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【新闻】美国为何在钴矿争夺战中输给了中国?  How the U.S. Lost Ground to China in the Contest for Clean Energy   2021-11-23 06:19
  WASHINGTON — Tom Perriello saw it coming but could do nothing to stop it. André Kapanga too. Despite urgent emails, phone calls and personal pleas, they watched helplessly as a company backed by the Chinese government took ownership from the Americans of one of the world’s largest cobalt mines.

【新闻】韩国前总统、军事独裁者全斗焕去世,曾镇压光州事件  Chun Doo-hwan, Ex-Military Dictator of South Korea, Dies at 90   2021-11-23 03:51
  Chun Doo-hwan, South Korea’s most vilified former military dictator, who seized power in a coup and ruled his country with an iron fist for most of the 1980s, dispatching paratroopers and armored vehicles to mow down hundreds of pro-democracy protesters, died on Tuesday at his home in Seoul. He was 90.

【健康】研究:疫情之下单身人士更爱找成熟伴侣  Stability is the new sexy: 'Singles in America' study reveals major shif   2021-11-22 16:03
  The largest annual scientific study on single adults shows that COVID-19 has caused a dramatic shift in people's priorities when it comes to dating, sex and love. Faculty from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University say some of the changes could last well beyond the pandemic.

【体育】国际奥委会称彭帅与该机构主席视频通话,网球界疑虑犹存  Video of Peng Shuai With Olympic Officials Fuels a Showdown With Tennis   2021-11-22 12:28
  Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star who disappeared from public life for more than a week after she accused a former top government official of sexual assault, appeared in a live video call with the president of the International Olympic Committee and other officials with the organization on Sunday.

【新闻】彭帅事件对网球的未来意味着什么?  Concern and Anger Build Over Missing Athlete’s Sexual Assault Allegations   2021-11-22 03:07
  TURIN, Italy — On a video call and exercise bike as she prepared for tennis practice on Friday, the American player Christina McHale shared memories of matches with her talented former doubles partner, Peng Shuai.

【科技】手机内存满了还不愿意删除?你可能有“数字囤积”症     2021-11-21 08:00
  Digital hoarding (also known as e-hoarding, data hoarding or cyber hoarding) is excessive acquisition and reluctance to delete electronic material no longer valuable to the user.

【新闻】“毅力(perseverance)”当选《剑桥词典》2021年度词汇  'Perseverance’ named Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year   2021-11-19 14:27
  Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year for 2021 has been revealed as “perseverance”.

【科技】捐橘子给国家做研究的店主火了!后续曝光,网友:格局越来越大  Orange farmer sees online orders rise 150 times after donation   2021-11-19 08:00
  “Can oranges be used for experiments?” Chen asked the student during an online conversation.陈先生在和肖同学线上沟通时问道:“橘子还能做实验的吗?”

【健康】新研究重启争议:新冠“零号病人”究竟是谁?  First Known Covid Case Was Vendor at Wuhan Market, Scientist Claims   2021-11-19 06:07
  A scientist who has pored over public accounts of early Covid-19 cases in China reported on Thursday that an influential World Health Organization inquiry had most likely gotten the early chronology of the pandemic wrong. The new analysis suggests that the first known patient sickened with the coronavirus was a vendor in a large Wuhan animal market, not an accountant who lived many miles from it.

【新闻】老龄化日本的新燃料来源:成人尿布  A New Source of Fuel in an Aging Japan: Adult Incontinence   2021-11-18 12:14
  HOUKI, Japan — The restorative waters that flow into the public baths in this town near the coast of western Japan originate from hot springs more than two-thirds of a mile below ground. At the surface, before the water bubbles out of the spouts, it is further heated to 107 degrees Fahrenheit — an ideal temperature for cleansing and soaking weary muscles.

【新闻】世界上哪里的年轻人对未来最乐观?  Where Are Young People Most Optimistic? In Poorer Nations.   2021-11-18 05:59
  Will the next generation do better than the one that came before? To young people in wealthier nations, that dream of upward mobility seems more like a story about the past than modern-day reality, according to a large new survey taken in 21 countries.

