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【新闻】研究称中国若放弃“清零”,每日新增病例或超63万  China defends its zero-tolerance approach to the virus.   2021-11-30 12:08
  Even before concerns about the new Omicron variant arose, China had refused calls to loosen its border restrictions, which are among the strictest in the world.

【新闻】关闭边境应对奥密克戎?日本提供了一个警世故事  As World Shuts Borders to Stop Omicron, Japan Offers a Cautionary Tale   2021-11-30 12:06
  TOKYO — With the emergence of the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus late last week, countries across the globe rushed to close their borders to travelers from southern Africa, even in the absence of scientific information about whether such measures were necessary or likely to be effective in stopping the virus’s spread.

【商业】20年后的世界什么样?  What Will the World Be Like in 20 Years?   2021-11-30 02:35
  This article is part of our latest DealBook special report on the trends that will shape the coming decades.

【文化】12月佳片云集 这5部电影最值得期待!  5 films to watch this December   2021-11-29 16:37
  Spider-Man: No Way Home

【体育】被指帮助中国粉饰彭帅事件,国际奥委会遭抨击  In I.O.C.’s ‘Quiet Diplomacy,’ Critics See Whitewash of China’s Actions   2021-11-29 10:38
  The International Olympic Committee was under siege.

【新闻】Quora精选:怎样区分英国人、法国人和德国人?     2021-11-28 08:00
  获得29.2k好评的回答@Shanti Vanderborght:

【新闻】谈恋爱,双方年龄差多少合适?这个理论认为……  What’s the best age gap in a relationship?   2021-11-27 09:00
  An often-asserted rule of thumb to determine whether an age difference is socially acceptable holds that a person should never date someone whose age is less than half their own plus seven years.一种流传很广的理论认为,社会普遍能接受的年龄差是年纪小的一方不小于年纪大的一方年龄的一半加上7。

【经济】韩国首尔推出“10分钟城市”社区项目  Plans unveiled for high-tech '10-minute city' in Seoul   2021-11-26 15:51
  The idea of a "15-minute city," in which residents can all reach work and leisure facilities within a quarter-hour walk -- or cycle -- of their homes, has gained significant traction among urban planners during the Covid-19 pandemic.

【新闻】台海问题与中国影响力:详解所罗门群岛骚乱  Protests Rock Solomon Islands: Here’s What’s Behind the Unrest   2021-11-26 12:01
  MELBOURNE, Australia — Protests rocked the capital of the Solomon Islands on Thursday for the second straight day as people clashed with the police and demanded that Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare resign. Some set buildings ablaze and looted stores.

【新闻】“NFT”当选《柯林斯词典》2021年度词汇  'NFT' Named 'Word of the Year' for 2021   2021-11-26 08:00
  “NFT” is 2021’s "Word of the Year," Collins Dictionary announced Wednesday.11月24日,《柯林斯词典》宣布“NFT(非同质化代币)”成为2021年“年度词汇”。
  NFT is an abbreviation for non-fungible token, which according to the dictionary is “a unique digital certificate, registered in a blockchain, that is used to record ownership of an asset such as an artwork or a collectible.”NFT是non-fungible token的缩写,据《柯林斯词典》解释,这个词指的是“在区块链中注册的唯一数字证书,用于记录艺术品或收藏品等资产的所有权。”

【文化】2021年《纽约时报》/纽约公共图书馆最佳儿童绘本  The 2021 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Bo   2021-11-26 04:18
  Since 1952, we’ve convened a rotating annual panel of three expert judges who consider every illustrated children’s book published that year in the United States. In 2017, we began partnering with the New York Public Library to administer the honor now called The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award.

【文化】盘点:最经典的6部感恩节电影  6 best Thanksgiving movies of all time   2021-11-25 15:22
  A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

【新闻】新冠促进全球移民变革,发达国家开启人才争夺战  Contending With the Pandemic, Wealthy Nations Wage Global Battle for Migrants   2021-11-25 10:37
  As the global economy heats up and tries to put the pandemic aside, a battle for the young and able has begun. With fast-track visas and promises of permanent residency, many of the wealthy nations driving the recovery are sending a message to skilled immigrants all over the world: Help wanted. Now.

【新闻】德国新总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨:下一个默克尔?  He Convinced Voters He Would Be Like Merkel. But Who Is Olaf Scholz?   2021-11-25 05:10
  BERLIN — Olaf Scholz succeeded in his campaign to become the next chancellor of Germany primarily by convincing voters that he would be very much like the towering and long-serving figure he will replace: Angela Merkel.

【新闻】拜登之子参与创办的公司如何帮助中国获得钴矿  How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese   2021-11-25 04:06
  An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

【健康】研究:常做家务的人老了以后身体更健康  Housework may promote health in old age, study suggests   2021-11-24 14:25
  Household chores might seem a drag, but researchers have suggested tasks like dusting, scrubbing floors and washing the windows might help adults to stay healthy into old age.

【新闻】公共场合戴发卷:韩国女性对传统观念说“不”  Hair Curlers in Public? That’s Just How They Roll.   2021-11-24 05:07
  SEOUL — In a subway car on a recent fall afternoon, seven young South Korean women stood quietly among a crowd of commuters. They wore seasonal jackets and wind breakers just like other passengers, but one accessory made them stand out: old-fashioned hair curlers locked tightly into their bangs.

【商业】彭帅事件是否会波及奥运赞助商?  Will Olympics Sponsors Face Blowback Over Peng Shuai?   2021-11-24 02:45
  Over the weekend, the International Olympic Committee drew criticism for saying it was reassured about the safety of the Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai, whose whereabouts have been a mystery since she accused a former government official of sexual assault. The I.O.C.’s statement, which didn’t mention the accusations, did little to quell the controversy — and now, a little more than two months before the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the event’s sponsors face tough questions of their own.


【新闻】法国将禁止宠物店销售猫狗  France to ban sales of dogs and cats at pet shops   2021-11-23 15:25
  France will ban pet shops from selling dogs and cats from 2024 as part of efforts to prevent abandonment.

【新闻】当中企成为“赢家”:中美钴矿争夺战(下)  A Power Struggle Over Cobalt Rattles the Clean Energy Revolution   2021-11-23 11:05
  Read Part One Here.

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