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【新闻】研究称中国若放弃“清零”,每日新增病例或超63万  China defends its zero-tolerance approach to the virus.   2021-11-30 12:08
【新闻】关闭边境应对奥密克戎?日本提供了一个警世故事  As World Shuts Borders to Stop Omicron, Japan Offers a Cautionary Tale   2021-11-30 12:06
【商业】20年后的世界什么样?  What Will the World Be Like in 20 Years?   2021-11-30 02:35
【文化】12月佳片云集 这5部电影最值得期待!  5 films to watch this December   2021-11-29 16:37
【体育】被指帮助中国粉饰彭帅事件,国际奥委会遭抨击  In I.O.C.’s ‘Quiet Diplomacy,’ Critics See Whitewash of China’s Actions   2021-11-29 10:38
【新闻】Quora精选:怎样区分英国人、法国人和德国人?     2021-11-28 08:00
【新闻】谈恋爱,双方年龄差多少合适?这个理论认为……  What’s the best age gap in a relationship?   2021-11-27 09:00
【经济】韩国首尔推出“10分钟城市”社区项目  Plans unveiled for high-tech '10-minute city' in Seoul   2021-11-26 15:51
【新闻】台海问题与中国影响力:详解所罗门群岛骚乱  Protests Rock Solomon Islands: Here’s What’s Behind the Unrest   2021-11-26 12:01
【新闻】“NFT”当选《柯林斯词典》2021年度词汇  'NFT' Named 'Word of the Year' for 2021   2021-11-26 08:00
【文化】2021年《纽约时报》/纽约公共图书馆最佳儿童绘本  The 2021 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Bo   2021-11-26 04:18
【文化】盘点:最经典的6部感恩节电影  6 best Thanksgiving movies of all time   2021-11-25 15:22
【新闻】新冠促进全球移民变革,发达国家开启人才争夺战  Contending With the Pandemic, Wealthy Nations Wage Global Battle for Migrants   2021-11-25 10:37
【新闻】德国新总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨:下一个默克尔?  He Convinced Voters He Would Be Like Merkel. But Who Is Olaf Scholz?   2021-11-25 05:10
【新闻】拜登之子参与创办的公司如何帮助中国获得钴矿  How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese   2021-11-25 04:06
【健康】研究:常做家务的人老了以后身体更健康  Housework may promote health in old age, study suggests   2021-11-24 14:25
【新闻】公共场合戴发卷:韩国女性对传统观念说“不”  Hair Curlers in Public? That’s Just How They Roll.   2021-11-24 05:07
【商业】彭帅事件是否会波及奥运赞助商?  Will Olympics Sponsors Face Blowback Over Peng Shuai?   2021-11-24 02:45
【新闻】法国将禁止宠物店销售猫狗  France to ban sales of dogs and cats at pet shops   2021-11-23 15:25
【新闻】当中企成为“赢家”:中美钴矿争夺战(下)  A Power Struggle Over Cobalt Rattles the Clean Energy Revolution   2021-11-23 11:05

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