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【新闻】永存之爱:一辆我无法放手的老爷车  On a Serpentine Road, With the Top Down   2021-11-10 01:33
【新闻】美国重新开放,旅客入境有哪些要求?  The U.S. Is Reopening. Here’s What Travelers Need to Know About Testing, Boost   2021-11-09 11:14
【文化】帷幕拉开,百老汇的回归与冒险  Curtains Up! How Broadway Is Coming Back From Its Longest Shutdown.   2021-11-09 11:13
【新闻】年轻女性积极投身气候运动,但决定权仍在老年男性手中  Young Women Are Leading Climate Protests. Guess Who Runs Global Talks?   2021-11-09 03:51
【新闻】美国富裕家庭的豪华厨房什么样?  In the Kitchens of the Rich, Things Are Not as They Seem   2021-11-08 04:04
【新闻】冰川融化后,远古的秘密重现人间  As Earth Warms, Old Mayhem and Secrets Emerge From the Ice   2021-11-04 12:03
【新闻】从防弹少年团到《鱿鱼游戏》:韩国文化如何席卷世界  From BTS to ‘Squid Game’: How South Korea Became a Cultural Juggernaut   2021-11-04 10:41
【文化】《女勇士》:鬼魂、梦与记忆编织的中国心灵之歌  Review: ‘The Woman Warrior,’ by Maxine Hong Kingston   2021-11-04 01:02
【新闻】气候大会发出“末日”警告,中俄受尖锐批评  Leaders Warn of Climate ‘Doomsday’ as Old Rifts Divide Summit’s First Day   2021-11-03 11:13
【旅游】神秘、浩瀚、庞大权威感:苏联时代地铁影像档案  The Stunning Grandeur of Soviet-Era Metros   2021-11-03 05:26
【新闻】当37岁的千禧一代老板遇上23岁的Z世代员工  The 37-Year-Olds Are Afraid of the 23-Year-Olds Who Work for Them   2021-11-03 01:35
【商业】中国电动汽车品牌进军欧洲,挑战老牌车企地位  China’s Popular Electric Vehicles Have Put Europe’s Automakers on Notice   2021-11-01 05:30
【新闻】美国情报报告:新冠起源恐难得出确切结论  Origin of Virus May Remain Murky, U.S. Intelligence Agencies Say   2021-11-01 02:08
【教育】梦到掉牙、考试挂科、找不到厕所?你做噩梦的原因解析来了......  8 Common dreams and what they actually mean   2021-10-30 08:00
【经济】Facebook正式宣布更名为Meta 将全力进军“元宇宙”  Facebook changes its name to Meta in major rebrand   2021-10-29 15:01
【新闻】魔幻:为了防止"瘾君子"吸食过量,美国将开设毒品安全注射中心  Rhode Island set to be first state to pilot safe-injection sites for drug users   2021-10-29 08:00
【新闻】研究揭秘:为什么自恋者升职更容易?  This is why narcissists get promoted so easily   2021-10-28 14:12
【新闻】新一轮军备竞赛?中国高超音速导弹试射引发美国担忧  China’s Weapon Tests Close to a ‘Sputnik Moment,’ U.S. General Says   2021-10-28 12:26
【文化】重新认识一个丘吉尔:种族主义者、伪君子和神话创造者  The Case Against Winston Churchill   2021-10-28 10:25
【新闻】联合国敲响“气候警钟”:全球将升温2.7摄氏度  World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns   2021-10-28 09:01

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