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【新闻】永存之爱:一辆我无法放手的老爷车  On a Serpentine Road, With the Top Down   2021-11-10 01:33
  The skies opened up as I watched the tow truck winch my teal Alfa Romeo onto the flatbed. The 30-year-old convertible again refused to run, and as I dried the rain off my arms, I thought it was probably time to get rid of it.

【新闻】美国重新开放,旅客入境有哪些要求?  The U.S. Is Reopening. Here’s What Travelers Need to Know About Testing, Boost   2021-11-09 11:14
  On Nov. 8, the United States will lift an 18-month ban on international tourists, as long as they show proof of vaccination and a negative coronavirus test. The land borders with Canada and Mexico will also reopen for international visitors who are fully vaccinated and American citizens residing in those countries, as well as U.S. tourists returning home. Currently, passenger traffic in the United States is close to reaching 2019 levels, with millions of domestic travelers passing through Transportation Security Administration checkpoints each day.

【文化】帷幕拉开,百老汇的回归与冒险  Curtains Up! How Broadway Is Coming Back From Its Longest Shutdown.   2021-11-09 11:13
  NEW YORK — Broadway is back. Or so it hopes.

【新闻】年轻女性积极投身气候运动,但决定权仍在老年男性手中  Young Women Are Leading Climate Protests. Guess Who Runs Global Talks?   2021-11-09 03:51
  GLASGOW — The week began with more than 130 presidents and prime ministers posing for a group photo in a century-old Baroque museum crafted from red sandstone. Fewer than 10 were women. Their median age, as their host at the climate summit, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, reminded them, was over 60.

【新闻】美国富裕家庭的豪华厨房什么样?  In the Kitchens of the Rich, Things Are Not as They Seem   2021-11-08 04:04
  The kitchens of the wealthy in the United States today are capable of providing a humbling experience to the uninitiated. Attempts to procure ice cubes can transform the most dignified guest into a hapless burglar rummaging through drawers for loose gems.

【新闻】冰川融化后,远古的秘密重现人间  As Earth Warms, Old Mayhem and Secrets Emerge From the Ice   2021-11-04 12:03
  For the past few centuries, the Yup’ik peoples of Alaska have told gruesome tales of a massacre that occurred during the Bow and Arrow War Days, a series of long and often brutal battles across the Bering Sea coast and the Yukon. According to one account, the carnage started when one village sent a war party to raid another. But the residents had been tipped off and set an ambush, wiping out the marauders. The victors then attacked the undefended town, torching it and slaughtering its inhabitants. No one was spared.


【新闻】从防弹少年团到《鱿鱼游戏》:韩国文化如何席卷世界  From BTS to ‘Squid Game’: How South Korea Became a Cultural Juggernaut   2021-11-04 10:41
  PAJU, South Korea — In a new Korean drama being filmed inside a cavernous studio building outside of Seoul, a detective chases down a man cursed to live for 600 years. Pistol shots crack. A hush follows. Then, a woman pierces the silence, screaming: “I told you not to shoot him in ​the heart!”

【文化】《女勇士》:鬼魂、梦与记忆编织的中国心灵之歌  Review: ‘The Woman Warrior,’ by Maxine Hong Kingston   2021-11-04 01:02
  As we celebrate our 125th anniversary, join us on a trip through the archives to see some of our spectacular reviews, interviews and essays.


【新闻】气候大会发出“末日”警告,中俄受尖锐批评  Leaders Warn of Climate ‘Doomsday’ as Old Rifts Divide Summit’s First Day   2021-11-03 11:13
  GLASGOW — World leaders opened a pivotal climate summit in Scotland on Monday with apocalyptic warnings about the scarce time left to avert catastrophic global warming, yet offered few new commitments to more aggressively cut greenhouse gas emissions.

【旅游】神秘、浩瀚、庞大权威感:苏联时代地铁影像档案  The Stunning Grandeur of Soviet-Era Metros   2021-11-03 05:26
  It was a cold day in December 2014, and I was waiting for the train at Shchukinskaya, a station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya Line of the Moscow Metro.

