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【商业】尿素短缺冲击全球经济,或将推高世界各地食品价格  This Chemical Is in Short Supply, and the Whole World Feels It   2021-12-09 12:05
【新闻】潘通发布2022年度色彩:仙女紫  Pantone unveils Color of the Year for 2022   2021-12-09 10:50
【健康】科学家研发实验性口香糖,或可减少新冠病毒传播  Could a Chewing Gum Reduce COVID-19 Spread? Researchers Believe It Can   2021-12-09 08:00
【新闻】美国众议院通过法案,全面禁止进口新疆产品  House Votes to Impose Forced Labor Ban on Goods Made in Xinjiang   2021-12-09 04:03
【新闻】报告:美国是全球塑料垃圾最大来源国  'Deluge of plastic waste’: US is world’s biggest plastic polluter   2021-12-08 15:39
【新闻】缅甸民主运动已不再需要昂山素季?  Aung San Suu Kyi Falls, but Myanmar’s Democratic Hopes Move On   2021-12-08 09:00
【商业】微软从中国黑客组织手中夺取42个网站  Microsoft Seizes 42 Websites From a Chinese Hacking Group   2021-12-07 10:52
【健康】早期研究显示奥密克戎致病症状可能较轻  Omicron Is Fast Moving, but Perhaps Less Severe, Early Reports Suggest   2021-12-07 04:48
【新闻】中国如何为1.6亿儿童接种新冠疫苗  In Its War on Covid-19, China Calls on ‘Little Inoculated Warriors’   2021-12-07 02:39
【体育】2022年北京冬奥会竞赛项目指南  A Brief Guide to Every Sport at the Winter Olympics   2021-12-06 05:59
【商业】中国游客回归遥遥无期,全球旅游业难以复苏  When the Biggest Spenders Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon   2021-12-06 02:57
【体育】国际奥委会称与彭帅第二次视频通话  I.O.C. Says It Held Second Call With Peng Shuai   2021-12-03 11:34
【健康】为什么喝咖啡会让你“便意盎然”  Why Does Coffee Make Me Poop?   2021-12-03 05:26
【文化】2021年人们最常用的表情符号是哪个?  The Year in Emojis   2021-12-03 02:03
【商业】特斯拉,助力中国电动汽车弯道超车的“搅局者”  In China, Tesla Is a Catfish, and Turns Auto Companies Into Sharks   2021-12-01 09:31
【新闻】为啥一到冬天起床就特别困难?真不是因为懒  Have a hard time waking up when it’s cold out? Scientists say blame your brain   2021-12-01 08:00
【文化】《纽约时报》2021年度十大好书  The 10 Best Books of 2021   2021-12-01 05:45
【新闻】她为了自由逃离朝鲜,却成为朝韩间谍战的一枚棋子  She Fled North Korea for Freedom. Then She Was Arrested.   2021-12-01 05:12
【健康】奥密克戎已蔓延20余国,“入侵”欧洲时间比已知更早  Omicron Variant, in at Least 20 Nations, Spread Earlier Than Was Known   2021-12-01 03:25
【新闻】“疫苗(vaccine)”当选《韦氏词典》2021年度词汇  Merriam Webster's 2021 word of the year is ...   2021-11-30 15:36

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