time.

【新闻】武大恋爱课爆火:“窗户上都挂满了人”     2021-10-24 08:00

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