【新闻】当37岁的千禧一代老板遇上23岁的Z世代员工  The 37-Year-Olds Are Afraid of the 23-Year-Olds Who Work for Them   2021-11-03 01:35
  As a millennial with a habit of lurking on TikTok, Jessica Fain understood that skinny jeans and side parts were on the steady march toward extinction. But when Ms. Fain, who works as a product manager at a large tech company, heard that some of her favorite emojis might also be confronting retirement — namely that laughing-sobbing face — she decided to seek the counsel of her junior colleagues.
  作为一个热衷于刷TikTok的千禧一代,杰西卡·费恩(Jessica Fain)知道紧身牛仔裤和偏分头正稳步走向消亡。但是当在大科技公司做产品经理的费恩得知,她深爱的一个表情符号也面临着退休境地时——也就是那张笑出眼泪的脸——她决定问问比她小的同事这是怎么回事。

【商业】中国电动汽车品牌进军欧洲,挑战老牌车企地位  China’s Popular Electric Vehicles Have Put Europe’s Automakers on Notice   2021-11-01 05:30
  FRANKFURT — The name MG used to be synonymous with spirited but finicky sports cars from Britain. Nowadays the iconic octagonal badge serves a different kind of motoring ambition: China’s push to become a big player in the global auto market.

【新闻】美国情报报告:新冠起源恐难得出确切结论  Origin of Virus May Remain Murky, U.S. Intelligence Agencies Say   2021-11-01 02:08
  WASHINGTON — American intelligence agencies are unlikely to be able to draw a firm conclusion about the origin of the novel coronavirus without more information from China on the earliest cases or new scientific discoveries about the nature of the virus, said a newly declassified intelligence report released on Friday.

【教育】梦到掉牙、考试挂科、找不到厕所?你做噩梦的原因解析来了......  8 Common dreams and what they actually mean   2021-10-30 08:00
  All of these dreams mirror fundamental patterns of human behavior. Some believe these dream patterns reflect who we actually are, what we really need and what we believe.所有这些梦都反映了人类行为的基本模式。有些人认为这些梦反映了我们是谁,我们真正需要什么以及我们相信什么。

【经济】Facebook正式宣布更名为Meta 将全力进军“元宇宙”  Facebook changes its name to Meta in major rebrand   2021-10-29 15:01
  Facebook has changed its corporate name to Meta as part of a major rebrand.

【新闻】魔幻:为了防止"瘾君子"吸食过量,美国将开设毒品安全注射中心  Rhode Island set to be first state to pilot safe-injection sites for drug users   2021-10-29 08:00

【新闻】研究揭秘:为什么自恋者升职更容易?  This is why narcissists get promoted so easily   2021-10-28 14:12
  Ever wondered how narcissistic individuals often rise to power? This study may have some clues. A narcissist's self-image may do a great job of encouraging their managers to promote them, according to a recent study in the Journal of Personality.

【新闻】新一轮军备竞赛?中国高超音速导弹试射引发美国担忧  China’s Weapon Tests Close to a ‘Sputnik Moment,’ U.S. General Says   2021-10-28 12:26
  WASHINGTON — China’s testing of a hypersonic missile designed to evade American nuclear defenses was “very close” to a “Sputnik moment” for the United States, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday in the first official confirmation of how Beijing’s demonstration of its weapon capabilities had taken American officials by surprise.
  华盛顿——美国参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利(Mark A. Milley)将军周三表示,中国试验了躲避美国核防御系统的高超音速导弹,对美国而言“非常接近‘斯普特尼克时刻’(Sputnik moment)”。米利将军的话首次证实北京展示的武器能力使美国官员感到意外。

【文化】重新认识一个丘吉尔:种族主义者、伪君子和神话创造者  The Case Against Winston Churchill   2021-10-28 10:25
  CHURCHILL’S SHADOWThe Life and Afterlife of Winston ChurchillBy Geoffrey Wheatcroft
  《丘吉尔的影子——温斯顿·丘吉尔的生前与身后》(Churchill’s Shadow:The Life and Afterlife),作者:杰弗里·惠特克罗夫特(Geoffrey Wheatcroft)

【新闻】联合国敲响“气候警钟”:全球将升温2.7摄氏度  World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns   2021-10-28 09:01
  The world is squandering the opportunity to “build back better” from the Covid-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7C if countries fail to strengthen their climate pledges, according to a report from the UN.

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