【新闻】丝路与朵帕:一名澳大利亚维吾尔人的文化寻根旅  An Australian’s Search for Belonging Led to the Silk Road and a Famed Hat   2021-11-18 04:38
  The woman’s first doppa was embroidered with a rose bed and intertwining black leaves — a motif signifying beauty, spiritual connectedness and resistance.

【新闻】关于白俄罗斯和波兰边境移民危机,你需要了解的几个问题  How the Belarus Standoff Is Unlike Recent Migrant Crises   2021-11-18 01:54
  A crowd of migrants trying to cross a border has come to seem appallingly familiar in recent years. We have seen masses of desperate people seek refuge in strange lands: Syrians escaping civil war, the Rohingya brutally driven from Myanmar, Afghans fleeing Taliban rule.

【新闻】陈年喜:在地下深处吟唱的中国矿工诗人  Deep Underground, a Chinese Miner Discovered Poetry in the Toil   2021-11-15 05:13
  More than three decades after scribbling his first poem as a teenager in the mountains of northern China, Chen Nianxi is living a literary dream. He has published two critically acclaimed books. He hobnobs with intellectuals around banquet tables. He tours the country promoting his writing, flitting between book fairs and university lecture halls.

【艺术】审查阴影下,香港M+博物馆开馆  Hong Kong’s M+ Museum Is Finally Open. It’s Already in Danger.   2021-11-15 02:41
  HONG KONG — M+, Hong Kong’s sprawling new contemporary art museum, ran into problems from the start. Billed as Asia’s premier visual institution, it was four years behind schedule and an undisclosed amount over budget. Several top executives departed during the decade-long development period. At one point, an 80-foot-wide sinkhole formed on the construction site.

【文化】被包裹的凯旋门,克里斯托留给巴黎的礼物  Wrapped Arc de Triomphe Is Christo’s Fleeting Gift to Paris   2021-11-12 11:52
  PARIS — For almost 60 years, the artist known as Christo dreamed of wrapping the Arc de Triomphe. As a young man, having fled communist Bulgaria, he would gaze at the monument from his tiny garret apartment. A photomontage dated 1962 shows the 50-meter-high arch crudely bundled up. Freedom trumped the sacred. He always wanted people to look again at what perhaps they did not see.

【新闻】伦敦时装周的变革与重生  London, Fashion and the Importance of Being … Something   2021-11-12 09:55
  LONDON — At first glance, it looked like it was back to business at London Fashion Week. A vast industrial show space was heaving on Friday, packed with public relations types and security guards in headsets, glowing floor-to-ceiling screens blasting social content (the venue was sponsored by TikTok) and tightly packed rows of fashion glitterati.

【新闻】《鱿鱼游戏》中的绿色运动服象征着什么?  When a Track Suit Embodies a Nation   2021-11-12 06:29
  The dystopic, fantastical show “Squid Game” — a bloody, nine-episode thriller by South Korean director-writer Hwang Dong-hyuk that has been lauded for its searing critique of capitalist society — continues to be a worldwide sensation. Approximately 142 million people have streamed the series since its debut in September, according to Netflix, and its elaborate Chekhovian guns have set off fan theories about every imaginable element.

【商业】植物基海鲜和实验室人造海鲜,下一个美食界“爆款”?  Next Food Frontier: Fish Made From Plants, or in a Lab   2021-11-12 03:57
  The chef Tsang Chiu King is preparing a subtle-but-significant change to his menu: He’s replacing the fish in some dishes with a plant-based alternative.

【商业】恒大危机蔓延引发房企违约潮,北京将如何应对?  As China’s Property Crisis Spreads, Beijing Says There’s Nothing to See   2021-11-10 04:30
  When times were flush for the property developer China Fortune Land, it bought a trophy soccer club and recruited star athletes from Argentina. These days, the players with the club, Hebei F.C., are on indefinite leave because it can’t afford to keep the lights on.

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